Calculates magnitudes of different types. The magnitude types to be calculated. Station magnitudes are computed from their amplitudes, network magnitudes from their station magnitudes. General parameters for computing magnitudes. Others are configured by global binding parameters for specific magnitude types. The methods for computing the network magnitude from station magnitudes. Exactly one method per magnitude can be configured. To define the averaging method per magnitude type append the type after colon, e.g.: "magnitudes.average = default, MLv:median" default: Compute the mean if less than 4 contributed station magnitudes exist. Otherwise apply a trimmed mean of 25%. Options are "default", "mean", "median", "trimmedMean" and "medianTrimmedMean". Interval between 2 sending processes. The interval controls how often information is updated. The minimum weight of an arrival for an associated amplitude to be used for calculating a magnitude. The summary magnitude is the weighted average from all defined network magnitude types: Single network magnitude values are multiplied with their magnitude-type specific weight and summed up. The resulting sum is divided by the sum of all weights. Enables summary magnitude calculation. Define the type/name of the summary magnitude. This is the minimum station magnitude required for any magnitude to contribute to the summary magnitude at all. If this is set to 4, then no magnitude with less than 4 station magnitudes is taken into consideration even if this results in no summary magnitude at all. For this reason, the default here is 1 but in a purely automatic system it should be higher, at least 4 is recommended. Define the magnitude types to be excluded from the summary magnitude calculation. Define the magnitude types to be included in the summary magnitude calculation. The coefficients defining the weight of network magnitudes for calculating the summary magnitude. Weight = a * magnitudeStationCount + b. Define the coefficients a. To define the value per magnitude type append the type after colon. A value without a type defines the default value. Define the coefficients b. To define the value per magnitude type append the type after colon. A value without a type defines the default value. generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#content-type messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#db-disable