You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scxmldump" category="Utilities">
Dump database objects to XML files.
scxmldump [options]
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Messaging">
<group name="Database">
<group name="Dump">
<option long-flag="listen">
Enable server mode which listens to the message server for
incoming events and dumps each received add/update.
<option flag="I" long-flag="inventory">
Dump the inventory.
<option long-flag="without-station-groups">
Remove all station groups from inventory.
<option long-flag="stations" argument="sta-list">
If inventory is exported filter the stations to export where
each item is in format net[.{sta|*}].
<option flag="C" long-flag="config">
Dump the configuration database.
<option flag="J" long-flag="journal">
Dump the journal. In combination with -E only corresponding
journal entries are included.
<option flag="R" long-flag="routing">
Dump the routing database.
<option flag="Y" long-flag="availability">
Dump data availability information.
<option long-flag="with-segments">
Dump individual data segments.
<option flag="O" long-flag="origin" argument="ID">
Origin public ID(s) to dump. Multiple origins may be specified
as a comma-separated list.
<option flag="E" long-flag="event" argument="ID">
Event public ID(s) to dump. Multiple events may be specified
as a comma-separated list.
<option flag="P" long-flag="with-picks">
Dump associated picks along with origins.
<option flag="A" long-flag="with-amplitudes">
Dump associated amplitudes along with magnitudes.
<option flag="M" long-flag="with-magnitudes">
Dump station magnitudes.
<option flag="F" long-flag="with-focal-mechanism">
Dump focal mechanisms of events.
<option flag="a" long-flag="ignore-arrivals">
Do not dump arrivals part of origins.
<option long-flag="ignore-magnitudes">
Do not export (network) magnitudes of origins. This
option is most useful in combination with -O to only
export the location information.
<option flag="p" long-flag="preferred-only">
When exporting events only the preferred origin, the preferred
magnitude and the preferred focal mechanism will be dumped.
<option flag="m" long-flag="all-magnitudes">
If only the preferred origin is exported, all magnitudes for
this origin will be dumped.
<group name="Output">
<option flag="f" long-flag="formatted">
Use formatted XML output. Otherwise all XML is printed
on one line.
<option flag="o" long-flag="output">
The output file. Default is stdout.
<option long-flag="prepend-datasize">
Prepend a line with the length of the XML data.