global NonLinLoc locator wrapper plugin for SeisComP. NonLinLoc was written by Anthony Lomax ( PublicID creation pattern for an origin created by NonLinLoc. Defines the output path for all native NonLinLoc input and output files. Save input files *.obs in outputPath for later processing. Setting to false reduces file i/o and saves disk space. Save output files in outputPath for later processing or for viewing by the Seismicity Viewer. Setting to false reduces file i/o and saves disk space. The default NonLinLoc control file to use. The default pick error in seconds passed to NonLinLoc if a SeisComP pick object does not provide pick time uncertainties. Since NLL does not support fixing the depth natively so this feature is emulated by settings the Z grid very tight around the depth to be fixed. This value sets the Z grid spacing. Picks from stations with missing configuration will be ignored. The origin will be relocated without that pick if possible. If set to false, the plug-in throws an excepection without locating. Defines a list of active profiles to be used by the plugin. Defines a regional profile that is used if a prelocation falls inside the configured region. earthModelID that is stored in the created origin. methodID that is stored in the created origin. Path to travel time tables (grids). Format of the station name used to select the right travel time table (grid) file for a station. By default only the station code is used (e.g. tablePath.P.@STA@.time.*), but that doesn't allow to distinguish between multiple network codes or location codes that use the same station code. To overcome this limitation this parameter could be set in a more general way, for example @NET@_@STA@_@LOC@. In this way NonLinLoc will look for travel time table (grid) files of the form: tablePath.P.@NET@_@STA@_@LOC@.time.* Where @NET@ @STA@ @LOC@ are just placeholder for the actual codes Control file of the current profile. If not set, the default control file will be used instead. Transformation type of the configured region. Supported are SIMPLE and GLOBAL. Default: GLOBAL is assumed. Defines the 4 corner values of the epicentral region for selecting the profile. The original epicentre must be within the region. If transform is GLOBAL: min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon. The values define the geographic corner coordinates. Unit is degree. If transform is SIMPLE: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. The values define the region relative to the configured origin. Unit is km. Only used for transformation SIMPLE. Expects 2 values: latitude, longitude. The value define the geographic origin of the area spanned by region. Unit is degree. Only used for transformation SIMPLE. Defines the rotation around the origin of the defined region.