#========================================= # section name (do not remove) [Logging] #--- Device path and name of port for USB Seismometer Interface. type=string default=/dev/usbdev1.1 # If the specified port cannot be opened or is not a USB Seismometer Interface device, all available ports # will be scanned to find a USB Seismometer Interface device. # port_path_hint=$sources.minilogger.port_path_hint #--- Allow low-level setting of port interface attributes when available ports are scanned # to find a USB Seismometer Interface device, 0=NO, 1=Yes. type=int default=0 # Setting 1 (=Yes) may help successful detection and correct reading of the USB Seismometer Interface device, # particularly for the RasberryPi (to set correct baud rate?), # but can have adverse effects on other devices, terminals, etc. open on the system. # allow_set_interface_attribs=$sources.minilogger.allow_set_interface_attribs #--- Sets a fixed sample rate to report in the miniseed file header. type=real; default=-1 # The default (value < 0.0) sets an estimated sample rate based on recent packet start times. # This estimated sample rate will vary slightly over time, potentially producing errors in some # software when reading the miniseed files. # See also: [Station] nominal_sample_rate # # For SEISMOMETER INTERFACE (USB) (CODE: SEP 064) use: # nominal_sample_rate: mswrite_header_sample_rate # 20: 20.032 SPS # 40: 39.860 SPS # 80: 79.719 SPS # mswrite_header_sample_rate=$sources.minilogger.mswrite_header_sample_rate #--- SEED data encoding type for writing miniseed files. type=string; default=DE_INT32 # Supported values are: DE_INT16, DE_INT32 mswrite_data_encoding_type=DE_$sources.minilogger.mswrite_data_encoding_type #========================================= # section name (do not remove) [Station] #--- The code representing the network this station belongs to. type=string default=UK # station_network=$seedlink.station.network #--- Descriptive name for station. Used for AmaSeis server. type=string default=TEST # station_name=$seedlink.station.code #--- The initial letters to set for the miniseed header 'channel', will be prepended to the component. type=string default=BH # channel_prefix=$sources.minilogger.channel_prefix #--- Component of seismogram, one of Z, N or E. type=string default=Z # component=$sources.minilogger.component #--- Set sample rate and gain on SEP 064 device, 0=NO, 1=Yes. type=int default=0 #--- For SEISMOMETER INTERFACE (USB) (CODE: SEP 064) can be one of 20, 40 or 80 # # do_settings_sep064=$sources.minilogger.do_settings_sep064 #--- Nominal sample rate per second. type=int default=20 # See also: [Logging] mswrite_header_sample_rate # #--- For SEISMOMETER INTERFACE (USB) (CODE: SEP 064) can be one of 20, 40 or 80 # # nominal_sample_rate=$sources.minilogger.nominal_sample_rate #--- Nominal gain, one of 1, 2 or 4. type=int default=1 # #--- For SEISMOMETER INTERFACE (USB) (CODE: SEP 064) can be 1, 2 or 4: # '1': x1 = 0.64uV/count # '2': x2 = 0.32uV/count # '4': x2 = 0.32uV/count # nominal_gain=$sources.minilogger.nominal_gain