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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="seedlink" category="Acquisition" standalone="true">
<description>Real-time waveform server implementing the SeedLink protocol.</description>
<parameter name="port" type="int" default="18000">
Defines the Seedlink port to accept requests. If this port
is changed and other modules depend on it (slarchive, processing)
those ports must be updated as well!
<parameter name="filebase" type="dir">
Path to the base directory of SeedLink data files (disk buffer).
<parameter name="network" type="string">
Default network code. Used when a network code is omitted by a client
in STATION request. Should be set to the network code of the majority
of configured stations. 1 or 2 characters long, uppercase.
<parameter name="trusted" type="list:string" default="">
List of trusted addresses.
<parameter name="access" type="list:string" default="">
List of IP addresses or IP/mask pairs (in ipchains/iptables syntax)
that can access stations. Per station access definitions
supersede this parameter. By default any client can access
all stations.
<parameter name="stream_check" type="boolean" default="true">
Check start and end times of streams.
<parameter name="gap_check_pattern" type="string" default="XXXXX">
If stream_check = enabled, also check for gaps in all channels that
match given pattern. Register all gaps that are larger than +-0.5 seconds.
gap_check_pattern = [EBLV][HLNG][ZNE]|S[NG][ZNE].
Disabled to save memory.
<parameter name="gap_treshold" type="int" default="500000">
Time difference between records (microseconds) above which a gap is declared.
<parameter name="window_extraction" type="boolean" default="true">
Can be enabled or disabled. Required for slinktool option -tw.
<parameter name="window_extraction_trusted" type="boolean" default="true">
Same as window_extraction for trusted IP addresses.
<parameter name="websocket" type="boolean" default="false">
Allow websocket connections.
<parameter name="websocket_trusted" type="boolean" default="false">
Same as websocket for trusted IP addresses.
<parameter name="msrtsimul" type="boolean" default="false">
If activated Seedlink uses the mseedfifo to read records and
only the mseedfifo_plugin is started. This command is useful
to playback historic data by eg msrtsimul.
<parameter name="inventory_connection" type="string" default="">
Defines a database read connection to be used for Seedlink
station descriptions. If no database is to be used (the default;
configure with "") then the station code will be used. Example:
"mysql://sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp". If a remote host is
specified, ensure that its database server is reachable from
this computer.
<parameter name="info" type="string" default="streams">
Info level provided to arbitrary hosts.
<parameter name="info_trusted" type="string" default="all">
Info level provided to trusted hosts.
<parameter name="request_log" type="boolean" default="true">
Whether requests should be logged.
<parameter name="proc_gap_warn" type="int" default="10" unit="microseconds">
Give warning if an input channel has time gap larger than this (microseconds).
<parameter name="proc_gap_flush" type="int" default="100000">
Flush streams if an input channel has time gap larger than this (microseconds).
<parameter name="proc_gap_reset" type="int" default="1000000">
Reset FIR filters if an input channel has time gap larger than this (microseconds).
<parameter name="backfill_buffer" type="float" default="0" unit="s">
Enable backfilling buffer for out-of-order records.
This values defines its capacity in seconds.
<parameter name="seq_gap_limit" type="int" default="100000">
Maximum allowed deviation from the sequence number of oldest packet if
packet with requested sequence number is not found. If seq_gap_limit is
exceeded, data flow starts from the next packet coming in, otherwise
from the oldest packet in buffer.
<parameter name="connections" type="int" default="500">
Total number of TCP/IP connections allowed.
<parameter name="connections_per_ip" type="int" default="20">
Maximum number of TCP/IP connections per IP.
<parameter name="bytespersec" type="int" default="0" unit="B/s">
Maximum speed per connection (0: throttle disabled).
<parameter name="lockfile" type="string" default="@ROOTDIR@/var/run/">
Path to lockfile to prevent multiple instances.
<parameter name="buffers" type="int" default="100">
Size of memory buffer (number of recent Mini-SEED records kept in RAM).
<parameter name="segments" type="int" default="50">
Number of disk buffer segments (files under &lt;dir&gt;/station/segments/
where &lt;dir&gt; is the directory given by the filebase parameter).
<parameter name="segsize" type="int" default="1000">
Size of one disk buffer segment in the records (512-byte units).
<parameter name="blanks" type="int" default="10">
Number of blank records to insert after the re-scan of disk buffer
if &lt;dir&gt;/station/buffer.xml is not found (assuming the server
did not terminate correctly).
<parameter name="encoding" type="string" default="steim2">
Encoding of Mini-SEED records created by SeedLink. The value must be
steim1 or steim2. If omitted, the global encoding parameter is used.
<parameter name="sequence_file_cleanup" type="int" default="0" unit="min">
If configured with a value greater than zero then all sequence files
created by the chain plugin are deleted which are older than X minutes
before Seedlink is started.
<binding module="seedlink">
Configures general station parameters irrespective of a configured plugin.
If stream_check, gap_check_pattern or gap_treshold is changed it is necessary
to remove the files &lt;dir&gt;/*/buffer.xml, where &lt;dir&gt; is the directory
given by the filebase parameter. In this case the disk buffer is re-scanned when
SeedLink is started (which will take some time).
<parameter name="access" type="list:string" default="">
List of IP addresses or IP/mask pairs (in ipchains/iptables syntax).
Only if a client's IP address
matches one of those the station is shown (slinktool -L, etc.) and
accessible. If omitted, the global access parameter is used.
If the global access parameter is not set any client can access the station.
<parameter name="buffers" type="int" default="100">
Size of memory buffer (number of recent Mini-SEED records kept in RAM).
<parameter name="segments" type="int" default="50">
Number of disk buffer segments (files under &lt;dir&gt;/station/segments/
where &lt;dir&gt; is the directory given by the filebase parameter).
<parameter name="segsize" type="int" default="1000">
Size of one disk buffer segment in the records (512-byte units).
<parameter name="blanks" type="int" default="10">
Number of blank records to insert after the re-scan of disk buffer
if &lt;dir&gt;/station/buffer.xml is not found (assuming the server
did not terminate correctly).
<parameter name="encoding" type="string">
Encoding of Mini-SEED records created by SeedLink. The value must be
steim1 or steim2. If omitted, the global encoding parameter is used.
<parameter name="backfill_buffer" type="float" default="0" unit="s">
Enable backfilling buffer for out-of-order records when raw samples
are transmitted. This values defines its capacity in seconds.
<parameter name="proc" type="string">
Name of the proc object uniquely defined in a seedlink template file, e.g.
proc is used for processing, e.g. renaming or resampling of raw
streams (streams submitted by a plugin as raw samples).
The template file is used to generate
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/var/lib/seedlink/streams.xml .
Example template: $SEISCOMP_ROOT/share/templates/seedlink/streams_stream100.tpl