Waveform parametrization module. The path to the processing info logfile. Defines the white- and blacklist of data streams to be used. The rules to decide if a stream is used or not are the following: 1. if whitelist is not empty and the stream is not on the whitelist, don't use it, ok otherwise 2. if blacklist is not empty and the stream is on the blacklist, don't use it, ok otherwise Both checks are made and combined with AND. Either whitelist or blacklist contains a list of patterns (wildcard allowed as * and ?), eg GE.*.*.*, *, GE.MORC.*.BH? Each stream id (NET.STA.LOC.CHA) will be checked against the defined patterns. The stream whitelist The stream blacklist Default value of total time window length in seconds if wfparam.magnitudeTimeWindowTable is not specified. This times window includes wfparam.preEventWindowLength. Magnitude dependent time window table. The format is "mag1:secs1, mag2:secs2, mag3:secs3". If a magnitude falls between two configured magnitudes the time window of the lower magnitude is used then. No interpolation is performed. Magnitude outside the configured range are clipped to the lowest/highest value. Example: "3:100, 4:200, 5:300" The pre event time window length in seconds. The maximum epicentral distance in km of a station being considered for processing. This value is used if wfparam.magnitudeDistanceTable is not specified. Analogue to wfparam.magnitudeTimeWindowTable but instead giving a time window, the distance in km is specified. Example: "3:400, 4:450, 5:500" Relative saturation threshold in percent. If the absolute raw amplitude exceeds X% of 2**23 counts the station will be excluded from processing. This assumes a 24bit datalogger. Specifies the STA length in seconds of the applied STA/LTA check. Specifies the LTA length in seconds of the applied STA/LTA check. Specifies the minimum STALTA ratio to be reached to further process a station. Specifies the number of seconds around P to be used to check the STA/LTA ratio. Defines the factor applied to the signigicant duration to define the processing spetra time window. If that value is <= 0 the totalTimeWindowLength is used. Specifies a list of damping values (in percent) for computation of the relative displacement elastic response spectrum. Example: "5,10,15" Specifies the number of natural periods for computation of the relative displacement elastic response spectrum between Tmin and Tmax. If fixed is given then a fixed list of periods is used. Defines if a linear spacing or logarithmic spacing between Tmin and Tmax is used. The default is a linear spacing. The logarithmic spacing will fail if either Tmin or Tmax is 0. Specifies the minimum period (Tmin) in seconds for computation of the relative displacement elastic response spectrum. Specifies the maximum period (Tmax) in seconds for computation of the relative displacement elastic response spectrum. Should the maximum period (Tmax) clipped against the configured filter lower corner frequency, the maximum of pd.loFreq or filter.loFreq. Enables/disables aftershock removal (Figini, 2006; Paolucci et al., 2008) Enables/disables pre-event cut-off. A hardcoded sta/lta algorithm (with sta=0.1s, lta=2s, sta/lta threshold=1.2) is run on the time window defined by (expected_P_arrival_time - 15 s). The pre-event window is hence defined as [t(sta/lta =1.2) - 15.5s, t(sta/lta =1.2) - 0.5s]. Magnitude dependent filter table. The format is "mag1:fmin1;fmax1, mag2:fmin2;fmax2, mag3:fmin3;fmax3". If a magnitude falls between two configured magnitudes the filter of the lower magnitude is then used. No interpolation takes place. Magnitude outside the configured range are clipped to the lowest/highest value. Frequency values are given as simple positive doubles (Hz is assumed) or with suffix "fNyquist" which is then multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency. Parameters of the 1st stage filter. Specifies the order of the 1st stage filter. Specifies the frequency of the 1st stage hi-pass filter. If this parameter is equal to 0 the hi-pass filter is not used. If suffix "fNyquist" is used then the value is multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency of the filter. Specifies the frequency of the 1st stage lo-pass filter. If this parameter is equal to 0 the lo-pass filter is not used. If suffix "fNyquist" is used then the value is multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency of the filter. Parameters of the post-deconvolution filter applied in the frequency domain. Specifies the order of the 2nd stage filter. Specifies the frequency of the 2nd stage hi-pass filter. If this parameter is equal to 0 the hi-pass filter is not used. If suffix "fNyquist" is used then the value is multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency of the filter. Specifies the frequency of the 2nd stage lo-pass filter. If this parameter is equal to 0 the lo-pass filter is not used. If suffix "fNyquist" is used then the value is multiplied by the Nyquist frequency of the data to get the final corner frequency of the filter. Enables/disables deconvolution. If a channel does not provide full response information it is not used for processing. Enables non-causal filtering in the frequency domain. Defines the cosine taper length in seconds if non-causal filters are activated applied on either side of the waveform. If a negative length is given 10 percent of the pre-event window length is used on either side of the waveform. The length of the zero padding window in seconds applied on either side of the waveform if non-causal filters are activated. If negative, it is computed following Boore (2005) as 1.5*order/corner_freq and applied half at the beginning and half at the end of the waveform. Specifies the interval in seconds to check/start scheduled operations. Specifies the maximum allowed idle time of a process before removed. The idle time is calculated if no further processing is scheduled and computes as: [now]-lastRun. Enables/disables updating of a cron log file. This file will be created at ~/.seiscomp/log/[appname].sched and contains information about the scheduled events and the processing queue. The file is updated each n seconds, where n = wfparam.cron.wakeupInterval. Specifies the delay in seconds to delay processing if a new authoritative origin arrives for an event. Specifies a list of delay times in seconds relative to event time to trigger the processing. When the first origin of an event arrives this list is used to construct the crontab for this event. Example: "60, 120, 300, 3600" Specifies the initial acquisition timeout. If the acquisition source (e.g. Arclink) does not respond within this threshold with waveforms, the request is discarded. Specifies the acquisition timeout when waveforms are being transfered. If no new waveforms arrive within this threshold, the request is aborted. This is important if a Seedlink connection is configured which can block the application for a very long time if at least one requested channel has no data. Seedlink does not finished the request until all data has been sent. When data will arrive for a particular channel is not known. Enables messaging output which creates objects of the StrongMotionParameters data model extension (defined by SED) and sends them to scmaster. In order to save the objects to the database, scmaster needs to load the dmsm plugin and the corresponding database schema must be applied. The default message group is AMPLITUDE. To change this group redefine connection.primaryGroup. Uses short event ids when an event output directory needs to be created. The default pattern is [eventtime]_[mag]_[lat]_[lon]_[updatetime]. The short format just contains the first part, namely [eventtime] in the format YEARmmddHHMMSS. Enables/disables the output of processed waveforms. Specifies the waveform output path. This parameter is only used if wfparam.output.waveforms.enable is true. Enables/disables the creation of an event directory (named with eventID) when storing the processed waveforms. This parameter is only used if wfparam.output.waveforms.enable is true. Enables/disables the output of spectra (psa, drs). The output format is a simple ASCII file where the first column is the period and the second column the corresponding value. Specifies the spectra output path. This parameter is only used if wfparam.output.spectra.enable is true. Enables/disables the creation of an event directory (named with eventID) when storing the spectra. This parameter is only used if wfparam.output.spectra.enable is true. Enables/disables ShakeMap XML output. Specifies the ShakeMap XML output path. This is only used if wfparam.output.shakeMap.enable is set to true. Specifies the path to a script that is called whenever a new ShakeMap XML is available. The script is called with 3 parameters: EventID, modified ShakeMap eventID, path to event directory (where input/event.xml and input/event_dat.xml lives). The event files are not deleted by the application. The ownership goes to the called script. Enables/disables synchronous or asynchronous script calls. If enabled, be careful to not spend too much time in the script. The application is blocked while the script is running. If enabled the maximum PGV, PGA, PSA03, PSA10 and PSA30 of both horizontal components is used in the final output. Otherwise each component is saved. Uses the SeisComP event publicID as id attribute of the earthquake tag, a generated ShakeMapID otherwise. Uses the event region name (if available) for the locstring attribute, the publicID, lat, lon otherwise. The XML encoding string written to the Shakemap XML file. The target version of the Shakemap input files. Defines the magnitude tolerance to completely reprocess an event with respect to the last state. generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#db-disable records#record-driver-list records#record-url records#record-file records#record-type --dump-records Dumps all received records (binary) to recs.in --dump-config Dump the configuration and exit Defines the saturation threshold for the optional saturation check. By default the saturation check is configured for all stations as module parameter. This parameters overrides the threshold per station. This value can either be an absolute value such as "100000" or a relative value (optionally in percent) with respect to the number of effective bits, e.g. "0.8@23" or "80%@23". The first version uses 1**23 * 0.8 whereas the latter uses 1**23 * 80/100. The special value "false" explicitly disables the check.