global The MLh plugin (previously MLsed) is designed to compute amplitudes and magnitudes according to the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) standards. The MLh plugin (previously MLsed) is designed to compute amplitudes and magnitudes according to the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) standards. It is a modified version of the gempa ML plugin developed at the Liverpool developer meeting. Define combiner operation for both horizontals (min, max, avg). MLh clipping level, in raw counts, eg. 80% of 2^23 = 6710886. Defines attenuation parameters for MLh. Format: "UpToKilometers A B; UpToNextKilometers A B;". Example: "30 nomag; 60 0.018 2.17; 700 0.0038 3.02". The first parameter set "30 nomag" means that up to 30km from the sensor the magnitude should not be calculated. Note: No MLh computation if params is empty.