SEP064 USB Seismometer Interface Device path and name of port for USB Seismometer Interface. If the specified port cannot be opened or is not a USB Seismometer Interface device, all available ports will be scanned. Allow low-level setting of port interface attributes when available ports are scanned to find a USB Seismometer Interface device, 0=NO, 1=Yes. Setting 1 (=Yes) may help successful detection and correct reading of the USB Seismometer Interface device, particularly for the RasberryPi, but can have adverse effects on other devices, terminals, etc. open on the system. Sets a fixed sample rate to report in the miniseed file header. The default (-1) sets an estimated sample rate based on recent packet start times. This estimated sample rate will vary slightly over time, potentially producing errors in some software when reading the miniseed files. See also: nominal_sample_rate SEED data encoding type for writing miniseed files. Supported values are: INT16, INT32, STEIM1, STEIM2 The initial letters to set for the miniseed header 'channel', will be prepended to the component. Component of seismogram, one of Z, N or E. Set sample rate and gain on SEP 064 device, 0=NO, 1=Yes. Nominal sample rate per second, one of 20, 40 or 80. Nominal gain, one of 1, 2 or 4.