You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import os
Plugin handler for the WIN plugin.
class SeedlinkPluginHandler:
# Create defaults
def __init__(self):
self.instances = {}
self.channelMap = {}
self.idMap = {}
def push(self, seedlink):
# Check and set defaults
udpport = 18000
try: udpport = seedlink.param('')
except: seedlink.setParam('', udpport)
try: seedlink.param('')
except: seedlink.setParam('', 'win')
winId = self.instances[udpport]
except KeyError:
winId = len(self.instances)
self.instances[udpport] = winId
self.channelMap[winId] = []
channelItems = [ x.strip() for x in seedlink.param('').split(',') ]
map = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "" % winId)
except KeyError:
map = seedlink.param('')
if not os.path.isabs(map):
map = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, map)
except: map = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, '')
channelItems = []
for item in channelItems:
mapping = [x.strip() for x in item.split(':')]
if len(mapping) != 2:
raise Exception("Error: invalid rename mapping '%s' in %s" % (item, seedlink.station_config_file))
if not mapping[0] or not mapping[1]:
raise Exception("Error: invalid rename mapping '%s' in %s" % (item, seedlink.station_config_file))
# Prepend current station id if not explicitely given
if not " " in mapping[1]:
mapping[1] = seedlink._get('') + " " + mapping[1]
if not mapping in self.channelMap[winId]:
if not mapping[1] in self.idMap[mapping[0]]:
except KeyError:
self.idMap[mapping[0]] = [mapping[1]]
seedlink.setParam('', winId)
return (udpport,map)
def flush(self, seedlink):
for x in self.idMap.keys():
if len(self.idMap[x]) > 1:
raise Exception("Error: WIN plugin has multiple mappings for id(s) %s" % ", ".join(self.idMap.keys()))
for x in self.channelMap.keys():
mappings = self.channelMap[x]
if len(mappings) == 0: continue
win2slmap = os.path.join(seedlink.config_dir, "" % x)
fd = open(win2slmap, "w")
for c in mappings:
fd.write("%s %s\n" % tuple(c))