Origin locator view Number of days to preload events from the database when staring scolv. List of magnitude types to be calculated when computing magnitudes. This list can be altered interactively so this reflects only the default unless computeMagnitudesSilently is set to true. A list of magnitude types to be displayed in the summary widget (F8). Label of the button that triggers the script defined in "scripts.script0". Label of the button that triggers the script defined in "scripts.script1". Define scripts linked to extra buttons. A button is created by definition of the corresponding script. Full path to the script which enables a publish button in the summary panel on the left side of scolv (activated with F8). Full path to the script executed when hitting the button labeled with "button0". OriginID and EventID are passed to the script as arguments. Full path to the script executed when hitting the button labeled with "button1". OriginID and EventID are passed to the script as arguments. If the publish button is clicked while another script is still running, a message box pops up with a warning that a script is still running and to option to terminate it. If this flag is true, then it will be terminated automatically without user interaction and the warning message. Sets the default event type to be used when confirming a solution. If not set, the event type is not changed at all unless "with options" is used. The origin or its source must be associated with an event already. A list of event types which are commonly set. This defines a priority list which will be displayed on top of the event type selection menu. Additionally the remaining (non-prioritized) types are displayed with less contrast. The order is preserved in the event editor as well as in the drop-down list of the "Commit with additional options" dialog. Sets the default magnitude aggregation method. It can be either "mean", "trimmed mean" or "median". If not set, the default behavior is used which computes the mean if less than 4 stations are available, trimmed mean otherwise. Automatically starts computation of magnitudes after relocating an origin. Starts magnitude computation without user interaction if everything runs without errors. In case of errors a window pops up with the current state of processing. If enabled, a magnitude selection pop window will open in advance to compute magnitudes. The default selection reflects the configuration parameter "magnitudes". The velocity applied to reduce travel times in the "MoveOut" plot of the Location tab. Sets the drawing of lines in the map connecting the station with the event. Sets the drawing of grid lines in the plot. If a locator does not populate the take off angle in its arrivals, the first motion plot will not show picked polarities. This option defines whether to compute take off angles that are not present in the arrivals or not. The default value for adding unassociated stations in the picker. If enabled, all traces without data and arrivals are hidden in the picker. If enabled, all traces of disabled stations without picks are hidden. When creating an artificial origin this is the default depth used. Adds advanced input parameters in artificial origin dialog. Adds an icon to the system tray and displays a message when a new event was received. Note that this feature requires libQt4 version 4.3 or higher. Maximum distance in degrees up to which also unassociated stations are shown in the map. 360.0 deg which will show all unassociated stations. Default map radius in degrees if a new event is selected. A negative value restores the default behavior. Defines the visible columns in the arrival table. Valid tokens are: Used, Status, Phase, Weight, Method, Polarity, Takeoff, Net, Sta, Loc/Cha, Timeres, Dis, Az, Time, +/-, Slo, Slores, Baz, Bazres, Created, Latency The default locator interface to use. The default locator profile to use. Minimum depth which is set if the locator used supports fixing the depth. If the depth is lower than this value, the depth is fixed to this configured value and the origin is relocated again. Whether to preset the locator settings when an origin is being loaded. It tries to figure the locator type from Origin.methodID and the profile from Origin.earthModelID. Activates the button "Force association with event" when committing with additional options. This is just the default setting and can be changed manually when the dialog pops up. Activates the button "Fix this origin as preferred solution" when committing with additional options. This is just the default setting and can be changed manually when the dialog pops up. Whether to return to the event list after committing with additional options or not. Turns the event comment input field into a drop down box allowing the user to select from a list a predefined comment values which may be changed if required. Configure custom commit buttons which behave like shortcuts to "Commit with additional options". Pressing a custom button does not open a popup window. Instead it reads the configured profile and applies the options to the event and origin. Each commit button can be coloured and labeled. Enable this commit button. Ask for confirmation by presenting the "commit with options" dialog with the options pre-populated from this configuration. Cancelling the dialog aborts the commit procedure. Associate a new origin to the currently active event or not. Fix the origin as preferred solution in the event it is associated to. The event type to be set of the event associated with the committed origin. If unset, the type remains unchanged. Use quotes for event types with spaces, e.g. "not existing". The event type certainty to be set of the event associated with the committed origin. If unset, the type certainty remains unchanged. The status to be set of the origin being committed. If unset, the status remains unchanged. If empty, the origin status will be set to none. Sets the preferred magnitude type of the event. If unset, no changes will be requested. If empty, the currently fixed preferred magnitude type will be reset. Optional event name which will be set. This option exists for completeness and does not make much sense to be applied on any event. Use quotes for event names with spaces, e.g. "Quarry XYZ". Optional event comment which will be set. Use quotes for event comments with spaces, e.g. "Blast on Monday morning". Return to the event list after committing or not. The commit button label. Use quotes for labels with spaces, e.g. "Earthquake reported". Optional primary color for the bulk commit button. Use hexadecimal values. Optional text color for the bulk commit button. Use hexadecimal values. Add a summary of the actions to the button's tooltip. Parameters controlling the phase picker window. Activate a cross hair cursor showing the configured uncertainties when in picking mode. Load all existing picks for the requested data time window. If enabled, the picker will not add stations that are not configured with a detecStream in global bindings. Limit the data acquisition to the number of nearest stations given by "picker.limitStationAcquisitionCount". Limit the data acquisituion to the given number of the nearest stations. Requires to activate "picker.limitStationAcquisition". If enabled, acceleration data is loaded for co-located stations where picked on velocity data. Load all three components by default. If disabled, additional components are fetched upon request. If enabled, all three components are shown in the picker zoom trace. The distance is limited to what is configured in "picker.allComponentsMaximumDistance". The distance limit for the "picker.showAllComponents" flag. If enabled, data is requested around the P pick for each stations. Otherwise origin time is used and the time window for all stations is the same. After picking and pushing the solution back to scolv all automatic arrivals are removed from a station if a manual pick exists. After picking and pushing the solution back to scolv all automatic arrivals are removed from all stations regardless if a manual pick exists or not. The data time span added to the left of either origin time or first arrival depending on the usePerStreamTimeWindows flag. The data time span added to the right of the requested time window. Minimum data time window length. Defines the relative position of the alignment when traces are aligned at a phase. This value is bound to interval [0:1] where 0 is the left side and 1 is right side of the trace window. Start of the re-picker time window relative the cursor position on the trace. End of the re-picker time window relative the cursor position on the trace. List of filters available in the picker. Format: "name1;filter-definition1", "name2;filter-definition2" A list of channel codes to be used when searching for velocity channels. Usually this information is part of the meta data. In case it is not, this list is used. A list of channel codes to be used when searching for acceleration channels. Usually this information is part of the meta data. In case it is not, this list is used. Phases for which theoretical arrival times are shown. A list of phases that is available for picking in the Picking menu. The phases are not accessible through hot keys as for "picker.phases.favourites". The phases are considered if the more complex phase group definition "picker.phases.groups" is not provided. List of pre-defined pick uncertainties. The format of each list item is either a double value or a pair of double values for asymmetric uncertainties, e.g. "val1","(val2,val3)". This parameter is only used if "picker.uncertainties.preferred" is undefined. Phases defined for picking. The phase phases can be selected from the Picking menu of the picker window. Make sure, the locator can handle all defined phases. Phase types available for rapid picking by hot keys and in the Picking menu. Separate the types by comma. List of defined phase type profiles to be considered. Separate profiles by comma. Definiton of phase type profiles. The profiles and phase types can be selected from the Picking menu of the picker window but not with hot keys. List of phase types. Separate types by comma. Define uncertainty profiles. Once defined, they can be selected in the scolv picker settings [F3]. The profiles override uncertainties defined in "uncertainties". Pick uncertainty profiles to be loaded. The first profile will be used by default. List of pre-defined pick uncertainties. The format of each list item is either a double value or a pair of double values for asymmetric uncertainties, e.g. "val1","(val2,val3)". Settings related to waveform integration which may be required if the desired waveform unit is changed and the sensor data must be integrated once or multiple times. An optional pre-filter which is applied prior to the numerical integration to stabilize the result. This filter is applied for each integration step or just once depending on the parameter "applyOnce". Multiple integrations are necessary if acceleration data should be converted to displacement. Whether to apply the pre-filter only prior the first integration step or prior to each step. Parameters controlling the amplitude picker window for computing station magnitudes. Time span in seconds to be added to the left of the used amplitude time window. Time span in seconds to be added to the right of the used amplitude time window. A list of filters used for the amplitude picker. Format: "name1;filter-definition1", "name2;filter-definition2" Display custom information in the Location tab. Origin information Name(s) of quality addon profile(s) to be considered. The profiles provide values through a script which are shown in the location tab. The scolv documentation provides an example script. Display origin comments. ID of the origin comment to be considered. Value to be shown in case no valid origin comment is found. Label of the value to be shown. Defines the label text of the information panel in the Location tab of the parameter evaluated by this addon. Path to script to execute. scolv [options] generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db records#record-driver-list records#record-url records#record-file records#record-type cities#city-xml gui#full-screen gui#non-interactive