from __future__ import print_function import os, string, time, re, glob, shutil, sys, imp, resource import seiscomp.kernel, seiscomp.config try: import seiscomp.system hasSystem = True except: hasSystem = False try: import seiscomp.datamodel import dbAvailable = True except: dbAvailable = False ''' NOTE: The plugin to be used for a station of configured with: plugin = [type] All plugin specific parameters are stored in plugin.[type].*. All parameters from seedlink.cfg are not prefixed with "seedlink.". Local parameters that are created from seedlink.cfg parameters are prefixed with "seedlink.". NOTE2: Support a database connection to get station descriptions. ''' def _loadDatabase(dbUrl): """ Load inventory from a database, but only down to the station level. """ m = re.match("(?P^.*):\/\/(?P.+?:.+?@.+?\/.+$)", dbUrl) if not m: raise Exception("error in parsing SC3 DB URL") db = m.groupdict() try: registry = seiscomp.system.PluginRegistry.Instance() registry.addPluginName("db" + db["dbDriverName"]) registry.loadPlugins() except Exception as e: raise(e) ### "Cannot load database driver: %s" % e) dbDriver =["dbDriverName"]) if dbDriver is None: raise Exception("Cannot find database driver " + db["dbDriverName"]) if not dbDriver.connect(db["dbAddress"]): raise Exception("Cannot connect to database at " + db["dbAddress"]) dbQuery = seiscomp.datamodel.DatabaseQuery(dbDriver) if dbQuery is None: raise Exception("Cannot get DB query object") print(" Loading inventory from database ... ", file=sys.stderr) inventory = seiscomp.datamodel.Inventory() dbQuery.loadNetworks(inventory) for ni in range(inventory.networkCount()): dbQuery.loadStations( print("Done.", file=sys.stderr) return inventory def _loadStationDescriptions(inv): """From an inventory, prepare a dictionary of station code descriptions. In theory, we should only use stations with current time windows. """ d = dict() for ni in range(inv.networkCount()): n = net = n.code() if net not in d: d[net] = {} for si in range(n.stationCount()): s = n.station(si) sta = s.code() d[net][sta] = s.description() try: end = s.end() except: # ValueException ??? end = None #print "Found in inventory:", net, sta, end, s.description() return d class TemplateModule(seiscomp.kernel.Module): def __init__(self, env): seiscomp.kernel.Module.__init__(self, env, env.moduleName(__file__)) self.pkgroot = self.env.SEISCOMP_ROOT cfg = seiscomp.config.Config() # Defaults Global + App Cfg cfg.readConfig(os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "etc", "defaults", "global.cfg")) cfg.readConfig(os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "etc", "defaults", + ".cfg")) # Config Global + App Cfg cfg.readConfig(os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "etc", "global.cfg")) cfg.readConfig(os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "etc", + ".cfg")) # User Global + App Cfg cfg.readConfig(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".seiscomp", "global.cfg")) cfg.readConfig(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".seiscomp", + ".cfg")) self.global_params = dict([(x, ",".join(cfg.getStrings(x))) for x in cfg.names()]) self.station_params = dict() self.plugin_dir = os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "share", "plugins", "seedlink") self.template_dir = os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "share", "templates", "seedlink") self.alt_template_dir = "" #os.path.join(self.env.home self.config_dir = os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "var", "lib", self.database_str = "" if "inventory_connection" in self.global_params: #WRONG self.database_str = cfg.getStrings("seedlink.readConnection") self.database_str = self.global_params["inventory_connection"] #self.database_str = cfg.getStrings("seedlink.database.type")+cfg.getStrings("seedlink.database.parameters") self.seedlink_station_descr = dict() self.rc_dir = os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "var", "lib", "rc") self.run_dir = os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "var", "run", self.bindings_dir = os.path.join(self.pkgroot, "etc", "key") self.key_dir = os.path.join(self.bindings_dir, = None self.sta = None def _read_station_config(self, cfg_file): cfg = seiscomp.config.Config() cfg.readConfig(os.path.join(self.key_dir, cfg_file)) self.station_params = dict([(x, ",".join(cfg.getStrings(x))) for x in cfg.names()]) #self.station_params_ex = dict(filter(lambda s: s[1].find("$") != -1, [(x, ",".join(cfg.getStrings(x))) for x in cfg.names()])) def _process_template(self, tpl_file, source=None, station_scope=True, print_error=True): tpl_paths = [] if source: tpl_paths.append(os.path.join(self.alt_template_dir, source)) tpl_paths.append(os.path.join(self.template_dir, source)) tpl_paths.append(self.alt_template_dir) tpl_paths.append(self.template_dir) params = self.global_params.copy() #params_ex = self.global_params_ex.copy() if station_scope: params.update(self.station_params) #params_ex.update(self.station_params_ex) params['pkgroot'] = self.pkgroot #for (p,v) in params_ex.items(): # try: # t2 = seiscomp.kernel.Template(v) # params[p] = t2.substitute(params) # # except (KeyError, ValueError): # pass return self.env.processTemplate(tpl_file, tpl_paths, params, print_error) def param(self, name, station_scope=True, print_warning=False): if station_scope: try: return self.station_params[name] except KeyError: pass else: try: return self.global_params[name] except KeyError: pass if print_warning: if station_scope: print("warning: parameter '%s' is not defined for station %s %s" % (name,, self.sta)) else: print("warning: parameter '%s' is not defined at global scope" % (name,)) raise KeyError def setParam(self, name, value, station_scope=True): self._set(name, value, station_scope) def _get(self, name, station_scope=True): try: return self.param(name, station_scope) except KeyError: return "" def _set(self, name, value, station_scope=True): if station_scope: self.station_params[name] = value else: self.global_params[name] = value class Module(TemplateModule): def __init__(self, env): TemplateModule.__init__(self, env) # Set kill timeout to 5 minutes self.killTimeout = 300 def _run(self): if self.env.syslog: daemon_opt = '-D ' else: daemon_opt = '' daemon_opt += "-v -f " + os.path.join(self.config_dir, "seedlink.ini") try: lim = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (lim[1], lim[1])) lim = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) print(" maximum number of open files set to", lim[0], file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: print(" failed to raise the maximum number open files:", str(e), file=sys.stderr) if "sequence_file_cleanup" in self.global_params: try: max_minutes = int(self.global_params["sequence_file_cleanup"]) if max_minutes > 0: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.run_dir, "*.seq")) for f in files: if (time.time()-os.path.getmtime(f))/60 >= max_minutes: print(" removing sequence file %s" % f, file=sys.stderr) os.remove(f) else: print(" sequence_file_cleanup disabled", file=sys.stderr) except ValueError: print(" sequence_file_cleanup parameter is not a number: '%s'" % str(self.global_params["sequence_file_cleanup"]), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return self.env.start(, self.env.binaryFile(, daemon_opt,\ not self.env.syslog) def _getPluginHandler(self, source_type): try: return self.plugins[source_type] except KeyError: path = os.path.join(self.template_dir, source_type, "") try: f = open(path, 'r') except: return None modname = '__seiscomp_seedlink_plugins_' + source_type if modname in sys.modules: mod = sys.modules[modname] else: # create a module mod = imp.new_module(modname) mod.__file__ = path # store it in sys.modules sys.modules[modname] = mod # our namespace is the module dictionary namespace = mod.__dict__ # test whether this has been done already if not hasattr(mod, 'SeedlinkPluginHandler'): code = # compile and exec dynamic code in the module exec(compile(code, '', 'exec'), namespace) mod = namespace.get('SeedlinkPluginHandler') handler = mod() self.plugins[source_type] = handler return handler def _generateStationForIni(self): ini = 'station %s description = "%s"\n' % \ (self._get(''), self._get('seedlink.station.description')) ini += ' name = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.code') ini += ' network = "%s"\n' % self._get('') if self._get('seedlink.station.access'): ini += ' access = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.access').replace(',',' ') if self._get('seedlink.station.blanks'): ini += ' blanks = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.blanks') if self._get('seedlink.station.encoding'): ini += ' encoding = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.encoding') if self._get('seedlink.station.buffers'): ini += ' buffers = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.buffers') if self._get('seedlink.station.segments'): ini += ' segments = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.segments') if self._get('seedlink.station.segsize'): ini += ' segsize = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.segsize') if self._get('seedlink.station.backfill_buffer'): ini += ' backfill_buffer = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.backfill_buffer') if self._get('seedlink.station.sproc'): ini += ' proc = "%s"\n' % self._get('seedlink.station.sproc') ini += '\n' return ini def __process_station(self, profile): if profile: self.station_config_file = "profile_%s" % (profile,) else: self.station_config_file = "station_%s_%s" % (, self.sta) self._read_station_config(self.station_config_file) # Generate plugin independent parameters self._set('', + '.' + self.sta) self._set('seedlink.station.code', self.sta) self._set('', self._set('seedlink.station.access', self._get('access')) self._set('seedlink.station.blanks', self._get('blanks')) self._set('seedlink.station.encoding', self._get('encoding')) self._set('seedlink.station.buffers', self._get('buffers')) self._set('seedlink.station.segments', self._get('segments')) self._set('seedlink.station.segsize', self._get('segsize')) self._set('seedlink.station.backfill_buffer', self._get('backfill_buffer')) self._set('seedlink.station.sproc', self._get('proc')) # Supply station description: # 1. try getting station description from a database # 2. read station description from seiscomp/var/lib/rc/station_NET_STA # 3. if not set, use the station code description = "" if len(self.seedlink_station_descr) > 0: try: description = self.seedlink_station_descr[][self.sta] except KeyError: pass if len(description) == 0: try: rc = seiscomp.config.Config() rc.readConfig(os.path.join(self.rc_dir, "station_%s_%s" % (, self.sta))) description = rc.getString("description") except Exception as e: # Maybe the rc file doesn't exist, maybe there's no readable description. pass if len(description) == 0: description = self.sta self._set('seedlink.station.description', description) self.station_count += 1 if self._last_net != print("+ network %s" % self._last_net = print(" + station %s %s" % (self.sta, description)) # If real-time simulation is activated do not parse the sources # and force the usage of the mseedfifo_plugin if self.msrtsimul: self._set('seedlink.station.sproc', '') self.seedlink_station[(, self.sta)] = self._generateStationForIni() self._getPluginHandler('mseedfifo') return for source_type in self._get('sources').split(','): if not source_type: continue source_alias = source_type toks = source_type.split(':') if len(toks) > 2: print("Error: invalid source identifier '%s', expected '[alias:]type'") continue elif len(toks) == 2: source_alias = toks[0] source_type = toks[1] # Plugins are outsourced to external handlers # that can be added with new plugins. # This requires a handler file: # share/templates/seedlink/$type/ pluginHandler = self._getPluginHandler(source_type) if pluginHandler is None: print("Error: no handler for plugin %s defined" % source_type) continue stat = source_type if source_alias != source_type: stat += " as " + source_alias print(" + source %s" % stat) # Backup original binding parameters station_params = self.station_params.copy() #station_params_ex = self.station_params_ex.copy() # Modify parameter set. Remove alias definition with type string if source_type != source_alias: tmp_dict = {} for x in self.station_params.keys(): if x.startswith('sources.%s.' % source_type): continue if x.startswith('sources.%s.' % source_alias): toks = x.split('.') toks[1] = source_type tmp_dict[".".join(toks)] = self.station_params[x] else: tmp_dict[x] = self.station_params[x] self.station_params = tmp_dict #tmp_dict = {} #for x in self.station_params_ex.keys(): # if x.startswith('sources.%s.' % source_type): continue # if x.startswith('sources.%s.' % source_alias): # toks = x.split('.') # toks[1] = source_type # tmp_dict[".".join(toks)] = self.station_params_ex[x] # else: # tmp_dict[x] = self.station_params_ex[x] #self.station_params_ex = tmp_dict # Create source entry that ends up in seedlink.ini as plugin try: source_dict = self.seedlink_source[source_type] except KeyError: source_dict = {} self.seedlink_source[source_type] = source_dict source_key = pluginHandler.push(self) if source_key is None: source_key = source_type else: source_key = (source_type, source_key) if source_key not in source_dict: source_id = source_type + str(len(source_dict)) else: (source_type, source_id) = source_dict[source_key][:2] # Update internal parameters usable by a template self._set('seedlink.source.type', source_type) self._set('', source_id) source_dict[source_key] = (source_type, source_id, self.global_params.copy(), self.station_params.copy()) # Create procs for this type for streams.xml sproc_name = self._get('sources.%s.proc' % (source_type)) if sproc_name: self.sproc_used = True sproc_filename = "streams_%s.tpl" % sproc_name.split(':')[0] sproc = self._process_template(sproc_filename, source_type, True, False) if sproc: self.sproc[sproc_name] = sproc else: print("WARNING: cannot find %s" % sproc_filename) # Read plugins.ini template for this source and store content # under the provided key for this binding plugin_ini = self._process_template("plugins.ini.tpl", source_type, True, False) if plugin_ini: self.plugins_ini[source_key] = plugin_ini templates = self._get('sources.%s.templates' % (source_type)) if templates: for t in templates.split(','): self.templates.add((t, source_type, 0)) # Allow plugin handler to override station id station_params[''] = self.station_params[''] # Set original parameters self.station_params = station_params # Add station procs sproc_name = self._get('proc') if sproc_name: self.sproc_used = True sproc_filename = "streams_%s.tpl" % sproc_name sproc = self._process_template(sproc_filename, None, True, False) if sproc: self.sproc[sproc_name] = sproc else: print("WARNING: cannot find %s" % sproc_filename) # Create station section for seedlink.ini self.seedlink_station[(, self.sta)] = self._generateStationForIni() def __load_stations(self): self.seedlink_source = {} self.seedlink_station = {} self.plugins_ini = {} self.sproc = {} self.plugins = {} self.sproc_used = False self.station_count = 0 if self.env.syslog: self._set('seedlink._daemon_opt', ' -D', False) else: self._set('seedlink._daemon_opt', '', False) self._set('seedlink.plugin_dir', self.plugin_dir, False) self._set('seedlink.config_dir', self.config_dir, False) self._set('seedlink.run_dir', self.run_dir, False) self._set('seedlink.filters', os.path.join(self.config_dir, "filters.fir"), False) self._set('seedlink.streams', os.path.join(self.config_dir, "streams.xml"), False) self.templates = set() self.templates.add(("backup_seqfiles", None, 0o755)) rx_binding = re.compile(r'(?P[A-Za-z0-9_\.-]+)(:(?P[A-Za-z0-9_-]+))?$') files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.bindings_dir, "station_*")) files.sort() self._last_net = "" for f in files: try: (path, net, sta) = f.split('_')[-3:] if not path.endswith("station"): print("invalid path", f) except ValueError: print("invalid path", f) continue = net self.sta = sta fd = open(f) line = fd.readline() while line: line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == '#': line = fd.readline() continue m = rx_binding.match(line) if not m: print("invalid binding in %s: %s" % (f, line)) line = fd.readline() continue if'module') != line = fd.readline() continue profile ='profile') self.__process_station(profile) break fd.close() def _set_default(self, name, value, station_scope = True): try: self.param(name, station_scope) except: self._set(name, value, station_scope) def supportsAliases(self): return True def requiresKernelModules(self): return False def updateConfig(self): # Set default values try: self._set_default("organization", self.env.getString("organization"), False) except: pass self._set_default("lockfile", os.path.join("@ROOTDIR@", self.env.lockFile(, False) self._set_default("filebase", os.path.join("@ROOTDIR@", "var", "lib",, "buffer"), False) self._set_default("port", "18000", False) self._set_default("encoding", "steim2", False) self._set_default("trusted", "", False) self._set_default("access", "", False) self._set_default("stream_check", "true", False) self._set_default("window_extraction", "true", False) self._set_default("window_extraction_trusted", "true", False) self._set_default("websocket", "false", False) self._set_default("websocket_trusted", "false", False) self._set_default("buffers", "100", False) self._set_default("segments", "50", False) self._set_default("segsize", "1000", False) self._set_default("gap_check_pattern", "", False) self._set_default("gap_treshold", "", False) self._set_default("info", "streams", False) self._set_default("info_trusted", "all", False) self._set_default("request_log", "true", False) self._set_default("proc_gap_warn", "10", False) self._set_default("proc_gap_flush", "100000", False) self._set_default("proc_gap_reset", "1000000", False) self._set_default("backfill_buffer", "0", False) self._set_default("seq_gap_limit", "100000", False) self._set_default("connections", "500", False) self._set_default("connections_per_ip", "20", False) self._set_default("bytespersec", "0", False) # This seedlink version expectes composed station ids: net.sta self._set("composed_station_id", "true", False) ## Expand the @Variables@ if hasSystem: e = seiscomp.system.Environment.Instance() self.setParam("filebase", e.absolutePath(self.param("filebase", False)), False) self.setParam("lockfile", e.absolutePath(self.param("lockfile", False)), False) else: self.setParam("filebase", self.param("filebase", False), False) self.setParam("lockfile", self.param("lockfile", False), False) if self._get("msrtsimul", False).lower() == "true": self.msrtsimul = True else: self.msrtsimul = False # Load custom stream processor definitions custom_procs = self._process_template("streams_custom.tpl", None, True, False) if custom_procs: self.sproc[""] = sproc # Load descriptions from inventory: if self.database_str: if dbAvailable == True: print(" Loading station descriptions from %s" % self.database_str, file=sys.stderr) inv = _loadDatabase(self.database_str) self.seedlink_station_descr = _loadStationDescriptions(inv) else: print(" Database configured but trunk is not installed", file=sys.stderr) self.seedlink_station_descr = dict() try: os.makedirs(self.config_dir) except: pass try: os.makedirs(self.run_dir) except: pass self.__load_stations() for p in self.plugins.values(): p.flush(self) if self.msrtsimul: self.seedlink_source['mseedfifo'] = {1:('mseedfifo',1,self.global_params.copy(),{})} if self._get("stream_check", False).lower() == "true": self._set("stream_check", "enabled", False) else: self._set("stream_check", "disabled", False) if self._get("window_extraction", False).lower() == "true": self._set("window_extraction", "enabled", False) else: self._set("window_extraction", "disabled", False) if self._get("window_extraction_trusted", False).lower() == "true": self._set("window_extraction_trusted", "enabled", False) else: self._set("window_extraction_trusted", "disabled", False) if self._get("websocket", False).lower() == "true": self._set("websocket", "enabled", False) else: self._set("websocket", "disabled", False) if self._get("websocket_trusted", False).lower() == "true": self._set("websocket_trusted", "enabled", False) else: self._set("websocket_trusted", "disabled", False) if self._get("request_log", False).lower() == "true": self._set("request_log", "enabled", False) else: self._set("request_log", "disabled", False) self._set("name",, False) fd = open(os.path.join(self.config_dir, "seedlink.ini"), "w") fd.write(self._process_template("seedlink_head.tpl", None, False)) if self.sproc_used: fd.write(self._process_template("seedlink_sproc.tpl", None, False)) for i in self.seedlink_source.values(): for (source_type, source_id, self.global_params, self.station_params) in i.values(): source = self._process_template("seedlink_plugin.tpl", source_type) if source: fd.write(source) fd.write(self._process_template("seedlink_station_head.tpl", None, False)) for k in sorted(self.seedlink_station.keys()): fd.write(self.seedlink_station[k]) fd.close() if self.plugins_ini: fd = open(os.path.join(self.config_dir, "plugins.ini"), "w") for i in self.plugins_ini.values(): fd.write(i) fd.close() else: # If no plugins.ini is not used remove it from previous runs try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.config_dir, "plugins.ini")) except: pass if self.sproc_used: fd = open(self._get('seedlink.streams', False), "w") fd.write('\n') for i in self.sproc.values(): fd.write(i) fd.write('\n') fd.close() fd = open(self._get('seedlink.filters', False), "w") fd.write(self._process_template("filters.fir.tpl", None, False)) fd.close() # If no stream procs are used, remove the generated files of a # previous run else: try: os.remove(self._get('seedlink.streams', False)) except: pass try: os.remove(self._get('seedlink.filters', False)) except: pass for (f, s, perm) in self.templates: fd = open(os.path.join(self.config_dir, f), "w") fd.write(self._process_template(f + '.tpl', s, False)) fd.close() if perm: os.chmod(os.path.join(self.config_dir, f), perm) return 0 def printCrontab(self): print("55 23 * * * %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % (os.path.join(self.config_dir, "backup_seqfiles"),))