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.. highlight:: rst
.. _scamp:
**Calculates amplitudes on basis of incoming origins and the associated picks.**
scamp measures several different kinds of amplitudes from waveform data.
It listens for origins and measures amplitudes in time windows determined
from the origin. Thus, in contrast to amplitudes measured by :ref:`scautopick`
the considered time windows can depend on epicentral distance.
The resulting amplitude objects are sent to the "AMPLITUDE"
messaging group. scamp is the counterpart of :ref:`scmag`. Usually, all
amplitudes are computed at once by scamp and then published.
Only very rarely an amplitude needs to be recomputed if the location of an
origin changes significantly. The amplitude can be reused by :ref:`scmag`, making
magnitude computation and update efficient. Currently, the automatic picker
in SeisComP, scautopick, also measures a small set of amplitudes
(namely "snr" and "mb", the signal-to-noise ratio and the amplitude used in
mb magnitude computation, respectively) for each automatic pick in fixed
time windows. If there already exists an amplitude, e.g. a previously determined
one by scautopick, scamp will not measure it again for the respective stream.
Amplitudes are also needed, however, for manual picks. scamp does this as well.
Arrivals with weight smaller than 0.5 (default) in the corresponding Origin are
discarded. This minimum weight can be configured with
Amplitude Types
Amplitudes of many types are currently computed for their corresponding
.. note::
In order to be used by scmag, the input amplitude names for the
various magnitude types must typically match exactly. Exceptions:
* :term:`MN <magnitude, Nuttli (MN)>` requires *AMN* amplitudes,
* :term:`MLr <magnitude, local GNS/GEONET (MLr)>` requires *MLv* amplitudes.
Local distances
:term:`Md <magnitude, duration (Md)>`
Duration magnitude as described in HYPOINVERSE (:cite:t:`klein-2002`).
:term:`Mjma <magnitude, JMA (M_JMA)>`
Mjma is computed on displacement data using body waves of period < 30s.
:term:`ML <magnitude, local (ML)>`
Local (Richter) magnitude calculated on the horizontal components using a
correction term to fit with the standard ML (:cite:t:`richter-1935`).
:term:`MLc <magnitude, local custom (MLc)>`
Local custom magnitude calculated on the horizontal components according to
Hessian Earthquake Service and :cite:t:`stange-2006`
:term:`MLh <magnitude, local horizontal (MLh)>`
Local magnitude calculated on the horizontal components according to SED
:term:`MLv <magnitude, local vertical (MLv)>`
Local magnitude calculated on the vertical component using a correction term
to fit with the standard ML.
AMN for :term:`MN <magnitude, Nuttli (MN)>`
Nuttli magnitude for Canada and other Cratonic regions (:cite:t:`nuttli-1973`).
Teleseismic distances
:term:`mb <magnitude, body-wave (mb)>`
Narrow band body wave magnitude measured on a WWSSN-SP filtered trace
:term:`mBc <magnitude, cumulative body-wave (mBc)>`
Cumulative body wave magnitude
:term:`mB <magnitude, broadband body-wave (mB)>`
Broad band body wave magnitude after :cite:t:`bormann-2008`
:term:`Mwp <magnitude, broadband P-wave moment (Mwp)>`
The body wave magnitude of :cite:t:`tsuboi-1995`
:term:`Ms_20 <magnitude, surface wave (Ms_20)>`
Surface-wave magnitude at 20 s period
:term:`Ms(BB) <magnitude, broadband surface wave (Ms(BB))>`
Broad band surface-wave magnitude
Acceleration Input Data
For amplitudes to be computed, the input waveforms are usually given in velocity.
Acceleration data, e.g. from strong-motion instruments must therefore be transformed
to velocity. The transformation is enabled by activating the response correction.
Activate the correction in the global bindings for all
types or in a new Amplitude type profile for specific types.
Example global binding parameters for computing MLv amplitudes from accleration
data. Here, the frequency range is limited to 0.5 - 20 Hz: ::
amplitudes.MLv.enableResponses = true
amplitudes.MLv.resp.taper = 5
amplitudes.MLv.resp.minFreq = 0.5
amplitudes.MLv.resp.maxFreq = 20
*scamp* can be used to reprocess and to update amplitudes, e.g. when inventory paramters
had to be changed retrospectively. Updating ampitudes requires waveform access.
The update can be performed
1. In **offline processing** based on XML files (:confval:`--ep`). :confval:`--reprocess<reprocess>`
will replace exisiting amplitudes. Updated values can be dispatched to the messing by
:ref:`scdispatch` making them available for further processing, e.g. by :ref:`scmag`.
.. code-block:: sh
$ scamp --ep evtID.xml -d [type]://[host]/[database] --reprocess > evtID_update.xml
$ scdispatch -O merge -H [host] -i evtID_update.xml
#. **With messaging** by setting :confval:`start-time` or :confval:`end-time`.
All parameters are read from the database. :confval:`--commit<commit>` will
send the updated parameters to the messing system making them available for
further processing, e.g. by :ref:`scmag`. Otherwise, XML output is generated.
.. code-block:: sh
$ scamp -u testuser -H [host] --commit \
--start-time '2016-10-15 00:00:00' --end-time '2016-10-16 19:20:00'
.. _scamp_configuration:
Module Configuration
| :file:`etc/defaults/global.cfg`
| :file:`etc/defaults/scamp.cfg`
| :file:`etc/global.cfg`
| :file:`etc/scamp.cfg`
| :file:`~/.seiscomp/global.cfg`
| :file:`~/.seiscomp/scamp.cfg`
scamp inherits :ref:`global options<global-configuration>`.
.. confval:: amplitudes
Default: ``MLv, mb, mB, Mwp``
Type: *list:string*
Definition of magnitude types for which amplitudes are to be calculated.
.. confval:: amptool.minimumPickWeight
Default: ``0.5``
Type: *double*
The minimum arrival weight within an origin to compute amplitudes for the associated pick.
.. confval:: amptool.initialAcquisitionTimeout
Default: ``30``
Type: *double*
Unit: *s*
Timeout in seconds of the first data packet of waveform data acquisition.
.. confval:: amptool.runningAcquisitionTimeout
Default: ``2``
Type: *double*
Unit: *s*
Timeout in seconds of any subsequent data packet of waveform data acquisition.
Command-Line Options
.. program:: scamp
.. option:: -h, --help
Show help message.
.. option:: -V, --version
Show version information.
.. option:: --config-file arg
Use alternative configuration file. When this option is
used the loading of all stages is disabled. Only the
given configuration file is parsed and used. To use
another name for the configuration create a symbolic
link of the application or copy it. Example:
scautopick \-> scautopick2.
.. option:: --plugins arg
Load given plugins.
.. option:: -D, --daemon
Run as daemon. This means the application will fork itself
and doesn't need to be started with \&.
.. option:: --auto-shutdown arg
Enable\/disable self\-shutdown because a master module shutdown.
This only works when messaging is enabled and the master
module sends a shutdown message \(enabled with \-\-start\-stop\-msg
for the master module\).
.. option:: --shutdown-master-module arg
Set the name of the master\-module used for auto\-shutdown.
This is the application name of the module actually
started. If symlinks are used, then it is the name of
the symlinked application.
.. option:: --shutdown-master-username arg
Set the name of the master\-username of the messaging
used for auto\-shutdown. If \"shutdown\-master\-module\" is
given as well, this parameter is ignored.
.. option:: -x, --expiry time
Time span in hours after which objects expire.
.. option:: -O, --origin-id publicID
OriginID to calculate amplitudes for and exit.
.. option:: --dump-records
Dumps the filtered traces to ASCII when using \-O.
.. option:: --verbosity arg
Verbosity level [0..4]. 0:quiet, 1:error, 2:warning, 3:info,
.. option:: -v, --v
Increase verbosity level \(may be repeated, eg. \-vv\).
.. option:: -q, --quiet
Quiet mode: no logging output.
.. option:: --component arg
Limit the logging to a certain component. This option can
be given more than once.
.. option:: -s, --syslog
Use syslog logging backend. The output usually goes to
.. option:: -l, --lockfile arg
Path to lock file.
.. option:: --console arg
Send log output to stdout.
.. option:: --debug
Execute in debug mode.
Equivalent to \-\-verbosity\=4 \-\-console\=1 .
.. option:: --log-file arg
Use alternative log file.
.. option:: -u, --user arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.username`.
.. option:: -H, --host arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.server`.
.. option:: -t, --timeout arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.timeout`.
.. option:: -g, --primary-group arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.primaryGroup`.
.. option:: -S, --subscribe-group arg
A group to subscribe to.
This option can be given more than once.
.. option:: --content-type arg
Overrides configuration parameter :confval:`connection.contentType`.
.. option:: --start-stop-msg arg
Set sending of a start and a stop message.
.. option:: --test
Test mode where no messages are sent.
.. option:: --db-driver-list
List all supported database drivers.
.. option:: -d, --database arg
The database connection string, format:
\"service\" is the name of the database driver which
can be queried with \"\-\-db\-driver\-list\".
.. option:: --config-module arg
The config module to use.
.. option:: --inventory-db arg
Load the inventory from the given database or file, format:
[service:\/\/]location .
.. option:: --db-disable
Do not use the database at all
.. option:: --record-driver-list
List all supported record stream drivers.
.. option:: -I, --record-url arg
The recordstream source URL, format:
\"service\" is the name of the recordstream driver
which can be queried with \"\-\-record\-driver\-list\".
If \"service\" is not given, \"file:\/\/\" is
.. option:: --record-file arg
Specify a file as record source.
.. option:: --record-type arg
Specify a type for the records being read.
.. option:: --ep file
Defines an event parameters XML file to be read and processed. This
implies offline mode and only processes all origins contained
in that file. It computes amplitudes for all picks associated
with an origin and outputs an XML file that additionally
contains the amplitudes.
.. option:: --reprocess
Reprocess and update existing amplitudes in combination with \-\-ep.
Manual amplitudes will be skipped.
This option can be used, e.g. for reprocessing amplitudes with
new inventory information. Waveform access is required.
.. option:: --force
Forces reprocessing of all amplitudes, even manual ones.
.. option:: --start-time time
.. option:: --end-time time
.. option:: --commit
Send amplitude updates to the messaging otherwise an XML
document will be output.