import re """ Plugin handler for the miscScript plugin. """ class SeedlinkPluginHandler: # Create defaults def __init__(self): self.instances = {} def push(self, seedlink): sta = seedlink.param("") try: key = sta + "." + str(self.instances[sta]) self.instances[sta] += 1 except KeyError: key = sta + ".0" self.instances[sta] = 1 # Check and set defaults try: seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.script_path") except: seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.script_path", "") try: seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.script_args") except: seedlink.setParam( "sources.miscScript.script_args", "default" ) # If no argument, set 'default' try: seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.proc") except: seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.proc", "auto") try: seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.sample_frequency") except: seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.sample_frequency", "1") freq = seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.sample_frequency") if re.match("[0-9]+$", freq) != None: seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.sample_period", str(1.0 / int(freq))) else: res = re.match("([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$", freq) if res != None: seedlink.setParam( "sources.miscScript.sample_period", str(float( / float(, ) else: print("Sample frequency invalid !!!") raise Exception try: seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.channels") except: seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.channels", "HHZ,HHN,HHE") splitted_chans = seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.channels").split(",") seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.channelsNumber", len(splitted_chans)) try: seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.flush_period") except: seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.flush_period", "0") ##### Auto-generate proc conf and channel/source_id mapping if seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.proc") == "auto": seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.proc", "auto:miscScript_%s" % key) trees = "" channels = "" idx = 0 for chan in splitted_chans: chan = chan.strip() if chan == "none": idx += 1 continue elif len(chan) == 3: location_val = "00" stream_val = chan[0:2] channel_val = chan[2] elif len(chan) == 5: location_val = chan[0:2] stream_val = chan[2:4] channel_val = chan[4] else: print("Invalid channel name") raise Exception trees += " \n" trees += """ \n""".format( idx, channel_val, location_val, seedlink.param("sources.miscScript.sample_frequency"), ) trees += """ \n""".format(stream_val) trees += " \n" channels += "channel {} source_id={}\n".format(idx, idx) idx += 1 seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.trees", trees) seedlink.setParam("sources.miscScript.channels", channels) return key # Flush does nothing def flush(self, seedlink): pass