#!/usr/bin/env seiscomp-python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) GFZ Potsdam # # All rights reserved. # # # # GNU Affero General Public License Usage # # This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero # # Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation # # and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this # # file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero # # Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: # # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html. # # # # Author: Alexander Jaeger, Stephan Herrnkind, # # Lukas Lehmann, Dirk Roessler# # # Email: herrnkind@gempa.de # ############################################################################ import seiscomp.client, seiscomp.core, seiscomp.datamodel, seiscomp.io, seiscomp.logging, seiscomp.math from time import strptime import sys import traceback TimeFormats = [ '%d-%b-%Y_%H:%M:%S.%f', '%d-%b-%Y_%H:%M:%S' ] # SC3 has more event types available in the datamodel EventTypes = { 'teleseismic quake': seiscomp.datamodel.EARTHQUAKE, 'local quake': seiscomp.datamodel.EARTHQUAKE, 'regional quake': seiscomp.datamodel.EARTHQUAKE, 'quarry blast': seiscomp.datamodel.QUARRY_BLAST, 'nuclear explosion': seiscomp.datamodel.NUCLEAR_EXPLOSION, 'mining event': seiscomp.datamodel.MINING_EXPLOSION } def wfs2Str(wfsID): return '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (wfsID.networkCode(), wfsID.stationCode(), wfsID.locationCode(), wfsID.channelCode()) ############################################################################### class SH2Proc(seiscomp.client.Application): ########################################################################### def __init__(self): seiscomp.client.Application.__init__(self, len(sys.argv), sys.argv) self.setMessagingEnabled(True) self.setDatabaseEnabled(True, True) self.setLoadInventoryEnabled(True) self.setLoadConfigModuleEnabled(True) self.setDaemonEnabled(False) self.inputFile = '-' ########################################################################### def initConfiguration(self): if not seiscomp.client.Application.initConfiguration(self): return False # If the database connection is passed via command line or configuration # file then messaging is disabled. Messaging is only used to get # the configured database connection URI. if self.databaseURI() != '': self.setMessagingEnabled(False) else: # A database connection is not required if the inventory is loaded # from file if not self.isInventoryDatabaseEnabled(): self.setMessagingEnabled(False) self.setDatabaseEnabled(False, False) return True ########################################################################## def printUsage(self): print('''Usage: sh2proc [options] Convert Seismic Handler event data to SeisComP XML format''') seiscomp.client.Application.printUsage(self) print('''Examples: Convert the Seismic Handler file shm.evt to SCML. Receive the database connection to read inventory and configuration information from messaging sh2proc shm.evt Read Seismic Handler data from stdin. Provide inventory and configuration in XML cat shm.evt | sh2proc --inventory-db=inventory.xml --config-db=config.xml ''') ########################################################################## def validateParameters(self): if not seiscomp.client.Application.validateParameters(self): return False for opt in self.commandline().unrecognizedOptions(): if len(opt) > 1 and opt.startswith('-'): continue self.inputFile = opt break return True ########################################################################### def loadStreams(self): now = seiscomp.core.Time.GMT() inv = seiscomp.client.Inventory.Instance() self.streams = {} # try to load streams by detecLocid and detecStream mod = self.configModule() if mod is not None and mod.configStationCount() > 0: seiscomp.logging.info('loading streams using detecLocid and detecStream') for i in range(mod.configStationCount()): cfg = mod.configStation(i) net = cfg.networkCode() sta = cfg.stationCode() if sta in self.streams: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'ambiguous stream id found for station %s.%s' % (net, sta)) continue setup = seiscomp.datamodel.findSetup(cfg, self.name(), True) if not setup: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'could not find station setup for %s.%s' % (net, sta)) continue params = seiscomp.datamodel.ParameterSet.Find(setup.parameterSetID()) if not params: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'could not find station parameters for %s.%s' % (net, sta)) continue detecLocid = '' detecStream = None for j in range(params.parameterCount()): param = params.parameter(j) if param.name() == 'detecStream': detecStream = param.value() elif param.name() == 'detecLocid': detecLocid = param.value() if detecStream is None: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'could not find detecStream for %s.%s' % (net, sta)) continue loc = inv.getSensorLocation(net, sta, detecLocid, now) if loc is None: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'could not find preferred location for %s.%s' % (net, sta)) continue components = {} tc = seiscomp.datamodel.ThreeComponents() seiscomp.datamodel.getThreeComponents(tc, loc, detecStream[:2], now) if tc.vertical(): cha = tc.vertical() wfsID = seiscomp.datamodel.WaveformStreamID(net, sta, loc.code(), cha.code(), '') components[cha.code()[-1]] = wfsID seiscomp.logging.debug('add stream %s (vertical)' % wfs2Str(wfsID)) if tc.firstHorizontal(): cha = tc.firstHorizontal() wfsID = seiscomp.datamodel.WaveformStreamID(net, sta, loc.code(), cha.code(), '') components[cha.code()[-1]] = wfsID seiscomp.logging.debug('add stream %s (first horizontal)' % wfs2Str(wfsID)) if tc.secondHorizontal(): cha = tc.secondHorizontal() wfsID = seiscomp.datamodel.WaveformStreamID(net, sta, loc.code(), cha.code(), '') components[cha.code()[-1]] = wfsID seiscomp.logging.debug('add stream %s (second horizontal)' % wfs2Str(wfsID)) if len(components) > 0: self.streams[sta] = components return # fallback loading streams from inventory seiscomp.logging.warning( 'no configuration module available, loading streams ' 'from inventory and selecting first available stream ' 'matching epoch') for iNet in range(inv.inventory().networkCount()): net = inv.inventory().network(iNet) seiscomp.logging.debug('network %s: loaded %i stations' % (net.code(), net.stationCount())) for iSta in range(net.stationCount()): sta = net.station(iSta) try: start = sta.start() if not start <= now: continue except: continue try: end = sta.end() if not now <= end: continue except: pass for iLoc in range(sta.sensorLocationCount()): loc = sta.sensorLocation(iLoc) for iCha in range(loc.streamCount()): cha = loc.stream(iCha) wfsID = seiscomp.datamodel.WaveformStreamID(net.code(), sta.code(), loc.code(), cha.code(), '') comp = cha.code()[2] if sta.code() not in self.streams: components = {} components[comp] = wfsID self.streams[sta.code()] = components else: # Seismic Handler does not support network, # location and channel code: make sure network and # location codes match first item in station # specific steam list oldWfsID = list(self.streams[sta.code()].values())[0] if net.code() != oldWfsID.networkCode() or \ loc.code() != oldWfsID.locationCode() or \ cha.code()[:2] != oldWfsID.channelCode()[:2]: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'ambiguous stream id found for station %s, ignoring %s' % (sta.code(), wfs2Str(wfsID))) continue self.streams[sta.code()][comp] = wfsID seiscomp.logging.debug('add stream %s' % wfs2Str(wfsID)) ########################################################################### def parseTime(self, timeStr): time = seiscomp.core.Time() for fmt in TimeFormats: if time.fromString(timeStr, fmt): break return time ########################################################################### def parseMagType(self, value): if value == 'm': return 'M' elif value == 'ml': return 'ML' elif value == 'mb': return 'mb' elif value == 'ms': return 'Ms(BB)' elif value == 'mw': return 'Mw' elif value == 'bb': return 'mB' return '' ########################################################################### def sh2proc(self, file): ep = seiscomp.datamodel.EventParameters() origin = seiscomp.datamodel.Origin.Create() event = seiscomp.datamodel.Event.Create() origin.setCreationInfo(seiscomp.datamodel.CreationInfo()) origin.creationInfo().setCreationTime(seiscomp.core.Time.GMT()) originQuality = None originCE = None latFound = False lonFound = False depthError = None originComments = {} # variables, reset after 'end of phase' pick = None stationMag = None staCode = None compCode = None stationMagBB = None amplitudeDisp = None amplitudeVel = None amplitudeSNR = None amplitudeBB = None magnitudeMB = None magnitudeML = None magnitudeMS = None magnitudeBB = None km2degFac = 1.0 / seiscomp.math.deg2km(1.0) # read file line by line, split key and value at colon iLine = 0 for line in file: iLine += 1 a = line.split(':', 1) key = a[0].strip() keyLower = key.lower() value = None # empty line if len(keyLower) == 0: continue # end of phase elif keyLower == '--- end of phase ---': if pick is None: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'Line %i: found empty phase block' % iLine) continue if staCode is None or compCode is None: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'Line %i: end of phase, stream code incomplete' % iLine) continue if not staCode in self.streams: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'Line %i: end of phase, station code %s not found in inventory' % (iLine, staCode)) continue if not compCode in self.streams[staCode]: seiscomp.logging.warning( 'Line %i: end of phase, component %s of station %s not found in inventory' % (iLine, compCode, staCode)) continue streamID = self.streams[staCode][compCode] pick.setWaveformID(streamID) ep.add(pick) arrival.setPickID(pick.publicID()) arrival.setPhase(phase) origin.add(arrival) if amplitudeSNR is not None: amplitudeSNR.setPickID(pick.publicID()) amplitudeSNR.setWaveformID(streamID) ep.add(amplitudeSNR) if amplitudeBB is not None: amplitudeBB.setPickID(pick.publicID()) amplitudeBB.setWaveformID(streamID) ep.add(amplitudeBB) if stationMagBB is not None: stationMagBB.setWaveformID(streamID) origin.add(stationMagBB) stationMagContrib = seiscomp.datamodel.StationMagnitudeContribution() stationMagContrib.setStationMagnitudeID( stationMagBB.publicID()) if magnitudeBB is None: magnitudeBB = seiscomp.datamodel.Magnitude.Create() magnitudeBB.add(stationMagContrib) if stationMag is not None: if stationMag.type() in ['mb', 'ML'] and amplitudeDisp is not None: amplitudeDisp.setPickID(pick.publicID()) amplitudeDisp.setWaveformID(streamID) amplitudeDisp.setPeriod( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(ampPeriod)) amplitudeDisp.setType(stationMag.type()) ep.add(amplitudeDisp) if stationMag.type() in ['Ms(BB)'] and amplitudeVel is not None: amplitudeVel.setPickID(pick.publicID()) amplitudeVel.setWaveformID(streamID) amplitudeVel.setPeriod( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(ampPeriod)) amplitudeVel.setType(stationMag.type()) ep.add(amplitudeVel) stationMag.setWaveformID(streamID) origin.add(stationMag) stationMagContrib = seiscomp.datamodel.StationMagnitudeContribution() stationMagContrib.setStationMagnitudeID( stationMag.publicID()) magType = stationMag.type() if magType == 'ML': if magnitudeML is None: magnitudeML = seiscomp.datamodel.Magnitude.Create() magnitudeML.add(stationMagContrib) elif magType == 'Ms(BB)': if magnitudeMS is None: magnitudeMS = seiscomp.datamodel.Magnitude.Create() magnitudeMS.add(stationMagContrib) elif magType == 'mb': if magnitudeMB is None: magnitudeMB = seiscomp.datamodel.Magnitude.Create() magnitudeMB.add(stationMagContrib) pick = None staCode = None compCode = None stationMag = None stationMagBB = None amplitudeDisp = None amplitudeVel = None amplitudeSNR = None amplitudeBB = None continue # empty key elif len(a) == 1: seiscomp.logging.warning('Line %i: key without value' % iLine) continue value = a[1].strip() if pick is None: pick = seiscomp.datamodel.Pick.Create() arrival = seiscomp.datamodel.Arrival() try: ############################################################## # station parameters # station code if keyLower == 'station code': staCode = value # pick time elif keyLower == 'onset time': pick.setTime(seiscomp.datamodel.TimeQuantity(self.parseTime(value))) # pick onset type elif keyLower == 'onset type': found = False for onset in [seiscomp.datamodel.EMERGENT, seiscomp.datamodel.IMPULSIVE, seiscomp.datamodel.QUESTIONABLE]: if value == seiscomp.datamodel.EPickOnsetNames_name(onset): pick.setOnset(onset) found = True break if not found: raise Exception('Unsupported onset value') # phase code elif keyLower == 'phase name': phase = seiscomp.datamodel.Phase() phase.setCode(value) pick.setPhaseHint(phase) # event type elif keyLower == 'event type': evttype = EventTypes[value] event.setType(evttype) originComments[key] = value # filter ID elif keyLower == 'applied filter': pick.setFilterID(value) # channel code, prepended by configured Channel prefix if only # one character is found elif keyLower == 'component': compCode = value # pick evaluation mode elif keyLower == 'pick type': found = False for mode in [seiscomp.datamodel.AUTOMATIC, seiscomp.datamodel.MANUAL]: if value == seiscomp.datamodel.EEvaluationModeNames_name(mode): pick.setEvaluationMode(mode) found = True break if not found: raise Exception('Unsupported evaluation mode value') # pick author elif keyLower == 'analyst': creationInfo = seiscomp.datamodel.CreationInfo() creationInfo.setAuthor(value) pick.setCreationInfo(creationInfo) # pick polarity # isn't tested elif keyLower == 'sign': if value == 'positive': sign = '0' # positive elif value == 'negative': sign = '1' # negative else: sign = '2' # unknown pick.setPolarity(float(sign)) # arrival weight elif keyLower == 'weight': arrival.setWeight(float(value)) # arrival azimuth elif keyLower == 'theo. azimuth (deg)': arrival.setAzimuth(float(value)) # pick theo backazimuth elif keyLower == 'theo. backazimuth (deg)': if pick.slownessMethodID() == 'corrected': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) else: pick.setBackazimuth( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) pick.setSlownessMethodID('theoretical') # pick beam slowness elif keyLower == 'beam-slowness (sec/deg)': if pick.slownessMethodID() == 'corrected': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) else: pick.setHorizontalSlowness( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) pick.setSlownessMethodID('Array Beam') # pick beam backazimuth elif keyLower == 'beam-azimuth (deg)': if pick.slownessMethodID() == 'corrected': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) else: pick.setBackazimuth( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) # pick epi slowness elif keyLower == 'epi-slowness (sec/deg)': pick.setHorizontalSlowness( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) pick.setSlownessMethodID('corrected') # pick epi backazimuth elif keyLower == 'epi-azimuth (deg)': pick.setBackazimuth(seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) # arrival distance degree elif keyLower == 'distance (deg)': arrival.setDistance(float(value)) # arrival distance km, recalculates for degree elif keyLower == 'distance (km)': if isinstance(arrival.distance(), float): seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine-1, 'distance (deg)')) arrival.setDistance(float(value) * km2degFac) # arrival time residual elif keyLower == 'residual time': arrival.setTimeResidual(float(value)) # amplitude snr elif keyLower == 'signal/noise': amplitudeSNR = seiscomp.datamodel.Amplitude.Create() amplitudeSNR.setType('SNR') amplitudeSNR.setAmplitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) # amplitude period elif keyLower.startswith('period'): ampPeriod = float(value) # amplitude value for displacement elif keyLower == 'amplitude (nm)': amplitudeDisp = seiscomp.datamodel.Amplitude.Create() amplitudeDisp.setAmplitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) amplitudeDisp.setUnit('nm') # amplitude value for velocity elif keyLower.startswith('vel. amplitude'): amplitudeVel = seiscomp.datamodel.Amplitude.Create() amplitudeVel.setAmplitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) amplitudeVel.setUnit('nm/s') elif keyLower == 'bb amplitude (nm/sec)': amplitudeBB = seiscomp.datamodel.Amplitude.Create() amplitudeBB.setAmplitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) amplitudeBB.setType('mB') amplitudeBB.setUnit('nm/s') amplitudeBB.setPeriod(seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(ampBBPeriod)) elif keyLower == 'bb period (sec)': ampBBPeriod = float(value) elif keyLower == 'broadband magnitude': magType = self.parseMagType('bb') stationMagBB = seiscomp.datamodel.StationMagnitude.Create() stationMagBB.setMagnitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) stationMagBB.setType(magType) stationMagBB.setAmplitudeID(amplitudeBB.publicID()) # ignored elif keyLower == 'quality number': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) # station magnitude value and type elif keyLower.startswith('magnitude '): magType = self.parseMagType(key[10:]) stationMag = seiscomp.datamodel.StationMagnitude.Create() stationMag.setMagnitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) if len(magType) > 0: stationMag.setType(magType) if magType == 'mb': stationMag.setAmplitudeID(amplitudeDisp.publicID()) elif magType == 'MS(BB)': stationMag.setAmplitudeID(amplitudeVel.publicID()) else: seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: Magnitude Type not known %s.' % (iLine, magType)) ############################################################### # origin parameters # event ID, added as origin comment later on elif keyLower == 'event id': originComments[key] = value # magnitude value and type elif keyLower == 'mean bb magnitude': magType = self.parseMagType('bb') if magnitudeBB is None: magnitudeBB = seiscomp.datamodel.Magnitude.Create() magnitudeBB.setMagnitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) magnitudeBB.setType(magType) elif keyLower.startswith('mean magnitude '): magType = self.parseMagType(key[15:]) if magType == 'ML': if magnitudeML is None: magnitudeML = seiscomp.datamodel.Magnitude.Create() magnitudeML.setMagnitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) magnitudeML.setType(magType) elif magType == 'Ms(BB)': if magnitudeMS is None: magnitudeMS = seiscomp.datamodel.Magnitude.Create() magnitudeMS.setMagnitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) magnitudeMS.setType(magType) elif magType == 'mb': if magnitudeMB is None: magnitudeMB = seiscomp.datamodel.Magnitude.Create() magnitudeMB.setMagnitude( seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) magnitudeMB.setType(magType) else: seiscomp.logging.warning('Line %i: Magnitude type %s not defined yet.' % (iLine, magType)) # latitude elif keyLower == 'latitude': origin.latitude().setValue(float(value)) latFound = True elif keyLower == 'error in latitude (km)': origin.latitude().setUncertainty(float(value)) # longitude elif keyLower == 'longitude': origin.longitude().setValue(float(value)) lonFound = True elif keyLower == 'error in longitude (km)': origin.longitude().setUncertainty(float(value)) # depth elif keyLower == 'depth (km)': origin.setDepth(seiscomp.datamodel.RealQuantity(float(value))) if depthError is not None: origin.depth().setUncertainty(depthError) elif keyLower == 'depth type': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) elif keyLower == 'error in depth (km)': depthError = float(value) try: origin.depth().setUncertainty(depthError) except seiscomp.core.ValueException: pass # time elif keyLower == 'origin time': origin.time().setValue(self.parseTime(value)) elif keyLower == 'error in origin time': origin.time().setUncertainty(float(value)) # location method elif keyLower == 'location method': origin.setMethodID(str(value)) # region table, added as origin comment later on elif keyLower == 'region table': originComments[key] = value # region table, added as origin comment later on elif keyLower == 'region id': originComments[key] = value # source region, added as origin comment later on elif keyLower == 'source region': originComments[key] = value # used station count elif keyLower == 'no. of stations used': if originQuality is None: originQuality = seiscomp.datamodel.OriginQuality() originQuality.setUsedStationCount(int(value)) # ignored elif keyLower == 'reference location name': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) # confidence ellipsoid major axis elif keyLower == 'error ellipse major': if originCE is None: originCE = seiscomp.datamodel.ConfidenceEllipsoid() originCE.setSemiMajorAxisLength(float(value)) # confidence ellipsoid minor axis elif keyLower == 'error ellipse minor': if originCE is None: originCE = seiscomp.datamodel.ConfidenceEllipsoid() originCE.setSemiMinorAxisLength(float(value)) # confidence ellipsoid rotation elif keyLower == 'error ellipse strike': if originCE is None: originCE = seiscomp.datamodel.ConfidenceEllipsoid() originCE.setMajorAxisRotation(float(value)) # azimuthal gap elif keyLower == 'max azimuthal gap (deg)': if originQuality is None: originQuality = seiscomp.datamodel.OriginQuality() originQuality.setAzimuthalGap(float(value)) # creation info author elif keyLower == 'author': origin.creationInfo().setAuthor(value) # creation info agency elif keyLower == 'source of information': origin.creationInfo().setAgencyID(value) # earth model id elif keyLower == 'velocity model': origin.setEarthModelID(value) # standard error elif keyLower == 'rms of residuals (sec)': if originQuality is None: originQuality = seiscomp.datamodel.OriginQuality() originQuality.setStandardError(float(value)) # ignored elif keyLower == 'phase flags': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) # ignored elif keyLower == 'location input params': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) # missing keys elif keyLower == 'ampl&period source': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) elif keyLower == 'location quality': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) elif keyLower == 'reference latitude': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) elif keyLower == 'reference longitude': seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) elif keyLower.startswith('amplitude time'): seiscomp.logging.debug('Line %i: ignoring parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) # unknown key else: seiscomp.logging.warning('Line %i: ignoring unknown parameter: %s' % (iLine, key)) except ValueError as ve: seiscomp.logging.warning('Line %i: can not parse %s value' % (iLine, key)) except Exception: seiscomp.logging.error('Line %i: %s' % (iLine, str(traceback.format_exc()))) return None # check if not latFound: seiscomp.logging.warning('could not add origin, missing latitude parameter') elif not lonFound: seiscomp.logging.warning('could not add origin, missing longitude parameter') elif not origin.time().value().valid(): seiscomp.logging.warning('could not add origin, missing origin time parameter') else: if magnitudeMB is not None: origin.add(magnitudeMB) if magnitudeML is not None: origin.add(magnitudeML) if magnitudeMS is not None: origin.add(magnitudeMS) if magnitudeBB is not None: origin.add(magnitudeBB) ep.add(event) ep.add(origin) if originQuality is not None: origin.setQuality(originQuality) if originCE is not None: uncertainty = seiscomp.datamodel.OriginUncertainty() uncertainty.setConfidenceEllipsoid(originCE) origin.setUncertainty(uncertainty) for k, v in originComments.items(): comment = seiscomp.datamodel.Comment() comment.setId(k) comment.setText(v) origin.add(comment) return ep ########################################################################### def run(self): self.loadStreams() try: if self.inputFile == '-': f = sys.stdin else: f = open(self.inputFile) except IOError as e: seiscomp.logging.error(str(e)) return False ep = self.sh2proc(f) if ep is None: return False ar = seiscomp.io.XMLArchive() ar.create('-') ar.setFormattedOutput(True) ar.writeObject(ep) ar.close() return True ############################################################################### def main(): try: app = SH2Proc() return app() except: sys.stderr.write(str(traceback.format_exc())) return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main()) # 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