Associates an Origin to an Event or forms a new Event if no match is found. Selects the preferred origin, magnitude and focal mechanism. Prefix for all Event IDs Defines the pattern to generate an event ID. %p : prefix %Y : year %[w]c: alpha character %[w]C: upper case alpha character %[w]d: decimal %[w]x: hexadecimal %[w]X: upper case hexadecimal [w] is an optional width parameter. Configures the number of event ID slots to look back and forth when an event ID is already taken. The default in previous versions was 5. Now -1 means that the margin is determined automatically based on "eventAssociation.eventTimeBefore" and "eventAssociation.eventTimeAfter". According to the configured "eventIDPattern" a fixed time range per slot can be computed and with that width the number of look ahead slots and look back slots can be computed based on the given time ranges for event association. If enabled then the EventDescription with type 'Flinn-Engdahl region' will be populated with the Flinn-Engdahl region name. Defines a blacklist of event ids. The items of this list are only matches against %c, %C, %d, %x and %X of the eventIDPattern description. Year (%Y) and prefix (%p) are not matched. The match is case-sensitive, so blacklisting e.g. abcd would only match in combination with %c. If %C is used ABCD has to be blacklisted. Criteria defining if Origins are associated to an event and which Origins and magnitudes become preferred. Minimum number of Picks for an Origin that is automatic and cannot be associated with an Event to be allowed to form an new Event. Minimum score of an automatic Origin to be allowed to form an new Event. This requires an activated score plugin and a score processor. Configure "score" for defining the score processor and the score processor parameters. If minimumScore is defined, "minimumDefiningPhases" has no effect on association as this phase check will be superseded by the score check. It is the task of the score processor to evaluate a proper score for all input Origins. Ignore and do not associate Origins derived from CMT/MT inversions. Time range before the Origin time of an incoming Origin to search for matching events. Time range after the Origin time of an incoming Origin to search for matching events. Minimum number of matching picks between two Origins to be associated to the same event. Negative time window: compare only pickIDs to find matching arrivals. A non negative value (including 0) compares pick times regardless of the pickID. Pass: |pick1.time - pick2.time| <= threshold This parameter is only used in conjunction with eventAssociation.maximumMatchingArrivalTimeDiff. If a station has multiple associated arrivals for a particular event, this flag defines if the time distance of a new pick to all arrivals must be within eventAssociation.maximumMatchingArrivalTimeDiff or if one matching arrival is enough. Allows to match picks that are associated with weight 0. Associates an Origin with an existing event if the Origin time differs not more than 60 seconds unless the minimumMatchingArrivals criteria matches. Allowed location difference between an incoming Origin compared with preferred Origins to get associated. Magnitude type priority list for becoming a preferred magnitude for an event. Example: M, mBc, Mw(mB), Mwp, ML, MLh, MLv, mb If true, one magnitude will be preferred even if magnitude criteria are not fullfilled. Minimum number of station magnitudes referenced to a network magnitude to become a preferred magnitude. Minimum number of station magnitudes required for Mw(mB) to be considered as preferred magnitude. Minimum number of station magnitudes which ensures that Mw(mB) will be preferred and not mb. Average between mb and Mw(mB) which must be exceeded to become Mw(mB) preferred. If false then the station count rules out the magnitude priority which is only taken into account if two magnitudes have the same station count. If true then the priority rules out the station count which is only taken into account if two magnitudes have the same priority. The general priority list to decide if an Origin becomes preferred. The priority decreases in the order of the parameters. This list is not used unless this parameter is activated. Empty priority list: scevent replicates the default hard wired behaviour: AGENCY, STATUS, PHASES_AUTOMATIC, TIME_AUTOMATIC Each item in the list corresponds to a check that is performed. Each check computes a score of the incoming Origin (s1) and the current preferred Origin (s2). If the s1 is lower than s2, the incoming Origin is rejected and does not become preferred. All subsequent checks are ignored. If s1 is equal to s2, the next check in the list is performed. If s1 is larger than s2, the Origin becomes preferred and all subsequent checks are ignored. Available tokens: AGENCY: check based on agency priorities AUTHOR: check based on author priorities MODE: evaluation mode priority: 0 = unset, 1 = automatic, 2 = manual, manual over-rules automatic STATUS: priority combined from evaluation status and evaluation mode: -100 = status is rejected, -1 = status is reported, 0 = status is preliminary or status is unset and mode is automatic, 1 = status is confirmed or status is unset and mode is manual, 2 = status is reviewed, 3 = status is final, METHOD: check based on the method priorities PHASES: higher phase count = higher priority PHASES_AUTOMATIC: only checks phase priorities for incoming automatic Origins RMS: lower rms = higher priority RMS_AUTOMATIC: only check RMS on incoming automatic Origins TIME: more recent Origins (creationTime) have higher priorities TIME_AUTOMATIC: only check creationTime priority on incoming automatic Origins SCORE: evaluates the score according to a configured ScoreProcessor and prefers the Origin/Focalmechanism with the highest score. The agencyID priority list. When the eventtool comes to the point to select a preferred Origin based on AGENCY it orders all Origins by its agency priority and selects then the best one among the highest priority agency. It also defines the agency priority for custom priority checks (eventAssociation.priorities). The parameter is only considered when defined in "priorities". The author priority list. When the eventtool comes to the point to select a preferred Origin based on AUTHOR it orders all Origins by its author priority and selects then the best one among the highest priority author. It also defines the author priority for custom priority checks (eventAssociation.priorities). The parameter is only considered when defined in "priorities". The method priority list. When the eventtool comes to the point to select a preferred Origin based on METHOD it orders all Origins by its methodID priority and selects then the best one among the highest priority method. It also defines the method priority for custom priority checks (eventAssociation.priorities). A defined method string must match exactly the string in Origin.methodID. The parameter is only considered when defined in "priorities". Defines the ScoreProcessor interface to be used along with priority "SCORE". The parameter is only considered when defined in "priorities". If the preferred Origin has evaluation status 'rejected', the Event type will be set to 'not existing' unless the Event type has been fixed by an operator or the preferred Origin has been fixed. Configures a timespan to delay Event creation. If a new Origin arrives which cannot be associated to an existing Event, delay the Event creation for a certain timespan. Region filter for creating events. Use with care! Origins outside may be ignored even if they would become preferred otherwise. Region by geographic coordinates. Format: "South, East, North, West" Minimum depth. Maximum depth. The delayFilter group configures an Origin filter to activate the delay feature for this Origin. If more than one filter is given they are combined with AND. The agencyID of the Origin to be delayed. The author of the Origin to be delayed. The evaluation mode of the Origin to be delayed. Can be either "manual" or "automatic". generic#help generic#version generic#config-file generic#plugins generic#daemon generic#auto-shutdown generic#shutdown-master-module generic#shutdown-master-username verbosity#verbosity verbosity#v verbosity#quiet verbosity#component verbosity#syslog verbosity#lockfile verbosity#console verbosity#debug verbosity#log-file messaging#user messaging#host messaging#timeout messaging#primary-group messaging#subscribe-group messaging#encoding messaging#start-stop-msg database#db-driver-list database#database database#config-module database#inventory-db database#db-disable