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.. _global_mlc:
Custom magnitude for local events measured on horizontal components
MLc is the custom magnitude for local events provided by the mlc plugin.
The implementation is based on specifications by Hessian Agency for Nature
Conservation, Environment and Geology, Hessian Earthquake Service.
The MLc magnitude is very similar to the original :ref:`ML<global_ml>`,
except that by default
* Amplitude pre-filtering is applied.
* A parametric :ref:`magnitude calibration <mlc_station_magnitude>` function
* Hypocentral distance is used.
Regionalization of magnitude computation is provided through global module
Configuration of global bindings provides additional flexibility:
* Amplitudes can be pre-filtered before applying Wood-Anderson simulation
* Wood-Anderson simulation is optional:
* Measured amplitudes can be scaled accounting for expected unit
* A parametric or A0-based non-parametric
:ref:`magnitude calibration <mlc_station_magnitude>`
function can be applied as controlled by
* Consider either hypocentral or epicentral distance for computing magnitudes
General (default) conditions apply:
* Amplitude pre-filtering, configurable: :ref:`BW(3,0.5,12) <filter-bw>`.
* Amplitude unit in SeisComP: **millimeter** (mm) or as considered by the
configured calibration parameters.
* Optional amplitude scaling and Wood-Anderson simulation.
* Time window, configurable: 150 s by :ref:`scautopick` or distance dependent
with :math:`endTime = distance [km]/ 3 + 30`, e.g. by :ref:`scmag` or
* Distance type, configurable: hypocentral or epicentral.
* Distance range, configurable: 0 - 8 deg, measurements beyond 8 deg will be
strictly ignored.
* Depth range, configurable: <= 80 km.
* Magnitude calibration, configurable: parametric or non-parametric.
MLc amplitudes can be measured automatically by :ref:`scautopick` or :ref:`scamp`
or interactively by :ref:`scolv` very similarly to the original :ref:`ML<global_ml>`,
except that they can be pre-filtered and applying Wood-Anderson simulation is
optional: :confval:`amplitudes.MLc.preFilter`,
By default amplitudes are measured on both horizontal components where the
absolute maxima are taken. They are combined to a final measured amplitude by
taking the mean. The methods for measuring and combining the amplitudes are
:confval:`amplitudes.MLc.measureType`, :confval:`amplitudes.MLc.combiner`.
The Wood-Anderson simulation will convert input velocity data to ground
displacement in mm. The input data may be of a different unit after applying
:confval:`amplitudes.MLc.preFilter`, e.g. when integration is applied, and / or
when Wood-Anderson simulation is disabled. Configure
:confval:`amplitudes.MLc.amplitudeScale` for converting the unit of the
processed data to the unit expected by the
:ref:`station magnitude calibration <mlc_station_magnitude>` for the measured
.. note::
For comparing MLc amplitudes with :ref:`ML amplitudes <global_ml>` set the
global bindings parameters ::
amplitudes.MLc.preFilter = ""
amplitudes.MLc.combiner = average
.. _mlc_station_magnitude:
Station Magnitudes
Station magnitudes are computed from measured amplitudes automatically by
or interactively by :ref:`scolv`. By global bindings configuration MLc considers
* Hypocentral (default) or epicentral distance: :confval:`magnitudes.MLc.distMode`.
* Distance range: :confval:`magnitudes.MLc.minDist`, :confval:`magnitudes.MLc.maxDist`.
* Events with depth up to :confval:`magnitudes.MLc.maxDepth`.
* Parametric or non-parametric calibration functions
* parametric when :confval:`magnitudes.MLc.calibrationType` = "parametric"`:
.. math::
MLc = \log_{10}(A) + c_3 * \log_{10}(r/c_5) + c_2 * (r + c_4) + c_1 + c_0(station)
* *A*: displacement amplitude measured in unit of mm or as per configuration
* *r*: hypocentral (default) or epicentral distance
* *c1*, *c2*, *c3*, *c4*, *c5*: general calibration parameters
* *c0*: station-specific correction
* *r*: Hypocentral (default) or epicentral distance as configured by
* A0-based non-parametric when :confval:`magnitudes.MLc.calibrationType` = "A0"`:
.. math::
MLc = \log_{10}(A) - \log_{10}(A_0)
* :math:`log_{10}(A_0)`: distance-dependent correction value. Read
:ref:`global_mlv` for the details.
.. note::
The magnitude calibration function can regionalized by adjusting global module
configuration parameters in MLc region profiles of
:confval:`magnitudes.MLc.region.*` and in a *MLc* Magnitude type profile e.g.
in :file:`global.cfg`.
Network Magnitude
The network magnitude is computed from station magnitudes automatically by
:ref:`scmag` or interactively by :ref:`scolv`.
Originally the median was computed from all station MLc to form the
:term:`network magnitude` MLc. Here, the trimmed mean is applied. Outliers
beyond the outer 12.5% percentiles are removed before forming the mean. The
method can be adjusted in :ref:`scmag` by :confval:`magnitudes.average`.
The flexibility of the amplitude and magnitude processing allows to apply MLc
in various use cases, e.g.
* **Default:** Pre-filtered and gain-corrected amplitudes, Wood-Anderson
corrected and measured in mm for Southwestern Germany, :cite:t:`stange-2006`:
.. math::
MLc = \log_{10}(A) + 1.11 * \log_{10}(r) + 0.00095 * r + 0.69 + c_0
* Wood-Anderson-corrected displacement amplitudes measured in mm for
Southern California, :cite:t:`hutton-1987`:
.. math::
MLc = \log_{10}(A) + 1.110 * \log_{10}(r / 100) + 0.00189 * (r - 100) + 3.0
* Pre-filtered velocity amplitudes in units of mym/s (requiring to set
:confval:`amplitudes.MLc.amplitudeScale`), no Wood-Anderson correction,
for West Bohemia, e.g. :cite:t:`hiemer-2012`:
.. math::
MLc = \log_{10}(A) - log_{10}(2\Pi) + 2.1 * \log_{10}(r) - 1.7 + c_0
.. figure:: media/magnitude-calibrations_MLc_s_MLc_hb.png
:align: center
:width: 18cm
MLc magnitudes for measured amplitude of 1 mm with default magnitude
calibration (*MLc_s*, Stange, 2006) and calibration values for Southern
California (*MLc_hb*, :cite:t:`hutton-1987`).
#. **Set the configuration and calibration parameters** in the global bindings
to :ref:`global_ml`. Instead of configuring lots of global bindings profiles
or station bindings one line per parameter can be added to the global module
configuration (:file:`global.cfg`) which takes the form ::
module.trunk.NET.STA.amplitude.MLc.preFilter = value
module.trunk.NET.STA.magnitude.MLc.parametric.c0 = value
#. Add MLc to the list of default amplitudes and magnitudes if MLc is to be
computed by automatic modules, e.g. of :ref:`scamp`, :ref:`scmag`.
#. Configure :ref:`scmag` (:confval:`magnitudes.average` in :file:`scmag.cfg`)
for choosing the method to form the
network magnitude from station magnitudes, e.g. ::
magnitudes.average = MLc:median
#. Add MLc to the list of magnitudes preferred by :ref:`scevent`
(:confval:`eventAssociation.magTypes` in :file:`scevent.cfg`) in order to let
MLc become the preferred magnitude.
#. Set defaults/visibility of MLc in :term:`GUI` modules, e.g. :ref:`scolv`
or :ref:`scesv`.
.. note ::
All default values for bindings configuration parameters are from
.. _global_mlc_configuration:
Module Configuration
.. note::
*Regionalized calibration parameters for MLc. The region itself is defined*
*by another magnitude-type MLc profile.*
.. note::
*Add one profile for every region. The profile name*
*equals the name of a polygon configured in the BNA file*
*of the Magnitude-type profile. The Magnitude-type profile*
*and the polygon must exist.*
*The special name "world" corresponds to the*
*region of the entire planet as a fallback.*
.. note::
$name is a placeholder for the name to be used.
.. note::
*Parameters for A0, non-parametric magnitude calibration.*
.. confval:: magnitudes.MLc.region.$name.A0.logA0
Type: *string*
Overrides the calibration function log10\(A0\)
for computing MLc per region. See logA0
description in the bindings.
.. note::
*Parameters for parametric magnitude calibration:*
*MLc = log10(A) + c3 * log10(r/c5) + c2 * (r + c4) + c1 + c0(station)*
.. confval:: magnitudes.MLc.region.$name.parametric.c0
Type: *double*
Overrides the calibration parameter c0
for computing MLc per region. See c0
description in the bindings.
.. confval:: magnitudes.MLc.region.$name.parametric.c1
Type: *double*
Overrides the calibration parameter c1
for computing MLc per region. See c1
description in the bindings.
.. confval:: magnitudes.MLc.region.$name.parametric.c2
Type: *double*
Overrides the calibration parameter c2
for computing MLc per region. See c2
description in the bindings.
.. confval:: magnitudes.MLc.region.$name.parametric.c3
Type: *double*
Overrides the calibration parameter c3
for computing MLc per region. See c3
description in the bindings.
.. confval:: magnitudes.MLc.region.$name.parametric.c4
Type: *double*
Overrides the calibration parameter c4
for computing MLc per region. See c4
description in the bindings.
.. confval:: magnitudes.MLc.region.$name.parametric.c5
Type: *double*
Overrides the calibration parameter c5
for computing MLc per region. See c5
description in the bindings.