You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (C) gempa GmbH *
* All rights reserved. *
* Contact: gempa GmbH ( *
* *
* GNU Affero General Public License Usage *
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation *
* and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this *
* file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: *
* *
* *
* Other Usage *
* Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and *
* conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and *
* gempa GmbH. *
#include <seiscomp/core/datetime.h>
#include <seiscomp/core/exceptions.h>
#include <seiscomp/core.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/notifier.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/object.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/types.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/creationinfo.h>
#include <seiscomp/geo/coordinate.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace DataModel {
class Event;
class Origin;
class Pick;
class Inventory;
class Network;
class Station;
class SensorLocation;
class Stream;
class ConfigStation;
class Setup;
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API std::string eventRegion(const DataModel::Event *);
template <typename T>
char objectEvaluationStatusToChar(const T *o) {
try {
switch ( o->evaluationStatus() ) {
return 'P';
return 'C';
return 'V';
case FINAL:
return 'F';
return 'X';
return 'R';
catch ( ... ) {}
return 0;
template <typename T>
char objectStatusToChar(const T *o) {
char evalStat = objectEvaluationStatusToChar(o);
if ( evalStat ) return evalStat;
try {
if ( o->evaluationMode() == MANUAL )
return 'M';
catch ( ... ) {}
return 'A';
template <typename T>
std::string objectAgencyID(const T *o) {
try {
return o->creationInfo().agencyID();
catch ( Core::ValueException & ) {}
return "";
template <typename T>
std::string objectAuthor(const T *o) {
try {
return o->creationInfo().author();
catch ( Core::ValueException & ) {}
return "";
template <typename T>
double quantityUncertainty(const T &o) {
try {
return o.uncertainty();
catch ( Core::ValueException & ) {
return (o.lowerUncertainty() + o.upperUncertainty()) * 0.5;
* Sets the creation time or modification time of an object.
* If no creationInfo is set then it will create an empty
* object and set the creation time. If a creationInfo is
* present, it will set the modification time if the creation
* time is not yet set. Otherwise it sets the creation time.
template <typename T>
void touch(T &o) {
Core::Time now = Core::Time::GMT();
try {
CreationInfo &ci = o.creationInfo();
try {
catch ( ... ) {
// No modification time set
try {
catch ( ... ) {
// No creation time set
catch ( ... ) {
template <typename T>
void touch(T *o) {
"network code not found",
"no matching network epoch found",
"station code not found",
"no matching station epoch found",
"sensor location code not found",
"no matching sensor location epoch found",
"stream code not found",
"no matching stream epoch found"
//! Returns the station for a network- and stationcode and
//! a time. If the station has not been found nullptr will be returned.
Station* getStation(const Inventory *inventory,
const std::string &networkCode,
const std::string &stationCode,
const Core::Time &, InventoryError *error = nullptr);
//! Returns the sensorlocation for a network-, station- and locationcode and
//! a time. If the sensorlocation has not been found nullptr will be returned.
SensorLocation* getSensorLocation(const Inventory *inventory,
const std::string &networkCode,
const std::string &stationCode,
const std::string &locationCode,
const Core::Time &,
InventoryError *error = nullptr);
//! Returns the stream for a network-, station-, location- and channelcode and
//! a time. If the stream has not been found nullptr will be returned.
Stream* getStream(const Inventory *inventory,
const std::string &networkCode,
const std::string &stationCode,
const std::string &locationCode,
const std::string &channelCode,
const Core::Time &,
InventoryError *error = nullptr);
//! Returns the station used for a pick. If the station has not been found
//! nullptr will be returned.
Station* getStation(const Inventory *inventory, const Pick *pick);
//! Returns the sensor location used for a pick. If the sensor location has
//! not been found nullptr will be returned.
SensorLocation* getSensorLocation(const Inventory *inventory,
const Pick *pick);
//! Returns the stream used for a pick. If the stream has
//! not been found nullptr will be returned.
Stream* getStream(const Inventory *inventory,
const Pick *pick);
struct ThreeComponents {
enum Component {
Vertical = 0, /* usually Z */
FirstHorizontal = 1, /* usually N */
SecondHorizontal = 2 /* usually E */
Stream *vertical() const { return comps[Vertical]; }
Stream *firstHorizontal() const { return comps[FirstHorizontal]; }
Stream *secondHorizontal() const { return comps[SecondHorizontal]; }
Stream *comps[3];
//! Returns the best matching stream for the vertical component having
//! the stream code set to streamCode (without component code, first two letters).
//! The method returns the component with the lowest horizontal dip. If several
//! components share the same dip the first one found is returned, e.g. UVW or ABC
//! orientations.
getVerticalComponent(const SensorLocation *loc, const char *streamCode, const Core::Time &time);
//! Returns the best matching streams for the vertical and horizontal components
//! having the stream code set to streamCode (without component code, first two letters).
//! Returns true if the resulting 3 components are forming an orthogonal system,
//! false otherwise.
//! The method tries to find 3 orthogonal components and select the first with
//! the lowest dip (largest Z value) as vertical. The remaining two are returned
//! as 1st horizontal (Y axis or North) and 2nd horizontal (X axis or East)
//! respectively.
//! NOTE: Each of the comps entries in res can be nullptr.
getThreeComponents(ThreeComponents &res, const SensorLocation *loc, const char *streamCode, const Core::Time &time);
* Looks for a setup which name is [setupName] (or "global" as fallback).
* @param configStation The ConfigStation object with Setup's attached
* @param setupName The name compared with Setup::name()
* @param allowGlobal Defines if "global" is allowed as fallback setup
* if setupName has not been found explicitely.
* @return The setup if available, nullptr otherwise
findSetup(const ConfigStation *configStation, const std::string &setupName,
bool allowGlobal = true);
* Creates a deep copy of an object including all child objects.
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Object *copy(const Object* obj);
* @brief Returns the id of a network. This is essentially the network code.
* @param net The network to get the id from.
* @return The id
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API std::string id(const Network *net);
* @brief Returns the id of a station as networkCode + '.' + stationCode.
* @param sta The station to get the id from.
* @return The id
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API std::string id(const Station *sta);
* @brief Returns the id of a sensor location as
* networkCode + '.' + stationCode + '.' + locationCode.
* If any of the parent objects is not set then \p unsetCode is used for
* the corresponding code.
* @param loc The sensor location to get the id from.
* @param unsetCode The code used if a parent object is not set or if \p loc is null
* @return The id
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API std::string id(const SensorLocation *loc,
const char *unsetCode = "");
* @brief Returns the id of a stream as
* networkCode + '.' + stationCode + '.' + locationCode + '.' + streamCode
* If any of the parent objects is not set then \p unsetCode is used for
* the corresponding code.
* @param loc The stream to get the id from.
* @param unsetCode The code used if a parent object is not set or if \p stream is null
* @param includeComponent Whether to include the component code or not. The
* component code is the last character of the stream
* code.
* @return The id
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API std::string id(const Stream *stream,
const char *unsetCode = "",
bool includeComponent = true);
* @brief Retrieves the geo coordinate (WGS84) from a station.
* This requires that the station has both latitude and longitude attributes
* set. If any of the attributes is unset then an exception is thrown.
* @param sta The station to get the coordinate from
* @return The geo coordinate of the station
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Geo::GeoCoordinate getLocation(const Station *sta);
* @brief Retrieves the geo coordinate (WGS84) from a sensor location.
* This requires that either the sensor location or the parent station has
* the latitude as well as longitude set. If one attribute is not set in
* the sensor location then the parent station will be lookup up.
* If any of the attributes cannot be extracted then an exception is thrown.
* @param loc The sensor location to get the coordinate from
* @return The geo coordinate of the sensor location
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Geo::GeoCoordinate getLocation(const SensorLocation *loc);
* @brief Retrieves the geo coordinate (WGS84) from a stream.
* This looks up the location of the parent sensor location which must be set.
* If it is incomplete or unset then the parent station of the sensor location
* will be lookup up.
* If any of the attributes cannot be extracted then an exception is thrown.
* @param coord The output geo location
* @param stream The stream to get the location from
* @return Success flag
SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Geo::GeoCoordinate getLocation(const Stream *stream);
// DataModel Diff
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API DiffMerge {
void setLoggingLevel(int level);
void showLog(std::ostream &os = std::cerr, int padding = 0,
int indent = 1, bool ignoreFirstPad = false);
* Scans a object tree for a particular node. Objects are compared on base of
* their indexes, @see equalsIndex
* @param tree object tree to scan
* @param node item to search for
* @return pointer to the item within the object tree or nullptr if the node was
* not found
Object *find(Object *tree, Object *node);
* Recursively compares two objects and collects all differences.
* The root element of one of the objects must be included in the other object
* tree, @see find(o1, o2)
* @param o1 first object to compare
* @param o2 second object to compare
* @param diffList list to collect differences in
* @return true if the diff could be performed, false if one object was null or
* no common child object could be found
* @throw TypeException if any type restriction is violated
bool diff(Object *o1, Object *o2, std::vector<NotifierPtr> &diffList);
* Recursively compares two objects and collects all differences.
* The root element of one of the objects must be included in the other object
* tree, @see find(o1, o2)
* @param o1 first object to compare
* @param o2 second object to compare
* @return A notifier message with all diff notifiers
* @throw TypeException if any type restriction is violated
NotifierMessage *diff2Message(Object *o1, Object *o2);
* Recursively merges the node object (and its children) into the tree object.
* The node must be part of the tree, @ref find(o1, o2). Properties of the node
* object override properties of the tree.
* @param tree main object to merge the node into
* @param node object to be merged into the tree
* @param idMap map that keeps track of any publicID attribute changes applied
* during the merge
* @return true if the merge could be performed, false if the node was not found
* in the tree
* @throw TypeException if any type restriction is violated
bool merge(Object *tree, Object *node, std::map<std::string, std::string> &idMap);
* Merges all all objects in the vector in order of their appearance into the
* mergeResult object, @ref merge(Object*, Object*). The mergeResult object must
* be not null and must serve as a parent for the objects being merged. In a
* subsequent processing step changes to publicIDs are applied to references,
* @ref mapReferences.
* @param mergeResult object to merge the vector into
* @param objects vector of objects to merge
* @return true if all objects could be merged successfully, else false.
bool merge(Object *mergeResult, const std::vector<Object*> &objects);
* Validates the internal publicID references of the specified object. In a
* first step all publicIDs are collected, then the object is traversed top-down
* and each reference's value is searched in the publicID set.
* @param o object to validate
* @return true if all references point to an existing publicID, else false
bool validateReferences(Object *o);
* Maps publicID references of the specified object. While the object is
* traversed top-down, a lookup for each reference in the publicID map is
* performed. If a matching entry is found the reference's value is updated.
* @param o object which references should be mapped
* @param map publicIDMap of deprecated to current publicIDs
* @return number of mappings performed
size_t mapReferences(Object *o, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &publicIDMap);
bool compareObjects(const Object *o1, const Object *o2);
std::string getPublicID(Object* o);
void diffRecursive(Object *o1, Object *o2, const std::string &o1ParentID,
std::vector<NotifierPtr> &diffList);
bool equalsIndex(Object *o1, Object *o2);
bool compareNonArrayProperty(const Core::BaseObject *o1, const Core::BaseObject *o2);
bool compareNonArrayProperty(const Core::MetaProperty* prop,
const Core::BaseObject *o1, const Core::BaseObject *o2);
void mergeRecursive(Object *o1, Object *o2,
std::map<std::string, std::string> &idMap);
class LogNode: public Core::BaseObject {
LogNode *_parent;
std::string _title;
// Logging level
// 2 Logs all (Default)
// 1 Logs only differences
// 0 Logs none - no messages are accepted
int _level;
std::vector<LogNodePtr> _childs;
std::vector<std::string> _messages;
std::string o2t(const Object *o);
void setParent(LogNode *n);
void add(std::string s1, std::string n);
template <class T>
std::string compare(T a, T b, bool quotes = false);
void reset ();
LogNode(const Object* o1, int level);
LogNode(std::string title, int level);
template <class T>
void add(std::string title, T a, T b);
void add(std::string title, bool status, std::string comment);
void add(std::string title, const Object *o1);
LogNodePtr add(LogNodePtr child);
void show(std::ostream &os, int padding = 0, int indent = 1,
bool ignoreFirstPad = false);
LogNodePtr _currentNode;
int _logLevel;
} // of ns DataModel
} // of ns Seiscomp