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.. highlight:: rst
.. _slmon:
**SeedLink monitor creating web pages**
*slmon* collects waveform QC parameters from a configured :ref:`seedlink` Server
and creates static HTML websites for their visualization. :ref:`Station summeries<fig-slmon>` and
:ref:`per-station channels views<fig-slmon-stat>` are available.
1. Adjust the module configuration parameters of *slmon* to set the seedlink Server,
the output directory for the created webpages and other parameters.
#. Create and adjust binding profiles and station bindings for *slmon* to activate
the monitoring of the desired networks and stations.
#. Update the configuration of *slmon*
#. Start *slmon*. This step reads the QC parameters and creates the static webpage.
The webpage is not automatically updated.
.. code-block:: sh
seiscomp update-config
seiscomp start slmon
#. Restart *slmon* in order to upate the webpage. The restart can be
performed by a the regular system check scheduled by a crontab entry.
The example below shows a crontab entry to update the webpage
generated by *slmon* every 3 minutes:
.. code-block:: sh
*/3 * * * * /home/sysop/seiscomp/bin/seiscomp check slmon >/dev/null 2>&1
.. note::
The crontab entry can be generated and added automatically
using the seiscomp script:
.. code-block:: sh
seiscomp print crontab | crontab -
A comprehensive example for monitoring many stations of a large number of networks
is provided by `GEOFON <>`_ at
`GFZ Potsdam <>`_, Germany. A simple example of a website
create by *slmon* is given in the :ref:`figures below<fig-slmon>`.
.. _fig-slmon:
.. figure:: media/slmon.png
:align: center
:width: 16cm
Example of a website with the station summary created by *slmon*.
.. _fig-slmon-stat:
.. figure:: media/slmon-stat.png
:align: center
:width: 16cm
Example of a website with a per-station channel view created by *slmon*.
.. _slmon_configuration:
Module Configuration
.. note::
slmon is a :term:`standalone module` and does not inherit :ref:`global options <global-configuration>`.
| :file:`etc/defaults/slmon.cfg`
| :file:`etc/slmon.cfg`
| :file:`~/.seiscomp/slmon.cfg`
.. confval:: title
Default: ``"SeedLink Monitor"``
Type: *string*
Title of the web page used as heading.
.. confval:: refresh
Default: ``180``
Type: *double*
Unit: *s*
Refresh interval of the generated web page used by the browser.
The interval should be similar to the interval for starting slmon.
If empty, the web page must be manually refreshed from within
the browser.
.. confval:: address
Default: ````
Type: *string*
Host of the Seedlink server to connect to. If the acquisition
is running on one system nothing needs to be changed.
.. confval:: port
Default: ``18000``
Type: *int*
The port of the Seedlink server to connect to. If the acquisition
is running on one system this port must match the configured
local Seedlink port.
.. confval:: email
Type: *string*
e\-mail address added to web pages.
.. confval:: wwwdir
Default: ``@ROOTDIR@/var/run/@NAME@``
Type: *string*
Output directory of the web pages.
.. confval:: icon
Default: ````
Type: *string*
Favicon URL of the web pages. Not mandatory.
.. confval:: linkname
Default: ``GEOFON``
Type: *string*
Name of Link shown in footer of web pages.
.. confval:: linkurl
Default: ````
Type: *string*
URL referred to by linkname in footer of web pages.
.. confval:: liveurl
Default: ````
Type: *string*
URL to live seismograms. %s will be replaced by station name.
Not mandatory.
Bindings Parameters
.. confval:: group
Default: ``local``
Type: *string*
Defines the group of the station that is monitored.