seedlink Global options for the Q330 plugin UDP base port used when udp port is defined as "auto" Quanterra Q330 (UDP/IP) Hostname or IP. Source port to receive data packets. UDP port. Name of the proc object uniquely defined in a template file of the q330 plugin e.g. $SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/templates/seedlink/q330/streams_{name}.tpl. proc is used for processing, e.g. renaming or resampling of raw streams (streams submitted by a plugin as raw samples). The template file is used to generate $SEISCOMP_ROOT/var/lib/seedlink/streams.xml . Example template: $SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/templates/seedlink/q330/streams_q330_100.tpl If proc is not given, the streams are taken as provided by the DAS. Q330 dataport number (1-4). Q330 serial number (with 0x prefix). Q330 auth code (with 0x prefix).