#!/usr/bin/env seiscomp-python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) GFZ Potsdam # # All rights reserved. # # # # GNU Affero General Public License Usage # # This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero # # Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation # # and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this # # file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero # # Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: # # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html. # ############################################################################ import sys import subprocess import traceback from seiscomp import (client, core, datamodel, logging, seismology, system, math) class VoiceAlert(client.Application): def __init__(self, argc, argv): client.Application.__init__(self, argc, argv) self.setMessagingEnabled(True) self.setDatabaseEnabled(True, True) self.setLoadRegionsEnabled(True) self.setMessagingUsername("") self.setPrimaryMessagingGroup(client.Protocol.LISTENER_GROUP) self.addMessagingSubscription("EVENT") self.addMessagingSubscription("LOCATION") self.addMessagingSubscription("MAGNITUDE") self.setAutoApplyNotifierEnabled(True) self.setInterpretNotifierEnabled(True) self.setLoadCitiesEnabled(True) self.setLoadRegionsEnabled(True) self._ampType = "snr" self._citiesMaxDist = 20 self._citiesMinPopulation = 50000 self._cache = None self._eventDescriptionPattern = None self._ampScript = None self._alertScript = None self._eventScript = None self._ampProc = None self._alertProc = None self._eventProc = None self._newWhenFirstSeen = False self._prevMessage = {} self._agencyIDs = [] def createCommandLineDescription(self): self.commandline().addOption( "Generic", "first-new", "calls an event a new event when it is " "seen the first time") self.commandline().addGroup("Alert") self.commandline().addStringOption( "Alert", "amp-type", "specify the amplitude type to listen to", self._ampType) self.commandline().addStringOption( "Alert", "amp-script", "specify the script to be called when a " "stationamplitude arrived, network-, stationcode and amplitude are " "passed as parameters $1, $2 and $3") self.commandline().addStringOption( "Alert", "alert-script", "specify the script to be called when a " "preliminary origin arrived, latitude and longitude are passed as " "parameters $1 and $2") self.commandline().addStringOption( "Alert", "event-script", "specify the script to be called when an " "event has been declared; the message string, a flag (1=new event, " "0=update event), the EventID, the arrival count and the magnitude " "(optional when set) are passed as parameter $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5") self.commandline().addGroup("Cities") self.commandline().addStringOption( "Cities", "max-dist", "maximum distance for using the distance " "from a city to the earthquake") self.commandline().addStringOption( "Cities", "min-population", "minimum population for a city to " "become a point of interest") self.commandline().addGroup("Debug") self.commandline().addStringOption( "Debug", "eventid,E", "specify Event ID") return True def init(self): if not client.Application.init(self): return False try: self._newWhenFirstSeen = self.configGetBool("firstNew") except BaseException: pass try: agencyIDs = self.configGetStrings("agencyIDs") for item in agencyIDs: item = item.strip() if item not in self._agencyIDs: self._agencyIDs.append(item) except BaseException: pass try: if self.commandline().hasOption("first-new"): self._newWhenFirstSeen = True except BaseException: pass try: self._eventDescriptionPattern = self.configGetString("poi.message") except BaseException: pass try: self._citiesMaxDist = self.configGetDouble("poi.maxDist") except BaseException: pass try: self._citiesMaxDist = self.commandline().optionDouble("max-dist") except BaseException: pass try: self._citiesMinPopulation = self.configGetInt("poi.minPopulation") except BaseException: pass try: self._citiesMinPopulation = self.commandline().optionInt("min-population") except BaseException: pass try: self._ampType = self.commandline().optionString("amp-type") except BaseException: pass try: self._ampScript = self.commandline().optionString("amp-script") except BaseException: try: self._ampScript = self.configGetString("scripts.amplitude") except BaseException: logging.warning("No amplitude script defined") if self._ampScript: self._ampScript = system.Environment.Instance().absolutePath(self._ampScript) try: self._alertScript = self.commandline().optionString("alert-script") except BaseException: try: self._alertScript = self.configGetString("scripts.alert") except BaseException: logging.warning("No alert script defined") if self._alertScript: self._alertScript = system.Environment.Instance( ).absolutePath(self._alertScript) try: self._eventScript = self.commandline().optionString("event-script") except BaseException: try: self._eventScript = self.configGetString("scripts.event") logging.info( "Using event script: %s" % self._eventScript) except BaseException: logging.warning("No event script defined") if self._eventScript: self._eventScript = system.Environment.Instance() \ .absolutePath(self._eventScript) logging.info("Creating ringbuffer for 100 objects") if not self.query(): logging.warning( "No valid database interface to read from") self._cache = datamodel.PublicObjectRingBuffer( self.query(), 100) if self._ampScript and self.connection(): self.connection().subscribe("AMPLITUDE") if self._newWhenFirstSeen: logging.info( "A new event is declared when I see it the first time") if not self._agencyIDs: logging.info("agencyIDs: []") else: logging.info( "agencyIDs: %s" % (" ".join(self._agencyIDs))) return True def printUsage(self): print('''Usage: scvoice [options] Alert the user acoustically in real time. ''') client.Application.printUsage(self) print('''Examples: Execute scvoice on command line with debug output scvoice --debug ''') def run(self): try: try: eventID = self.commandline().optionString("eventid") event = self._cache.get(datamodel.Event, eventID) if event: self.notifyEvent(event) except BaseException: pass return client.Application.run(self) except BaseException: info = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) for i in info: sys.stderr.write(i) return False def runAmpScript(self, net, sta, amp): if not self._ampScript: return if self._ampProc is not None: if self._ampProc.poll() is None: logging.warning( "AmplitudeScript still in progress -> skipping message") return try: self._ampProc = subprocess.Popen( [self._ampScript, net, sta, "%.2f" % amp]) logging.info( "Started amplitude script with pid %d" % self._ampProc.pid) except BaseException: logging.error( "Failed to start amplitude script '%s'" % self._ampScript) def runAlert(self, lat, lon): if not self._alertScript: return if self._alertProc is not None: if self._alertProc.poll() is None: logging.warning( "AlertScript still in progress -> skipping message") return try: self._alertProc = subprocess.Popen( [self._alertScript, "%.1f" % lat, "%.1f" % lon]) logging.info( "Started alert script with pid %d" % self._alertProc.pid) except BaseException: logging.error( "Failed to start alert script '%s'" % self._alertScript) def handleMessage(self, msg): try: dm = core.DataMessage.Cast(msg) if dm: for att in dm: org = datamodel.Origin.Cast(att) if not org: continue try: if org.evaluationStatus() == datamodel.PRELIMINARY: self.runAlert(org.latitude().value(), org.longitude().value()) except BaseException: pass #ao = datamodel.ArtificialOriginMessage.Cast(msg) # if ao: # org = ao.origin() # if org: # self.runAlert(org.latitude().value(), org.longitude().value()) # return client.Application.handleMessage(self, msg) except BaseException: info = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) for i in info: sys.stderr.write(i) def addObject(self, parentID, arg0): #pylint: disable=W0622 try: obj = datamodel.Amplitude.Cast(arg0) if obj: if obj.type() == self._ampType: logging.debug("got new %s amplitude '%s'" % ( self._ampType, obj.publicID())) self.notifyAmplitude(obj) obj = datamodel.Origin.Cast(arg0) if obj: self._cache.feed(obj) logging.debug("got new origin '%s'" % obj.publicID()) try: if obj.evaluationStatus() == datamodel.PRELIMINARY: self.runAlert(obj.latitude().value(), obj.longitude().value()) except BaseException: pass return obj = datamodel.Magnitude.Cast(arg0) if obj: self._cache.feed(obj) logging.debug( "got new magnitude '%s'" % obj.publicID()) return obj = datamodel.Event.Cast(arg0) if obj: org = self._cache.get( datamodel.Origin, obj.preferredOriginID()) agencyID = org.creationInfo().agencyID() logging.debug("got new event '%s'" % obj.publicID()) if not self._agencyIDs or agencyID in self._agencyIDs: self.notifyEvent(obj, True) except BaseException: info = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) for i in info: sys.stderr.write(i) def updateObject(self, parentID, arg0): try: obj = datamodel.Event.Cast(arg0) if obj: org = self._cache.get(datamodel.Origin, obj.preferredOriginID()) agencyID = org.creationInfo().agencyID() logging.debug("update event '%s'" % obj.publicID()) if not self._agencyIDs or agencyID in self._agencyIDs: self.notifyEvent(obj, False) except BaseException: info = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) for i in info: sys.stderr.write(i) def notifyAmplitude(self, amp): self.runAmpScript(amp.waveformID().networkCode(), amp.waveformID().stationCode(), amp.amplitude().value()) def notifyEvent(self, evt, newEvent=True): try: org = self._cache.get(datamodel.Origin, evt.preferredOriginID()) if not org: logging.warning("unable to get origin %s, ignoring event " "message" % evt.preferredOriginID()) return preliminary = False try: if org.evaluationStatus() == datamodel.PRELIMINARY: preliminary = True except BaseException: pass if not preliminary: nmag = self._cache.get( datamodel.Magnitude, evt.preferredMagnitudeID()) if nmag: mag = nmag.magnitude().value() mag = "magnitude %.1f" % mag else: if len(evt.preferredMagnitudeID()) > 0: logging.warning( "unable to get magnitude %s, ignoring event " "message" % evt.preferredMagnitudeID()) else: logging.warning( "no preferred magnitude yet, ignoring event message") return # keep track of old events if self._newWhenFirstSeen: if evt.publicID() in self._prevMessage: newEvent = False else: newEvent = True dsc = seismology.Regions.getRegionName( org.latitude().value(), org.longitude().value()) if self._eventDescriptionPattern: try: city, dist, _ = self.nearestCity( org.latitude().value(), org.longitude().value(), self._citiesMaxDist, self._citiesMinPopulation) if city: dsc = self._eventDescriptionPattern region = seismology.Regions.getRegionName( org.latitude().value(), org.longitude().value()) distStr = str(int(math.deg2km(dist))) dsc = dsc.replace("@region@", region).replace( "@dist@", distStr).replace("@poi@", city.name()) except BaseException: pass logging.debug("desc: %s" % dsc) dep = org.depth().value() now = core.Time.GMT() otm = org.time().value() dt = (now - otm).seconds() # if dt > dtmax: # return if dt > 3600: dt = "%d hours %d minutes ago" % (dt/3600, (dt % 3600)/60) elif dt > 120: dt = "%d minutes ago" % (dt/60) else: dt = "%d seconds ago" % dt if preliminary: message = "earthquake, preliminary, %%s, %s" % dsc else: message = "earthquake, %%s, %s, %s, depth %d kilometers" % ( dsc, mag, int(dep+0.5)) # at this point the message lacks the "ago" part if evt.publicID() in self._prevMessage and \ self._prevMessage[evt.publicID()] == message: logging.info("Suppressing repeated message '%s'" % message) return self._prevMessage[evt.publicID()] = message message = message % dt # fill the "ago" part logging.info(message) if not self._eventScript: return if self._eventProc is not None: if self._eventProc.poll() is None: logging.warning( "EventScript still in progress -> skipping message") return try: param2 = 0 param3 = 0 param4 = "" if newEvent: param2 = 1 org = self._cache.get( datamodel.Origin, evt.preferredOriginID()) if org: try: param3 = org.quality().associatedPhaseCount() except BaseException: pass nmag = self._cache.get( datamodel.Magnitude, evt.preferredMagnitudeID()) if nmag: param4 = "%.1f" % nmag.magnitude().value() self._eventProc = subprocess.Popen( [self._eventScript, message, "%d" % param2, evt.publicID(), "%d" % param3, param4]) logging.info( "Started event script with pid %d" % self._eventProc.pid) except BaseException: logging.error( "Failed to start event script '%s %s %d %d %s'" % ( self._eventScript, message, param2, param3, param4)) except BaseException: info = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) for i in info: sys.stderr.write(i) app = VoiceAlert(len(sys.argv), sys.argv) sys.exit(app())