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* Author: Pete Goodliffe
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2002 Pete Goodliffe All rights reserved.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Purpose: STL-style circular buffer
* Formatting changed by <Jan Becker, gempa GmbH>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
* Iterators
* Iterator type for the circular_buffer class.
* This one template class provides all variants of forward/reverse
* const/non const iterators through plentiful template magic.
* You don't need to instantiate it directly, use the good public functions
* availble in circular_buffer.
template<typename T, //circular_buffer type
//(incl const)
typename T_nonconst, //with any consts
typename elem_type = typename T::value_type> //+ const for const iter
class circular_buffer_iterator {
typedef circular_buffer_iterator<T, T_nonconst, elem_type> self_type;
typedef T cbuf_type;
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef typename cbuf_type::value_type value_type;
typedef typename cbuf_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename cbuf_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename cbuf_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename cbuf_type::reference reference;
typedef typename cbuf_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename cbuf_type::difference_type difference_type;
circular_buffer_iterator(cbuf_type *b, size_type p)
: buf_(b), pos_(p) {}
// Converting a non-const iterator to a const iterator
circular_buffer_iterator(const circular_buffer_iterator<T_nonconst, T_nonconst, typename T_nonconst::value_type> &other)
: buf_(other.buf_), pos_(other.pos_) {}
friend class circular_buffer_iterator<const T, T, const elem_type> ;
// Use compiler generated copy ctor, copy assignment operator and dtor
elem_type &operator*() {
return (*buf_)[pos_];
elem_type *operator->() {
return &(operator*());
self_type &operator++() {
pos_ += 1;
return *this;
self_type operator++(int) {
self_type tmp(*this);
return tmp;
self_type &operator--() {
pos_ -= 1;
return *this;
self_type operator--(int) {
self_type tmp(*this);
return tmp;
self_type operator+(difference_type n) const {
self_type tmp(*this);
tmp.pos_ += n;
return tmp;
self_type &operator+=(difference_type n) {
pos_ += n;
return *this;
self_type operator-(difference_type n) const {
self_type tmp(*this);
tmp.pos_ -= n;
return tmp;
self_type &operator-=(difference_type n) {
pos_ -= n;
return *this;
difference_type operator-(const self_type &c) const {
return pos_ - c.pos_;
bool operator==(const self_type &other) const {
return pos_ == other.pos_ && buf_ == other.buf_;
bool operator!=(const self_type &other) const {
return pos_ != other.pos_ && buf_ == other.buf_;
bool operator>(const self_type &other) const {
return pos_ > other.pos_;
bool operator>=(const self_type &other) const {
return pos_ >= other.pos_;
bool operator<(const self_type &other) const {
return pos_ < other.pos_;
bool operator<=(const self_type &other) const {
return pos_ <= other.pos_;
cbuf_type *buf_;
size_type pos_;
template<typename circular_buffer_iterator_t>
circular_buffer_iterator_t operator+(
const typename circular_buffer_iterator_t::difference_type &a,
const circular_buffer_iterator_t &b) {
return circular_buffer_iterator_t(a) + b;
template<typename circular_buffer_iterator_t>
circular_buffer_iterator_t operator-(
const typename circular_buffer_iterator_t::difference_type &a,
const circular_buffer_iterator_t &b) {
return circular_buffer_iterator_t(a) - b;
* circular_buffer
* This class provides a circular buffer in the STL style.
* You can add data to the end using the @ref push_back function, read data
* using @ref front() and remove data using @ref pop_front().
* The class also provides random access through the @ref operator[]()
* function and its random access iterator. Subscripting the array with
* an invalid (out of range) index number leads to undefined results, both
* for reading and writing.
* This class template accepts three template parameters:
* <li> T The type of object contained
* <li> always_accept_data_when_full Determines the behaviour of
* @ref push_back when the buffer is full.
* Set to true new data is always added, the
* old "end" data is thrown away.
* Set to false, the new data is not added.
* No error is returned neither is an
* exception raised.
* <li> Alloc Allocator type to use (in line with other
* STL containers).
* @short STL style circule buffer
* @author Pete Goodliffe
* @version 1.00
template<typename T, bool always_accept_data_when_full = true,
typename Alloc = std::allocator<T> >
class circular_buffer {
enum {
version_major = 1, version_minor = 0
// Typedefs
typedef circular_buffer<T, always_accept_data_when_full, Alloc> self_type;
typedef Alloc allocator_type;
typedef typename Alloc::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Alloc::pointer pointer;
typedef typename Alloc::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename Alloc::reference reference;
typedef typename Alloc::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename Alloc::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Alloc::difference_type difference_type;
typedef circular_buffer_iterator<self_type, self_type> iterator;
typedef circular_buffer_iterator<const self_type, self_type,
const value_type> const_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
// Lifetime
enum {
default_capacity = 100
explicit circular_buffer(size_type capacity = default_capacity)
: array_(alloc_.allocate(capacity))
, array_size_(capacity)
, head_(1)
, tail_(0)
, contents_size_(0) {}
circular_buffer(const circular_buffer &other)
: array_(alloc_.allocate(other.array_size_))
, array_size_(other.array_size_), head_(other.head_)
, tail_(other.tail_), contents_size_(other.contents_size_) {
try {
assign_into(other.begin(), other.end());
catch ( ... ) {
alloc_.deallocate(array_, array_size_);
template<class InputIterator>
circular_buffer(InputIterator from, InputIterator to)
: array_(alloc_.allocate(1)), array_size_(1)
, head_(1), tail_(0), contents_size_(0) {
circular_buffer tmp;
tmp.assign_into_reserving(from, to);
~circular_buffer() {
alloc_.deallocate(array_, array_size_);
circular_buffer &operator=(const self_type &other) {
circular_buffer tmp(other);
return *this;
void swap(circular_buffer &other) {
std::swap(array_, other.array_);
std::swap(array_size_, other.array_size_);
std::swap(head_, other.head_);
std::swap(tail_, other.tail_);
std::swap(contents_size_, other.contents_size_);
allocator_type get_allocator() const {
return alloc_;
// Iterators
iterator begin() {
return iterator(this, 0);
iterator end() {
return iterator(this, size());
const_iterator begin() const {
return const_iterator(this, 0);
const_iterator end() const {
return const_iterator(this, size());
reverse_iterator rbegin() {
return reverse_iterator(end());
reverse_iterator rend() {
return reverse_iterator(begin());
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
return const_reverse_iterator(end());
const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
// Size
size_type size() const {
return contents_size_;
size_type capacity() const {
return array_size_;
bool empty() const {
return !contents_size_;
size_type max_size() const {
return alloc_.max_size();
void reserve(size_type new_size) {
if ( capacity() < new_size ) {
circular_buffer tmp(new_size);
tmp.assign_into(begin(), end());
// Accessing
reference front() {
return array_[head_];
reference back() {
return array_[tail_];
const_reference front() const {
return array_[head_];
const_reference back() const {
return array_[tail_];
void push_back(const value_type &item) {
size_type next = next_tail();
if ( contents_size_ == array_size_ ) {
if ( always_accept_data_when_full ) {
array_[next] = item;
else {
alloc_.construct(array_ + next, item);
void pop_front() {
size_type destroy_pos = head_;
alloc_.destroy(array_ + destroy_pos);
void clear() {
for ( size_type n = 0; n < contents_size_; ++n ) {
alloc_.destroy(array_ + index_to_subscript(n));
head_ = 1;
tail_ = contents_size_ = 0;
reference operator[](size_type n) {
return at_unchecked(n);
const_reference operator[](size_type n) const {
return at_unchecked(n);
reference at(size_type n) {
return at_checked(n);
const_reference at(size_type n) const {
return at_checked(n);
reference at_unchecked(size_type index) const {
return array_[index_to_subscript(index)];
reference at_checked(size_type index) const {
if ( index >= contents_size_ ) {
throw std::out_of_range("index out of bounds");
return at_unchecked(index);
// Rounds an unbounded to an index into array_
size_type normalise(size_type n) const {
return n % array_size_;
// Converts external index to an array subscript
size_type index_to_subscript(size_type index) const {
return normalise(index + head_);
void increment_tail() {
tail_ = next_tail();
size_type next_tail() {
return (tail_ + 1 == array_size_) ? 0 : tail_ + 1;
void increment_head() {
// precondition: !empty()
if ( head_ == array_size_ )
head_ = 0;
template<typename f_iter>
void assign_into(f_iter from, f_iter to) {
if ( contents_size_ )
while ( from != to ) {
template<typename f_iter>
void assign_into_reserving(f_iter from, f_iter to) {
if ( contents_size_ )
while ( from != to ) {
if ( contents_size_ == array_size_ ) {
reserve(static_cast<size_type>(array_size_ * 1.5));
void destroy_all_elements() {
for ( size_type n = 0; n < contents_size_; ++n ) {
alloc_.destroy(array_ + index_to_subscript(n));
allocator_type alloc_;
value_type *array_;
size_type array_size_;
size_type head_;
size_type tail_;
size_type contents_size_;
template<typename T, bool consume_policy, typename Alloc>
bool operator==(const circular_buffer<T, consume_policy, Alloc> &a,
const circular_buffer<T, consume_policy, Alloc> &b) {
return a.size() == b.size() && std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin());
template<typename T, bool consume_policy, typename Alloc>
bool operator!=(const circular_buffer<T, consume_policy, Alloc> &a,
const circular_buffer<T, consume_policy, Alloc> &b) {
return a.size() != b.size() || !std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin());
template<typename T, bool consume_policy, typename Alloc>
bool operator<(const circular_buffer<T, consume_policy, Alloc> &a,
const circular_buffer<T, consume_policy, Alloc> &b) {
return std::lexicographical_compare(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());