seedlink Global options for the qdrt plugin GDRT (GFZ Displacement Real-Time) is the data format of the Real-time Precise Point Positioning (RTPPP) provided by the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. This development was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the EWRICA project. The GDRT plugin is a SeedLink plugin that converts GDRT UDP messages to miniSEED channels according to the following table: +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | Index | Field name | Format | Description | miniSEED channel | +=======+=====================+================+=======================================+===================+ | 1 | Start of message | character(1) | A fixed character '>' | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 2 | Station ID | character(4) | GDRT station ID | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 3 | Epoch time | integer(4) | UTC time (year, month, day, hour, | | | | | integer(2) | minute, second) | | | | | integer(2) | | | | | | integer(2) | | | | | | integer(2) | | | | | | double(%5.2f) | | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 4 | Solution type | integer(2) | 0: Single point positioning (SPP) | LBS | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | +1: Precise point positioning (PPP) | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | +2: Precise point positioning | | | | | | ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR) | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | +4: Precise point positioning | | | | | | regional augmentation (PPP-RA) | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 5 | Observation type | integer(2) | +1: GPS | LBO | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | +2: GLONASS | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | +4: Galileo | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | +8: BDS | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | +16: Seismic data | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 6 | Positioning type | integer(2) | 1: Coordinate fixed solution | LBP | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | 2: Static solution | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | 3: Kinematic solution | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | 4: Dynamic solution | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 7 | Processing type | integer(2) | 1: Real-time solution | LBT | | | | +---------------------------------------+ | | | | | 2: Post-processing solution | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 8 | Ratio of | double(%6.2f) | The ratio value of PPP ambiguty | LBR (×100) | | | ambiguity fix | | fixing (larger value means more | | | | | | reliable ambiguity fixing) | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 9 | Number of | integer(2) | Number of satellites used for the | LBC (summed) | | | satellites | integer(2) | solution (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BDS) | | | | | integer(2) | | | | | | integer(2) | | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 10 | Coordinate X | double(%14.4f) | Coordinates X, Y, and Z in the Earth | LBX | +-------+---------------------+----------------+ Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) +-------------------+ | 11 | Coordinate Y | double(%14.4f) | coordinate system in meters | LBY | +-------+---------------------+----------------+ +-------------------+ | 12 | Coordinate Z | double(%14.4f) | | LBZ | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 13 | Variance of | double(%14.4f) | Variance of coordinates (m²) | LB1 | | | coordinate X | | | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+ +-------------------+ | 14 | Variance of | double(%14.4f) | | LB2 | | | coordinate Y | | | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+ +-------------------+ | 15 | Variance of | double(%14.4f) | | LB3 | | | coordinate Z | | | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 16 | Covariance of | double(%14.4f) | Covariance of coordinates (m²) | LB4 | | | coordinates X and Y | | | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+ +-------------------+ | 17 | Covariance of | double(%14.4f) | | LB5 | | | coordinates X and Z | | | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+ +-------------------+ | 18 | Covariance of | double(%14.4f) | | LB6 | | | coordinates Y and Z | | | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 19 | Correction | string(4) | Name of orbit/clock/upd product and | | | | information | | name of three used reference stations | | | | | | in PPP-RA, separated with '+' | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ | 20 | End of message | character(1) | A fixed character '!' | | +-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------+ GDRT station code. Sensor location code. Sample rate in Hz. UDP port for receiving GDRT messages. By default port 9999 will be used.