You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

763 lines
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* Copyright (C) gempa GmbH *
* All rights reserved. *
* Contact: gempa GmbH ( *
* *
* GNU Affero General Public License Usage *
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation *
* and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this *
* file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: *
* *
* *
* Other Usage *
* Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and *
* conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and *
* gempa GmbH. *
#include <seiscomp/system/application.h>
#include <seiscomp/core/message.h>
#include <seiscomp/client/queue.h>
#include <seiscomp/client/monitor.h>
#include <seiscomp/client/inventory.h>
#include <seiscomp/client.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/databasequery.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/notifier.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/configmodule.h>
#include <seiscomp/math/coord.h>
#include <seiscomp/messaging/connection.h>
#include <seiscomp/utils/timer.h>
#include <seiscomp/utils/stringfirewall.h>
#include <set>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#define SCCoreApp (Seiscomp::Client::Application::Instance())
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace Logging {
class Output;
namespace Client {
class SC_SYSTEM_CLIENT_API ApplicationStatusMessage : public Core::Message {
ApplicationStatusMessage(const std::string &module,
ApplicationStatus status);
ApplicationStatusMessage(const std::string &module,
const std::string &username,
ApplicationStatus status);
virtual bool empty() const;
const std::string &module() const;
const std::string &username() const;
ApplicationStatus status() const;
std::string _module;
std::string _username;
ApplicationStatus _status;
struct SC_SYSTEM_CLIENT_API Notification {
//! Declares the application internal notification types.
//! Custom types can be used with negative values.
enum Type {
Notification() : object(nullptr), type(Object) {}
Notification(Core::BaseObject * o) : object(o), type(Object) {}
Notification(int t) : object(nullptr), type(t) {}
Notification(int t, Core::BaseObject * o) : object(o), type(t) {}
Core::BaseObject *object;
int type;
* \brief Application class to write commandline clients easily which are
* connected to the messaging and need database access.
* In addition to @ref System::Application it adds the method
* @ref handleMessage which must be implemented to handle receives
* messages. An additional abstraction layer is implemented which already
* checks the message for notifier objects, extracts them and calls respective
* callbacks:
* * @ref addObject()
* * @ref removeObject()
* * @ref updateObject()
class SC_SYSTEM_CLIENT_API Application : public System::Application {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef ObjectMonitor::Log ObjectLog;
//! Initialization stages used when reporting errors
enum ClientStage {
MESSAGING = System::Application::ST_QUANTITY,
DATABASE = System::Application::ST_QUANTITY + 1,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Application(int argc, char **argv);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Returns the configured agencyID
const std::string &agencyID() const;
//! Returns the configured author
const std::string &author() const;
* Returns according to the configured white- and blacklist of
* agencyID's whether the passed agencyID is allowed or not
* @param agencyID The agencyID to check
* @return The boolean result
bool isAgencyIDAllowed(const std::string &agencyID) const;
* Returns !isAgencyIDAllowed(agencyID)
* @param agencyID The agencyID to check
* @return !isAgencyIDAllowed(agencyID)
bool isAgencyIDBlocked(const std::string &agencyID) const;
* Exit the application and set the returnCode.
* @param returnCode The value returned from exec()
virtual void exit(int returnCode);
//! Returns the application's messaging connection interface
Client::Connection *connection() const;
//! Returns the configured database type
const std::string &databaseType() const;
//! Returns the configured database connection parameters
const std::string &databaseParameters() const;
//! Returns the application's database interface
IO::DatabaseInterface *database() const;
//! Returns the application's database URI
const std::string &databaseURI() const;
//! Returns the application's database query interface
DataModel::DatabaseQuery *query() const;
//! Returns the configures recordstream URL to be used by
//! RecordStream::Open()
const std::string &recordStreamURL() const;
//! Returns the list of configured points of interest
const std::vector<Math::Geo::CityD> &cities() const;
//! Returns the nearest city with respect to lat/lon and
//! a given maximum distance and minimum population
const Math::Geo::CityD *nearestCity(double lat, double lon,
double maxDist, double minPopulation,
double *dist, double *azi) const;
//! Returns the config module object if available
DataModel::ConfigModule *configModule() const;
//! Returns the state of a station
bool isStationEnabled(const std::string& networkCode,
const std::string& stationCode);
//! Returns the messaging-server
const std::string &messagingURL() const;
//! Returns the filename of the OpenSSL certificate or
//! the certificate data Base64 encoded. The Base64 encoded
//! data starts with the special DataTag.
//! If no certificate is used the method returns an empty
//! string.
const std::string &messagingCertificate() const;
//! Enables a timer that calls every n seconds the
//! handleTimeout() methods
//! A value of 0 seconds disables the timer
void enableTimer(unsigned int seconds);
//! Disables the timer
void disableTimer();
//! Sends a notification to the application. If used in derived
//! classes to send custom notifications use negative notification
//! types and reimplement dispatchNotification(...).
void sendNotification(const Notification &);
bool waitEvent();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialization configuration methods
// These methods have to be called before the init() method.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Sets the primary messaging group
void setPrimaryMessagingGroup(const std::string&);
//! Returns the set primary messaging group
const std::string &primaryMessagingGroup() const;
//! Sets the username used for the messaging connection
void setMessagingUsername(const std::string&);
* Adds a group to subscribe to. This is only a default group.
* If another group or groups are given via commandline or config
* file this subscription will be overriden completely.
void addMessagingSubscription(const std::string&);
//! Initialize the database, default = true, true
void setDatabaseEnabled(bool enable, bool tryToFetch);
bool isDatabaseEnabled() const;
//! Returns whether the inventory should be loaded from a
//! file (false) or from the database (true)
bool isInventoryDatabaseEnabled() const;
//! Returns whether the config module should be loaded from a
//! file (false) or from the database (true)
bool isConfigDatabaseEnabled() const;
//! Initialize the messaging, default = true
void setMessagingEnabled(bool enable);
bool isMessagingEnabled() const;
* @brief Toggles receiption of messaging membership messages. The
* default is false.
* @param enable Flag
void setMembershipMessagesEnabled(bool enable);
bool areMembershipMessagesEnabled() const;
//! Enables/disables sending of start/stop messages.
//! If enabled, a start message (at startup) and a
//! stop message (at shutdown) will be sent to the
//! STATUS group. Default = false
void setStartStopMessagesEnabled(bool enable);
bool areStartStopMessagesEnabled() const;
//! Enables/disables auto shutdown caused by
//! the shutdown of a definable master module or
//! master username. If both values are set the
//! one coming first is used.
void setAutoShutdownEnabled(bool enable);
bool isAutoShutdownEnabled() const;
//! Enables recordstream URL option, default = true
void setRecordStreamEnabled(bool enable);
bool isRecordStreamEnabled() const;
//! Load the stations from the inventory at startup, default = false
void setLoadStationsEnabled(bool enable);
bool isLoadStationsEnabled() const;
//! Load the complete inventory at startup, default = false
void setLoadInventoryEnabled(bool enable);
bool isLoadInventoryEnabled() const;
//! Load the configmodule from the database at startup, default = false
void setLoadConfigModuleEnabled(bool enable);
bool isLoadConfigModuleEnabled() const;
//! Load the cities.xml file, default = false
void setLoadCitiesEnabled(bool enable);
bool isLoadCitiesEnabled() const;
//! Load the custom defined fep regions in ~/.seiscomp/fep or
//! ~/seiscomp/trunk/share/fep, default = false
void setLoadRegionsEnabled(bool enable);
bool isLoadRegionsEnabled() const;
//! Sets whether the received notifier are applied automatically
//! or not, default: true
* Sets whether the received notifier are applied automatically
* or not, default: true
* When AutoApplyNotifier is enabled a received message will
* be handled in two passes:
* 1. pass: Apply all attached notifier
* 2. pass: Interpret all notifier
* So when using an object in an interprete callback it is
* garantueed that all child objects that also has been sent
* inside the message are attached to it.
void setAutoApplyNotifierEnabled(bool enable);
bool isAutoApplyNotifierEnabled() const;
* Sets whether the received notifier will be interpreted or not.
* Default: true
* When this option is enabled, the callback methods
* addObject(), updateObject() and removeObject() will be
* called after a notifier has been received.
void setInterpretNotifierEnabled(bool enable);
bool isInterpretNotifierEnabled() const;
/** Returns whether a custom publicID pattern has been configured
or not */
bool hasCustomPublicIDPattern() const;
* Sets the number of retries if a connection fails.
* The default value is 0xFFFFFFFF and should be understood
* as "keep on trying".
void setConnectionRetries(unsigned int);
//! Sets the config module name to use when reading
//! the database configuration. An empty module name
//! means: read all available modules.
//! The default module is "trunk".
void setConfigModuleName(const std::string &module);
const std::string &configModuleName() const;
//! Sets the master module used when auto shutdown
//! is activated.
void setShutdownMasterModule(const std::string &module);
//! Sets the master username used when auto shutdown
//! is activated.
void setShutdownMasterUsername(const std::string &username);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// These methods have to be called after the init() method.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a logger for an input object flow.
* This method must be called after Application::init().
* The returned pointer is managed by the Application and must not
* be deleted.
ObjectLog *
addInputObjectLog(const std::string &name,
const std::string &channel = "");
* Adds a logger for an output object flow.
* This method must be called after Application::init().
* The returned pointer is managed by the Application and must not
* be deleted.
ObjectLog *
addOutputObjectLog(const std::string &name,
const std::string &channel = "");
* Logs input/output object throughput.
* @param log Pointer returned by addInputObjectLog or addOutputObjectLog
* @param timestamp The timestamp to be logged
void logObject(ObjectLog *log, const Core::Time &timestamp,
size_t count = 1);
* Reloads the application inventory from either an XML file or
* the database.
bool reloadInventory();
* Reloads the application configuration (bindings) from either an
* XML file or the database.
bool reloadBindings();
* @brief Injects a message from outside. The message will actually
* take the same path as when it would have been received via
* the messaging.
* @param msg The message. The ownership if left to the caller.
* @param pkt The optional network packet. The ownership is left to
* the caller.
void injectMessage(Core::Message *msg, Packet *pkt = nullptr);
* @brief Routes a notifier to either add/update or removeObject.
* @param notifier The notifier pointer which must not be nullptr
void handleNotifier(DataModel::Notifier *notifier);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static public members
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Returns the pointer to the application's instance.
static Application *Instance();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual bool validateParameters() override;
virtual bool handlePreFork() override;
virtual bool init() override;
* Starts the mainloop until exit() or quit() is called.
* The default implementation waits for messages in blocking mode
* and calls handleMessage() whenever a new message arrives.
virtual bool run() override;
//! This method gets called when all messages has been read or
//! the connection is invalid
virtual void idle();
//! Cleanup method called before exec() returns.
virtual void done() override;
//! Opens the configuration file and reads the state variables
virtual bool initConfiguration() override;
//! Initialized the database
virtual bool initDatabase();
//! Sets the database interface and creates a database query object
void setDatabase(IO::DatabaseInterface* db);
* Reads the requested subscriptions from the configuration file
* and apply them to the messaging connection.
virtual bool initSubscriptions();
const std::set<std::string> &subscribedGroups() const;
* Called when the application received the AcquisitionFinished event.
* This is most likely send from the readRecords thread of the
* StreamApplication. The default implementation does nothing.
virtual void handleEndAcquisition();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Messaging handlers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual bool dispatch(Core::BaseObject*);
//! Custom dispatch method for notifications with negative (< 0)
//! types. The default implementation return false.
virtual bool dispatchNotification(int type, Core::BaseObject*);
* Reads messages from the connection.
* @return true, if successfull, false if not. When returning false,
* the mainloop will stop and the program is going to
* terminate.
bool readMessages();
* This method gets called when a previously started timer timeout's.
* The timer has to be started by enableTimer(timeout).
virtual void handleTimeout();
* This method is called when close event is sent to the application.
* The default handler returns true and causes the event queue to
* shutdown and to exit the application.
* It false is returned the close event is ignored.
virtual bool handleClose();
* This methods gets called when an auto shutdown has been
* initiated. The default implementation just quits.
virtual void handleAutoShutdown();
* This methods gets called when an the log interval is reached
* and the application should prepare its logging information. This
* method can be used to sync logs.
* The default implementation does nothing.
virtual void handleMonitorLog(const Core::Time &timestamp);
* This method gets called after the connection got lost.
virtual void handleDisconnect();
* This method gets called after the connection got reestablished.
virtual void handleReconnect();
* Handles receiption of a network packet which is a candidate
* for message decoding. Special service messages such as ENTER or
* LEAVE will not cause a message to be created. This method is always
* called *before* a message should be handled.
virtual void handleNetworkMessage(const Client::Packet *msg);
* This method gets called whenever a new message arrives. Derived
* classes have to implement this method to receive messages.
* To enable autoapplying and notifier interpreting call this method
* inside the reimplemented version.
* @param msg The message. A smartpointer may be stored for
* future use. The pointer must not be deleted!
virtual void handleMessage(Core::Message *msg);
//! Callback for interpret notifier
virtual void addObject(const std::string &parentID, DataModel::Object*) {}
//! Callback for interpret notifier
virtual void removeObject(const std::string &parentID, DataModel::Object*) {}
//! Callback for interpret notifier
virtual void updateObject(const std::string &parentID, DataModel::Object*) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool initMessaging();
bool loadConfig(const std::string &configDB);
bool loadInventory(const std::string &inventoryDB);
void startMessageThread();
void runMessageThread();
bool processEvent();
void timeout();
void monitorLog(const Core::Time &timestamp, std::ostream &os);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
DataModel::DatabaseQueryPtr _query;
DataModel::ConfigModulePtr _configModule;
std::vector<Math::Geo::CityD> _cities;
std::set<std::string> _messagingSubscriptions;
static Application *_instance;
using StringVector = std::vector<std::string>;
struct AppSettings : AbstractSettings {
int objectLogTimeWindow{60};
std::string agencyID{"UNSET"};
std::string author{"@appname@@@@hostname@"};
bool enableLoadRegions{false};
std::string customPublicIDPattern;
std::string configModuleName{"trunk"};
bool enableFetchDatabase{true};
bool enableLoadStations{false};
bool enableLoadInventory{false};
bool enableLoadConfigModule{false};
bool enableAutoApplyNotifier{true};
bool enableInterpretNotifier{true};
unsigned int retryCount{0xFFFFFFFF};
Util::StringFirewall networkTypeFirewall;
Util::StringFirewall stationTypeFirewall;
struct Database {
void accept(SettingsLinker &linker);
bool enable{true};
bool showDrivers{false};
std::string type;
std::string parameters;
std::string URI;
std::string inventoryDB;
std::string configDB;
} database;
struct Inventory {
void accept(SettingsLinker &linker);
StringVector netTypeWhitelist;
StringVector netTypeBlacklist;
StringVector staTypeWhitelist;
StringVector staTypeBlacklist;
} inventory;
// Messaging
struct Messaging {
void accept(SettingsLinker &linker);
bool enable{true};
bool membershipMessages{false};
std::string user;
std::string URL{"localhost/production"};
std::string primaryGroup{Protocol::LISTENER_GROUP};
std::string contentType;
unsigned int timeout{3};
std::string certificate;
StringVector subscriptions;
} messaging;
struct Client {
void accept(SettingsLinker &linker);
bool startStopMessages{false};
bool autoShutdown{false};
std::string shutdownMasterModule;
std::string shutdownMasterUsername;
} client;
struct RecordStream {
void accept(SettingsLinker &linker);
bool enable{false};
bool showDrivers{false};
std::string URI;
std::string file;
std::string fileType;
} recordstream;
struct Processing {
void accept(SettingsLinker &linker);
StringVector agencyWhitelist;
StringVector agencyBlacklist;
Util::StringFirewall firewall;
} processing;
struct Cities {
void accept(SettingsLinker &linker);
bool enable{false};
std::string db;
} cities;
void accept(SettingsLinker &linker) override;
AppSettings _settings;
ObjectMonitor *_inputMonitor;
ObjectMonitor *_outputMonitor;
ThreadedQueue<Notification> _queue;
std::thread *_messageThread;
ConnectionPtr _connection;
IO::DatabaseInterfacePtr _database;
Util::Timer _userTimer;
std::mutex _objectLogMutex;
inline bool Application::waitEvent() {
return processEvent();