.. _global_hypo71: ###### Hypo71 ###### The traditional Hypo71PC locator with SeisComP. Description =========== The Hypo71 locator algorithm by Fred Klein locator (:cite:t:`lee-1975`) has been implemented into |scname| through the plugin mechanism. The plugin *hypo71* contains the LocatorInterface implementation for Hypo71. This plugin uses a slightly modified Hypo71 version from Alexandre Nercessian (IPGP) which allows negative earthquake depth (above sea level) and negative stations altitude (below sea level - OBS). The development of this plugin was co-financed by the European Union and `le Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du Logement `_ and developed by :cite:t:`ovsm` / :cite:t:`ipgp`. How it works ============ When receiving a list of arrivals to locate, the plugin builds a Hypo71 input file with informations from the station inventory and configured profile. It then runs Hypo71, reads the output file and sends the results (location, uncertainties, RMS, pick residuals ...) to |scname|. If several trial depths are configured, the plugin will run as many Hypo71 rushes as configured depths. Then all the results are read, and a decision is made on the best one, based on location RMS and uncertainty. A final run is then made with the best result depth as trial depth. Profiles ======== The plugin allows the user to set up as many profiles as needed. A profile contains all the information relative to the velocity model and Hypo71 iteration parameters. This allows the user to tune the behaviour of Hypo71 to what he needs. If no profiles are set-up, the plugin will use default Hypo71 profile, according to example shown in Hypo71 first publication. Some of this default Hypo71 parameters have been altered to allow more and finer iteration, since computer power is now far above what was available in the 1970's. Error measures ============== After running Hypo71, the output is converted into a |scname| origin (:term:`SCML`) object including some error measures. The following table shows how the Hypo71 error measures are mapped to the |scname| data model: ========================================================= ===================================================== |scname| Hypo71 ========================================================= ===================================================== Origin.latitude.uncertainty ERH/sqrt(2) Origin.longitude.uncertainty ERH/sqrt(2) Origin.depth.uncertainty ERZ Origin.originQuality.standardError _ Origin.originQuality.secondaryAzimuthalGap _ Origin.originQuality.usedStationCount usedStationCount Origin.originQuality.associatedStationCount associatedStationCount Origin.originQuality.associatedPhaseCount associatedPhaseCount Origin.originQuality.usedPhaseCount associatedPhaseCount Origin.originQuality.depthPhaseCount depthPhaseCount Origin.originQuality.minimumDistance km2deg(Tdist.front) Origin.originQuality.maximumDistance km2deg(Tdist.back) Origin.originQuality.medianDistance km2deg(~Tdist) Origin.originQuality.groundTruthLevel QUALITY Origin.originUncertainty.horizontalUncertainty _ Origin.originUncertainty.minHorizontalUncertainty _ Origin.originUncertainty.maxHorizontalUncertainty _ Origin.originUncertainty.azimuthMaxHorizontalUncertainty _ ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiMajorAxisLength _ ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiMinorAxisLength _ ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiIntermediateAxisLength _ ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisPlunge _ ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisAzimuth _ ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisRotation _ ========================================================= ===================================================== Plugin ====== The *hypo71* plugin is installed under :file:`share/plugins/hypo71.so`. It provides a new implementation of the LocatorInterface with the name Hypo71. To add the plugin to a module add it to the modules configuration, either :file:`modulename.cfg` or :file:`global.cfg`: .. code-block:: sh plugins = ${plugins}, hypo71 Basically it can be used by two |scname| modules: :ref:`screloc` and :ref:`scolv`. Output ====== All output is stored in the configured :confval:`HYPO71ROOT`. The following file are stored: - Input file (input) - Input configuration (.INP) - Hypo71 location header (.OUT) - Hypo71 location results (.PRT) - Hypo71 ZTR evalutation log (.LOG) In addition to the native Hypo71 outp ut a |scname| origin object is created and returned to the calling instance. Usually this object is then sent via messaging. In addition, the stdout output of the locator is redirected to |scname| output at INFO level. Each line is identified by leading "Hypo71PC:", e.g.: :: 12:02:25 [info] Hypo71PC: Date Heure Minute Seconde 12:02:25 [info] Hypo71PC: 90113 22 48 3.78 Nb Iterations : 3 To view this output on the command line add *--debug* to your application when executing on the command line. Increasing logging level of the module which executes the plugin allows to read the output in the log file: :: loggging.level = 3 Configuration example ===================== To add the plugin to an application such as scolv or screloc, add the plugin name to the list of plugins that are loaded (e.g. :file:`scolv.cfg`): .. code-block:: sh plugins = ${plugins}, hypo71 Futhermore add the plugin configuration (e.g. :file:`scolv.cfg`): .. code-block:: sh ######################################################## ############# Hypo71 plugin configuration ############## ######################################################## # Hypo71 input file to process (generated by plugin) hypo71.inputFile = @DATADIR@/hypo71/HYPO71.INP # Hypo71 log file to store ZTR calculation and final results hypo71.logFile = @LOGDIR@/HYPO71.LOG # Hypo71 output file to read results from (generated by binary) hypo71.outputFile = @DATADIR@/hypo71/HYPO71.PRT # Hypo71 script called by plugin hypo71.hypo71ScriptFile = @DATADIR@/hypo71/run.sh # Hypo71 default profile hypo71.defaultControlFile = @DATADIR@/hypo71/profiles/default.hypo71.conf # Hypo71 origin patternID hypo71.publicID = Hypo71.@time/%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f@.@id@ # Should we use the custom patternID ? hypo71.useHypo71PatternID = false # Hypo71 custom profiles examples hypo71.profiles = ModelA hypo71.profile.ModelA.earthModelID = "My Velocity Model A" hypo71.profile.ModelA.methodID = Hypo71PC hypo71.profile.ModelA.controlFile = @DATADIR@/hypo71/profiles/profile.a.conf Verify that everything is properly set up in the script :file:`@DATADIR@/hypo71/run.sh` .. code-block:: sh #!/bin/bash HYPO71PC_BINARY=Hypo71PC HYPO71PC_HOME=`dirname $0` # Jumping into the right directory cd ${HYPO71PC_HOME}/ # Executing binary with input file as argument ${SEISCOMP_ROOT}/bin/$HYPO71PC_BINARY < input Verify that everything is properly set up in the file :file:`${SEISCOMP_ROOT}/share/hypo71/input` .. code-block:: sh HYPO71.INP HYPO71.PRT HYPO71.OUT .. important :: There must be 3 blank lines at the end of the :file:`input` file, those are not to be removed. Finally set-up your Hypo71 profile (e.g. :file:`${SEISCOMP_ROOT}/share/hypo71/profiles/profile.a.conf`) .. code-block:: sh ############################################################ ## HYPO71 SeisComP Plugin ## ## @OVSM-IPGP ## ## ## ############################################################ ## This profile is based on Dorel velocity model for French Antilles ## It allows several iterations at different starting depth for deep and crustal earthquakes ############## # Reset List # ############## TEST(01) = .1 # sec # cutoff RMS value under which Jeffrey's weghting of residuals is not used TEST(02) = 50. # km # TEST(03) = 0.2 # critical F-value for the stepwise multiple regression TEST(04) = .01 # km # adjustment value under which Geiger's iteration is terminated TEST(05) = 5. # km # focal-depth value above which DZ is rest to DZ / (K+1) TEST(06) = 4. # regression TEST(03)/TEST(06) coefficient value if no significant variable is found in the stepwise multiple regression TEST(10) = 2. # km # coefficient value J = D/TEST(10) used for resetting DX and DY TEST(11) = 999. # maximum number of iterations in the hypocentral adjustment TEST(12) = .5 # coefficient value DZ = -Z*TEST(12) used for resetting DZ when hypocenter is placed in the air TEST(13) = 1. # km # standard error value of hypocentral optionally calculated RMS ## The following values are only available with the Hypo71PC version modified by Alexandre Nercessian (IPGP) which is included with this plugin TEST(15) = -2. # km # maximum altitude of earthquake in km (down is positive) TEST(20) = 1. # used altitude = read altitude * TEST(20) - for example, -2500 = -250 * 10 ###################### # Crustal Model List # ###################### CRUSTAL_VELOCITY_MODEL = 3.50, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 CRUSTAL_DEPTH_MODEL = 0.00, 3.00, 15.00, 30.00 ################ # Control Card # ################ # MANDATORY ZTR = 5, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200 # km # trial focus depth, at least two # MANDATORY XNEAR = 200. # km # distance from epicenter up to which the distance weighting is 1 # MANDATORY XFAR = 450. # km # distance from epicenter beyond which the distance weighting is 0 # MANDATORY POS = 1.76 # ratio of P-velocity to S-velocity KAZ = 1 # 1 or blank # apply azimuthal weighting of stations ? KSORT = 1 # 1 or blank # sort stations by distance in the output ? # Use the position obtained from the best ZTR value ? USE_TRIAL_POSITION = false #################### # Instruction Card # #################### KNST = 1 # use S data ? INST = 0 # fix depth ? ##################################### # Optionnal Weighting Look-Up Table # ##################################### # Uncomment if you want to disable dynamic weighting and use those uncertainties as # boundaries for weighting (e.g. a pick with +-0.02 will have a weight of 0) #WEIGHT_UNCERTAINTY_BOUNDARIES = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 Usage ===== Locator ------- The usage of the new Hypo71 plugin is straight forward. Once loaded successfully the new locator shows up in the lower left corners combo box. .. figure:: media/hypo71/locator_selection_small.png :align: center Select the new Hypo71 locator and a profile from the pre-configured list. .. figure:: media/hypo71/locator_profile_selection_small.png :align: center The Hypo71 implementation doesn't provide a virtual profile automatically but the plugins ships with some example profiles. If an origin has been relocated the method should be set to "Hypo71" and the earth model contains the name of the profile used to perform this localization. .. figure:: media/hypo71/origin_information.png :align: center Settings -------- The Hypo71 locator implementation supports to override configured settings or control parameters for a session. Those changes are not persistent and lost if the locator is changed to another one or the profile has been changed. To open the settings dialog press the button right to the locator selection combo box. .. figure:: media/hypo71/locator_settings.png :align: center Then the Hypo71 selected profile parameters show up. .. figure:: media/hypo71/hypo71_settings.png :align: center More ==== * Take a look at Fred Klein HYPOINVERSE Earthquake Location software (:cite:t:`klein-2002`), * Hypo71PC original manual and binary are available on USGS website (:cite:t:`lee-1975`). .. _global_hypo71_configuration: Module Configuration ==================== .. note:: **hypo71.\*** *General Hypo71 configuration parameters.* .. confval:: hypo71.logFile Default: ``@LOGDIR@/HYPO71.LOG`` Type: *string* Temporary file used by Hypo71 to store calculation logs. .. confval:: hypo71.inputFile Default: ``@DATADIR@/hypo71/HYPO71.INP`` Type: *string* Temporary file to write Hypo71 input data to. .. confval:: hypo71.outputFile Default: ``@DATADIR@/hypo71/HYPO71.PRT`` Type: *string* Temporary output file to read Hypo71 location data from. .. confval:: hypo71.defaultControlFile Default: ``@DATADIR@/hypo71/profiles/default.hypo71.conf`` Type: *string* Hypo71 default profile. If no custom profile is specified, this profile will be used by the plugin when proceeding to a localization. .. confval:: hypo71.hypo71ScriptFile Default: ``@DATADIR@/hypo71/run.sh`` Type: *string* Bash script executed when calling the Hypo71 locator plugin for locating the earthquake. .. confval:: hypo71.profiles Type: *list:string* Hypo71 profile name. Multiples names may be set. They must be separated by comma. Each profile can have different velocity or parameters. .. confval:: hypo71.publicID Type: *string* Custom patternID to use when generating origin publicID .. confval:: hypo71.useHypo71PatternID Type: *boolean* Specifies if the given publicD should be used for generating origin publicID .. note:: **hypo71.profile.\*** *Profiles containing the profile-specific velocity model and the Hypo71 parameters.* .. note:: **hypo71.profile.$name.\*** $name is a placeholder for the name to be used and needs to be added to :confval:`hypo71.profiles` to become active. .. code-block:: sh hypo71.profiles = a,b hypo71.profile.a.value1 = ... hypo71.profile.b.value1 = ... # c is not active because it has not been added # to the list of hypo71.profiles hypo71.profile.c.value1 = ... .. confval:: hypo71.profile.$name.earthModelID Type: *string* Profile's velocity model name. .. confval:: hypo71.profile.$name.methodID Default: ``Hypo71`` Type: *string* Profile's method. It is generally the locator's name \(Hypo71\). .. confval:: hypo71.profile.$name.controlFile Type: *string* File containing the profile parameters. .. confval:: hypo71.profile.$name.fixStartDepthOnly Default: ``false`` Type: *boolean* If the depth is requested to be fixed \(e.g. by ticking the option in scolv\) the plugin performs only one location starting at specified depth but with free depth evaluation. This option defines whether it should really fix the depth \(false\) or use this fixed depth only as starting point \(true\).