global Implementation of the CTBTO/IDC polarization analysis for three-component stations. Implementation of the CTBTO/IDC polarization analysis for three-component stations. Feature extraction types, e.g. for scautopick. Three component feature extraction algorithm ported from the automatic processing system implemented at CTBTO/IDC. The documentation of the methods is not publically available. In case of questions and comments, please contact CTBTO by email: Butterworth filter options of the bandpass. The order of the filter. The lower cut-off frequency. A negative value or zero will disable a lower cut-off frequency. The upper cut-off frequency. A negative value or zero will disable a upper cut-off frequency. Length of the covariance window in seconds. The fraction of the covariance window to overlap. A station-dependent parameter used to compute a polarization slowness estimate. A station-dependent parameter used to compute the back azimuth and slowness errors. A station-dependent parameter used to compute the back azimuth and slowness errors.