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# Defines the primary group of a module. This is the name of the group where a
# module sends its messages to if the target group is not explicitely given in
# the send call.
connection.primaryGroup = QC
# Defines a list of message groups to subscribe to. The default is usually
# given by the application and does not need to be changed.
connection.subscriptions = QC, CONFIG
# List of QC paramters to be displayed in the details table. Read the scqc
# documentation for a list of available QC parameters and the default
# configuration of scqcv $SEISCOMP_ROOT/etc/defaults/scqcv.cfg for more
# examples.
# Format: "Parameter name : ConfigName"
# Example: "delay : delay","spikes count : spike","spikes amplitude :
# spikeAmplitude" Refer to the parameters by their ConfigName to configure the
# attriutes.
parameter = "latency : latency",\
"delay : delay",\
"timing quality : timing",\
"offset : offset",\
"rms : rms",\
"gaps count : gap",\
"overlaps count : overlap",\
"availability : availability",\
"spikes count : spike"
# "gaps interval : gapInterval",\
# "gaps length : gapLength",\
# "spikes interval : spikeInterval",\
# "spikes amplitude : spikeAmplitude"
# "overlaps interval : overlapInterval",\
# "overlaps length : overlapLength"
# List of channels to display. By default the global binding configuration is
# used which can be overwritten with this parameter. = default
# Add new streams automatically to the streams configured in when
# waveform QC parameters are provided for these streams.
streams.cumulative = false
# Length of data to be displayed.
streamWidget.length = 600
# Names of range profile to be considered. The range profiles define the
# background color table fields depending on the field value. Add the default
# ranges for which different intervals and the color are configured.
default.ranges = sane, bad
# Values are: int, float, percent, timeSpan
# Displays raw values if unset.
default.format = float
# Default time in seconds, how long a value is displayed in scqcv if no update
# is received. Setting to 0 means, show value until updated.
default.expire = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
default.color = grey1
# Activate to display absolute values (modulus).
default.useAbsoluteValue = false
# Values are: int, float, percent, timeSpan
# Displays raw values if unset.
availability.format = percent
# Default time in seconds, how long a value is displayed in scqcv if no update
# is received. Setting to 0 means, show value until updated.
availability.expire = 600
# Value interval for range sane
availability.range.sane = 99.0, 101.0
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
availability.range.sane.count = 0
# Names of range profile to be considered The range profiles s define the
# background color table fields depending on the field value. Add the default
# ranges for which different intervals and the color are configured.
delay.ranges = sane, inter, bad
# Values are: int, float, percent, timeSpan
# Displays raw values if unset.
delay.format = timeSpan
# Value interval for range sane
delay.range.sane = 0.0, 60.0
# Value interval for range inter
delay.range.inter = 60, 120
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
delay.range.bad.count = -500
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
delay.range.bad.color = red
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
delay.range.inter.count = -1
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
delay.range.inter.color = yellow
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
delay.range.sane.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
delay.range.sane.color = green
# Default time in seconds, how long a value is displayed in scqcv if no update
# is received. Setting to 0 means, show value until updated.
gap.expire = 600
# Value interval for range sane
gap.range.sane = 0.0, 0.0
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
gap.range.sane.count = 0
# Values are: int, float, percent, timeSpan
# Displays raw values if unset.
latency.format = timeSpan
# Value interval for range sane
latency.range.sane = 0.0, 600.0
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
latency.range.bad.count = -1000
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
latency.range.bad.color = grey
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
latency.range.sane.count = 0
# Activate to display absolute values (modulus).
offset.useAbsoluteValue = true
# Value interval for range sane
offset.range.sane = 0.0, 500.E3
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
offset.range.sane.count = 0
# Value interval for range sane
rms.range.sane = 10.0, 20.E3
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
rms.range.sane.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
rms.range.sane.color = green
# Default time in seconds, how long a value is displayed in scqcv if no update
# is received. Setting to 0 means, show value until updated.
spike.expire = 600
# Value interval for range sane
spike.range.sane = 0.0, 0.0
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
spike.range.sane.count = 0
# Names of range profile to be considered The range profiles s define the
# background color table fields depending on the field value. Add the default
# ranges for which different intervals and the color are configured.
timing.ranges = sane, inter, bad
# Values are: int, float, percent, timeSpan
# Displays raw values if unset.
timing.format = int
# Activate to display absolute values (modulus).
timing.useAbsoluteValue = false
# Value interval for range sane
timing.range.sane = 90.0, 100.0
# Value interval for range inter
timing.range.inter = 50.0, 90.0
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
timing.range.bad.count = -100
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
timing.range.bad.color = darkred
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
timing.range.inter.count = -1
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
timing.range.inter.color = yellow
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
timing.range.sane.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
timing.range.sane.color = green
range.bad = -99.9E99, 99.0E99
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.bad.count = -1
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.bad.color = red
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.inter.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.inter.color = yellow
# Value interval for range sane
range.sane = 0.0, 99.0E99
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.sane.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.sane.color = green
# score values for overview window
# Ranges to be considered for forming the score. Set the count parameter from the
# respective range section for controlling the contribution of this range.
score.default.ranges = latency,\
range.above = 0, 999
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.above.color = green
# Possible values: enableStream, disableStream
range.above.action = enableStream
range.below = -99, -11
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.below.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.below.color = grey
# Possible values: enableStream, disableStream
range.below.action = disableStream
range.timing = -200, -100
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.timing.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.timing.color = darkred
range.delay = -600, -500
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.delay.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.delay.color = darkred
# define cumulative status ranges
range.latency = -1900, -1000
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.latency.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.latency.color = grey
range.r01 = -1, -1
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r01.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r01.color = red01
range.r02 = -2, -2
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r02.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r02.color = red02
range.r03 = -3, -3
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r03.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r03.color = red03
range.r04 = -4, -4
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r04.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r04.color = red04
range.r05 = -5, -5
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r05.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r05.color = red05
range.r06 = -6, -6
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r06.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r06.color = red06
range.r07 = -7, -7
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r07.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r07.color = red07
range.r08 = -8, -8
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r08.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r08.color = red08
range.r09 = -9, -9
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r09.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r09.color = red09
range.r10 = -10, -10
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.r10.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.r10.color = red10
range.unset = 1000, 1000
# Contribution of this range for computing the score. The range must be
# considered.
range.unset.count = 0
# A color defined by the color definitions below.
range.unset.color = grey1
# R, G, B, alpha colors = 255, 000, 000, 64
color.yellow = 255, 255, 000, 64 = 000, 255, 000, 100 = 000, 000, 255, 100
color.grey = 130, 130, 130, 255
color.grey1 = 240, 240, 240, 255
color.darkred = 255, 000, 000, 196
color.red10 = 255, 000, 000, 255
color.red09 = 255, 000, 000, 240
color.red08 = 255, 000, 000, 220
color.red07 = 255, 000, 000, 200
color.red06 = 255, 000, 000, 175
color.red05 = 255, 000, 000, 150
color.red04 = 255, 000, 000, 125
color.red03 = 255, 000, 000, 100
color.red02 = 255, 000, 000, 85
color.red01 = 255, 000, 000, 70
# valid formats are:
format.float = 2
format.timeSpan = "" = ""
format.percent = ""