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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="scmaster" category="Messaging">
<description>The messaging system</description>
The default set of message groups for each queue. Only used
if a queues group list is unset (note: empty is not unset).
<parameter name="queues" type="list:string" default="production, playback">
Enable messaging queues defined as profile in queues. The profile
names are the final queue names.
<group name="interface">
Control the messaging interface. The default protocol is
&quot;scmp&quot; but &quot;scmps&quot; (secure protocol) is
used when valid SSL certificate and key are configured.
<parameter name="bind" type="ipbind" default="">
Local bind address and port of the messaging system. accepts connections from all clients, only from localhost.
<parameter name="acl" type="list:ipmask" default="">
The IP access control list for clients which are allowed
to connect to the interface.
<parameter name="socketPortReuse" type="boolean" default="true">
SO_REUSEADDR socket option for the TCP listening socket.
<group name="ssl">
SSL encryption is used if key and certificate are configured.
<parameter name="bind" type="ipbind" default="">
Additional local bind address and port of the messaging
system in case SSL encryption is active.
<parameter name="acl" type="list:ipmask" default="">
The IP access control list for clients which are allowed
to connect to the interface.
<parameter name="socketPortReuse" type="boolean" default="true">
SO_REUSEADDR socket option for the TCP listening socket.
<parameter name="key" type="path" default="">
<parameter name="certificate" type="path" default="">
<group name="queues">
Set the parameters for each messaging queue. The queues are used
when listed in the "queues" parameter. Several queues
can be used in parallel. For queues with without databases leave
the processor parameters empty.
<struct type="Queue" link="queues">
<parameter name="groups" type="list:string">
Define the list of message groups added to the queue.
If unset, then the defaultGroups will be used.
A queue will always add the default group &quot;STATUS_GROUP&quot;.
This parameter overrides defaultGroups.
<parameter name="acl" type="list:ipmask" default="">
The IP access control list for clients which are allowed
to join the queue.
<parameter name="maximumPayloadSize" type="int" unit="B" default="1048576">
The maximum size in bytes of a message to be accepted.
Clients which send larger messages will be disconnected.
The default is 1MB.
<parameter name="plugins" type="list:string">
List of plugins required by this queue. This is just a
convenience parameter to improve configurations
readability. The plugins can also be added to the
global list of module plugins.
Example: dbstore
<group name="processors">
<parameter name="messages" type="string">
Interface name. For now, use &quot;dbstore&quot;to
use a database.
Use empty for testing or playbacks without a database.
<group name="messages">
<group name="dbstore">
Define the database connection parameters.
<parameter name="driver" type="string">
Selected the database driver to use.
Database drivers are available through plugins.
The default plugin is dbmysql which supports
the MYSQL database server. It is activated
with the core.plugins parameter.
<parameter name="read" type="string">
Set the database read connection which is
reported to clients that connect to this server.
If a remote setup should be implemented,
ensure that the hostname is reachable from
the remote computer.
<parameter name="write" type="string">
Set the database write connection which is
private to scmaster.
A separate write connection enables different
permissions on the database level for scmaster
and clients.
<parameter name="strictVersionMatch" type="boolean" default="true">
If enabled, the plugin will check the database
schema version and refuse to start if the
version doesn't match the latest version.
If disabled and the an object needs to be
stored, which is incompatible with the
database schema, this object is lost.
Leave this option enabled unless you know
exactly what are you doing and what the
consequences are.
<group name="http">
<parameter name="filebase" type="path" default="@DATADIR@/scmaster/http/">
The directory served by the http server at staticPath.
<parameter name="staticPath" type="string" default="/">
The URL path at which html files and assets are available.
All files under filebase will be served at this URL path.
<parameter name="brokerPath" type="string" default="/">
The URL path at which the broker websocket is available.
<group name="database">
<input name="enable" type="boolean" default="true">
<text>Enable database storage.</text>
Enable/disable the database.
If the database is not enabled, the processed data is not
stored persistently.
Leave this option enabled unless you know what you are doing.
<option value="false"/>
<option value="true">
<input name="backend" type="string" default="mysql/mariadb">
<text>Database backend</text>
SeisComP supports different database backends. Select
the one you want to use. Different backends require
different additional packages to be installed on your
host system.
<option value="mysql/mariadb">
<description>MySQL/MariaDB server.</description>
<input name="create" type="boolean" default="true">
<text>Create database</text>
If you already have a database and want to
reuse it, you can skip this step.
If you want to let setup create the database
for you, check this option.
<option value="true">
<input name="rootpw" type="string" echo="password">
<text>MYSQL root password.</text>
To create the database root access to
the database is required.
Please enter the root password to
the database server you are going to
The server hostname will be entered
in the next steps.
<input name="runAsSuperUser" type="boolean" default="false">
<text>Run as super user.</text>
Activate this option to run the database
setup script with super user rights.
For instance, some MariaDB installation
do not allow root access per password
and require privileged system access.
<input name="drop" type="boolean" default="false">
<text>Drop existing database.</text>
When a database with the same name
exists already, should it be destroyed
and recreated?
If you say no here, an error will be
raised if the database to be created
already exists.
<option value="false"/>
<input name="db" type="string" default="seiscomp">
<text>Database name.</text>
Database name to use.
If you want to avoid conflicts with existing
databases or if you have multiple installations,
change the default name.
If you are unsure, keep the default.
<input name="rwhost" type="string" default="localhost">
<text>Database hostname.</text>
The hostname of the computer running the
database server.
In most cases it is this computer (localhost).
This hostname is private and not published
to any client connection to this computer.
<input name="rwuser" type="string" default="sysop">
<text>Database read-write user.</text>
The database username for read-write access
to the database.
This account will not be visible to clients
connecting to your system unless read-only
and read-write accounts are not separated.
<input name="rwpwd" type="string" default="sysop">
<text>Database read-write password.</text>
The database user password for read-write
access to the database.
This account will not be visible to clients
connecting to your system unless read-only
and read-write accounts are not separated.
<input name="rohost" type="string" default="localhost">
<text>Database public hostname.</text>
The hostname of the computer running the
database server.
In most cases, it is this computer (localhost).
This hostname is sent to all connected clients
who in turn will try to resolve it.
If all modules run locally, you can leave
the defaults.
<input name="rouser" type="string" default="sysop">
<text>Database read-only user.</text>
The database user that will have read-only
access to the database.
This account will be visible to all clients
connecting to your system.
<input name="ropwd" type="string" default="sysop">
<text>Database read-only password.</text>
The database user password for read-only
access to the database.
This password will be visible to all clients
connecting to your system.
<option value="postgresql">
PostgresSQL server version 9 or later.
<input name="create" type="boolean" default="true">
<text>Create database</text>
If you already have a database and want to
reuse it, you can skip this step.
If you want to let setup create the database
for you, check this option.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
Note: By default, the PostgresSQL server do
not allow to login with username and password.
Due to this reason, the SeisComP scmaster
module can establish a connection after database
initialization. Please check the SeisComP
documentation how to change the server
<option value="true">
<input name="drop" type="boolean" default="false">
<text>Drop existing database.</text>
When a database with the same name
exists already, should it be
destroyed and recreated?
If you say no here, an error will be
raised if the database to be created
already exists.
<option value="false"/>
<input name="db" type="string" default="seiscomp">
<text>Database name.</text>
Database name to use. If you want to avoid
conflicts with existing databases, or if you
have multiple installations, change the default
name. If you are unsure, keep the default.
<input name="rwhost" type="string" default="localhost">
<text>Database hostname.</text>
The hostname of the computer running the
database server.
In most cases it is this computer (localhost).
This hostname is private and not published to
any client connection to this computer.
<input name="rwuser" type="string" default="sysop">
<text>Database read-write user.</text>
The database username for read-write access
to the database.
This account will not be visible to clients
connecting to your system unless read-only
and read-write accounts are not separated.
<input name="rwpwd" type="string" default="sysop">
<text>Database read-write password.</text>
The database user password for read-write
access to the database.
This account will not be visible to clients
connecting to your system unless read-only
and read-write accounts are not separated.
<input name="rohost" type="string" default="localhost">
<text>Database public hostname.</text>
The hostname of the computer running the
database server.
In most cases it is this computer (localhost).
This hostname is sent to all connected clients
who in turn will try to resolve it.
If all modules run locally, you can leave the
<input name="rouser" type="string" default="sysop">
<text>Database read-only user.</text>
The database user that will have read-only
access to the database.
This account will be visible to all clients
connecting to your system.
<input name="ropwd" type="string" default="sysop">
<text>Database read-only password.</text>
The database user password for read-only
access to the database.
This password will be visible to all clients
connecting to your system.
<option value="sqlite3">
<description>SQLite3 database.</description>
<input name="create" type="boolean" default="true">
<text>Create database</text>
If you already have a database and want to
reuse it, you can skip this step.
If you want to let setup create the database
for you, check this option.
<option value="true">
<input name="override" type="boolean" default="false">
<text>Override existing database file.</text>
When a database with the same name
exists already, should it be overriden?
If you say no here, an error will be
raised if the database to be created
already exists.
<option value="false"/>
<input name="filename" type="string" default="@ROOTDIR@/var/lib/seiscomp.db">
<text>Path to database file</text>
scmaster [options]
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Wired">
<option long-flag="bind" argument="arg">
The non-encrypted bind address. Format [ip:]port
<option long-flag="sbind" argument="arg">
The encrypted bind address. Format: [ip:]port