# Defines an alternative SDS archive handler. This is the name of an # RecordStream interface that can be loaded via a plugin. # If not given an internal implementation will be used. handlerSDS = "" # Defines the filebase of the SDS archive. If an alternative archive handler # is defined this value serves as input to setSource(). filebase = @ROOTDIR@/var/lib/archive # Defines the server port for Arclink connections. By default the Arclink # standard port 18001 will be used. arclink.port = -1 # Defines the server port for FDSNWS connections. By default # port 18082 will be used. fdsnws.port = 8080 # Defines the base URL of the FDSN webservice that is # given in the WADL document. fdsnws.baseURL = http://localhost:8080/fdsnws # Defines the aggregated maximum time window (seconds) for all requested " # streams. A value of 0 will deactive any restriction. fdsnws.maxTimeWindow = 0