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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="fdsnws" category="Utilities">
Provide FDSN Web Services.
fdsnws [options]
<group name="Generic">
<group name="Verbosity">
<group name="Database">
<group name="Records">
<parameter name="listenAddress" type="IP" default="">
Define the bind address of the server. &quot;; allows
any interface to connect to this server whereas &quot;;
only allows connections from localhost.
<parameter name="port" type="int" default="8080">
Server port to listen for incoming requests. Note: The FDSN Web
service specification defines the service port 80. Please refer
to the documentation on how to serve on privileged ports.
<parameter name="connections" type="int" default="5">
Number of maximum simultaneous requests.
<parameter name="queryObjects" type="int" default="10000">
Maximum number of objects per query, used in fdsnws-station and
fdsnws-event to limit main memory consumption.
<parameter name="realtimeGap" type="int" unit="s">
Restrict end time of requests to current time - realtimeGap
seconds. Negative values allowed. Used in fdsnws-dataselect.
WARNING: If this value is unset and a realtime recordsource
(e.g. slink) is used, requests may block if end time in future
is requested.
<parameter name="samplesM" type="float">
Maximum number of samples (in units of million) per query, used
in fdsnws-dataselect to prevent a single user to block one
connection with a large request.
<parameter name="recordBulkSize" type="int" default="102400" unit="bytes">
Set the number of bytes to buffer for each chunk of waveform data
served to the client. The lower the buffer the higher the overhead
of Python Twisted. The higher the buffer the higher the memory
usage per request. 100kB seems to be a good trade-off.
<parameter name="htpasswd" type="string" default="@CONFIGDIR@/fdsnws.htpasswd">
Path to password file used in fdsnws-dataselect/queryauth. The
format is 'username:password' separated by lines. Because of the
HTTP digest authentication method required by the FDSN
specification, the passwords have to be stored in plain text.
<parameter name="accessLog" type="string">
Path to access log file. If unset no access log is created.
<parameter name="requestLog" type="string">
Path to request log file. If unset no request log is created.
<parameter name="userSalt" type="string">
Secret salt for calculating userID.
<parameter name="corsOrigins" type="list:string:" default="*">
List of domain names Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
request may originate from. A value of '*' allows any web page
to embed your service. An empty value will switch of CORS
requests entirely. An example of multiple domains might be:
<parameter name="allowRestricted" type="boolean" default="true">
Enable/disable access to restricted inventory data.
<parameter name="handleConditionalRequests" type="boolean" default="false">
Enable/disable handling of time-based conditional requests (RFC
7232) by the fdsnws-station resource.
<parameter name="useArclinkAccess" type="boolean" default="false">
If enabled, then access to restricted waveform data is
controlled by arclink-access bindings. By default authenticated
users have access to all data.
<parameter name="hideAuthor" type="boolean" default="false">
If enabled, author information is removed from any event
creationInfo element.
<parameter name="hideComments" type="boolean" default="false">
If enabled, event comment elements are no longer accessible.
<parameter name="evaluationMode" type="string">
If set, the event service will only return events having a
preferred origin with a matching evaluationMode property.
<group name="eventType">
<parameter name="whitelist" type="list:string">
<description>List of enabled event types</description>
<parameter name="blacklist" type="list:string">
<description>List of disabled event types</description>
<parameter name="eventFormats" type="list:string">
List of enabled event formats. If unspecified, all supported
formats are enabled.
<parameter name="serveDataSelect" type="boolean" default="true">
Enable/disable the DataSelect service.
<parameter name="serveEvent" type="boolean" default="true">
Enable/disable the Event service.
<parameter name="serveStation" type="boolean" default="true">
Enable/disable the Station service.
<parameter name="serveAvailability" type="boolean" default="false">
Enable/disable the Availability service. Note: This is a non
standard FDSNWS extension served under fdsnws/ext/availability.
<parameter name="stationFilter" type="string">
Path to station inventory filter file.
<parameter name="dataSelectFilter" type="string">
Path to dataselect inventory filter file.
<parameter name="debugFilter" type="boolean" default="false">
If enabled, a debug line is written for each stream ID explaining
why a stream was added/removed by a inventory filter.
<parameter name="fileNamePrefix" type="string" default="fdsnws">
Define the prefix for the default filenames if downloading and
saving data from within a browser.
For data loaded using dataselect, it is thus fdsnws.mseed by default.
<group name="dataAvailability">
Provide access to waveform data availability information stored
in the SeisComP database. In case of a SDS archive, this
information may be collected by scardac (SeisComP archive
data availability collector).
<parameter name="enable" type="boolean" default="false">
Enable loading of data availabilty information from
SeisComP database. Availability information is used by
station and ext/availability service.
<parameter name="cacheDuration" type="int" default="300" unit="s">
Number of seconds data availabilty information is considered
valid. If the duration time is exceeded, the information is
fetched again from the database.
<parameter name="dccName" type="string" default="DCC">
Name of the archive use in sync format of dataavailability
extent service.
<parameter name="repositoryName" type="string" default="primary">
Name of the archive use in some format of data availability
extent service.
<group name="trackdb">
<parameter name="enable" type="boolean" default="false">
Save request log to database.
<parameter name="defaultUser" type="string" default="fdsnws">
Default user.
<group name="auth">
<parameter name="enable" type="boolean" default="false">
Enable auth extension.
<parameter name="gnupgHome" type="string" default="@ROOTDIR@/var/lib/gpg">
GnuPG home directory.
<parameter name="blacklist" type="list:string">
List of revoked token IDs.