You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (C) gempa GmbH *
* All rights reserved. *
* Contact: gempa GmbH ( *
* *
* GNU Affero General Public License Usage *
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation *
* and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this *
* file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: *
* *
* *
* Other Usage *
* Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and *
* conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and *
* gempa GmbH. *
#include <seiscomp/core/baseobject.h>
#include <seiscomp/config/log.h>
#include <seiscomp/config/symboltable.h>
#include <seiscomp/system/environment.h>
#include <seiscomp/system/schema.h>
#include <seiscomp/core.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace System {
struct SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API ConfigDelegate : Config::Logger {
struct CSConflict {
Module *module;
Parameter *parameter;
int stage;
Config::Symbol *symbol;
enum Operation {
struct Change {
Change() {}
Change(Operation op, const std::string &var,
const std::string &old_content, const std::string &new_content)
: operation(op), variable(var)
, oldContent(old_content), newContent(new_content) {}
Operation operation;
std::string variable;
std::string oldContent;
std::string newContent;
typedef std::vector<Change> ChangeList;
virtual void aboutToRead(const char *filename) {}
virtual void finishedReading(const char *filename) {}
//! Return true to cause the model to re-read the file
//! or false to go on.
virtual bool handleReadError(const char *filename) { return false; }
virtual void aboutToWrite(const char *filename) {}
virtual void finishedWriting(const char *filename, const ChangeList &changes) {}
//! Notification about a write error of a file
virtual void hasWriteError(const char *filename) {}
//! Return true to cause the model to skip writing to the file
//! or false to go on.
virtual bool handleWriteTimeMismatch(const char *filename, const ChangeList &changes) { return false; }
virtual void caseSensitivityConflict(const CSConflict &) {}
struct SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API SymbolMapItem : public Core::BaseObject {
SymbolMapItem() : known(false) {}
SymbolMapItem(const Config::Symbol &s) : symbol(s), known(false) {}
Config::Symbol symbol;
bool known;
class ModelVisitor;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Container : public Core::BaseObject {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Container(const char *path_, const Container *super_ = nullptr)
: super(super_), parent(nullptr), path(path_) {}
Container(const std::string &path_, const Container *super_ = nullptr)
: super(super_), parent(nullptr), path(path_) {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void add(Parameter *);
Parameter *parameter(size_t i) const { return parameters[i].get(); }
size_t parameterCount() const { return parameters.size(); }
void add(Group *);
Group *group(size_t i) const { return groups[i].get(); }
size_t groupCount() const { return groups.size(); }
void add(Structure *);
Structure *structure(size_t i) const { return structures[i].get(); }
size_t structureCount() const { return structures.size(); }
void addType(Structure *);
bool hasStructure(const char *name) const;
bool hasStructure(const std::string &name) const;
//! Creates a new structure with name of a certain type wich must
//! exist. If a valid pointer is returned the structure has been
//! added to this->structures.
Structure *instantiate(const Structure *s, const char *name);
//! Removes an existing structure
bool remove(Structure *s);
Structure *findStructureType(const std::string &type) const;
//! Returns a parameter in the tree where the fully expanded name
//! matches @fullName@.
Parameter *findParameter(const std::string &fullName) const;
//! Returns a container at path @path@.
Container *findContainer(const std::string &path) const;
//! Accepts a model visitor and starts to traversing its nodes
void accept(ModelVisitor *) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
const Container *super;
Core::BaseObject *parent;
std::string path;
std::vector<GroupPtr> groups;
std::vector<ParameterPtr> parameters;
std::vector<StructurePtr> structures;
std::vector<StructurePtr> structureTypes;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Parameter : public Core::BaseObject {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Parameter(SchemaParameter *def, const char *n);
Parameter(SchemaParameter *def, const std::string &n);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Parameter *copy(bool backImport = false);
Parameter *clone() const;
void dump(std::ostream &os) const;
bool inherits(const Parameter *param) const;
void updateFinalValue(int maxStage = Environment::CS_LAST);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Core::BaseObject *parent;
const Parameter *super;
SchemaParameter *definition;
SymbolMapItemPtr symbols[Environment::CS_QUANTITY];
Config::Symbol symbol;
std::string variableName;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Structure : public Container {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure(SchemaStructure *def, const char *xpth, const char *n)
: Container(xpth), definition(def), name(n) {}
Structure(SchemaStructure *def, const std::string &xpth, const std::string &n)
: Container(xpth), definition(def), name(n) {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure *copy(bool backImport = false);
Structure *clone() const;
Structure *instantiate(const char *name) const;
void dump(std::ostream &os) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
SchemaStructure *definition;
std::string name;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Group : public Container {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Group(SchemaGroup *def, const char *path_)
: Container(path_), definition(def) {}
Group(SchemaGroup *def, const std::string &path_)
: Container(path_), definition(def) {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Group *copy(bool backImport = false);
Group *clone() const;
void dump(std::ostream &os) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Core::BaseObject *parent;
SchemaGroup *definition;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Section : public Container {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Section(const char *n) : Container(""), parent(nullptr), name(n) {}
Section(const std::string &n) : Container(""), parent(nullptr), name(n) {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Section *copy(bool backImport = false);
Section *clone() const;
void dump(std::ostream &os) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Core::BaseObject *parent;
std::string name;
std::string description;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Binding : public Core::BaseObject {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Binding(const std::string &n) : parent(nullptr), definition(nullptr), name(n) {}
Binding *clone() const;
void dump(std::ostream &os) const;
Section *section(size_t i) const { return sections[i].get(); }
size_t sectionCount() const { return sections.size(); }
//! Returns a container at path @path@.
virtual Container *findContainer(const std::string &path) const;
//! Returns a parameters in the tree where the fully expanded name
//! matches fullName.
virtual Parameter *findParameter(const std::string &fullName) const;
virtual void accept(ModelVisitor *) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Core::BaseObject *parent;
SchemaBinding *definition;
std::string name;
std::string description;
std::vector<SectionPtr> sections;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API BindingCategory : public Core::BaseObject {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
BindingCategory(const char *n) : name(n) {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a binding (template) with given name
Binding *binding(const std::string &name) const;
BindingCategory *clone() const;
void dump(std::ostream &os) const;
//! Returns if a binding is instantiated with a given alias.
bool hasBinding(const char *alias) const;
//! Creates a new binding as alias of a certain binding wich must
//! exist. If a valid pointer is returned the binding has been
//! added to this->bindings.
Binding *instantiate(const Binding *b, const char *alias);
//! Returns the alias for an instantiated binding.
//! Returns nullptr if the binding is not instantiated in this
//! category.
const char *alias(const Binding *b) const;
bool removeInstance(const Binding *b);
bool removeInstance(const char *alias);
//! Returns a container at path @path@.
Container *findContainer(const std::string &path) const;
//! Returns a parameters in the tree where the fully expanded name
//! matches fullName.
Parameter *findParameter(const std::string &fullName) const;
void accept(ModelVisitor *) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
struct BindingInstance {
BindingInstance(Binding *b, const std::string &a)
: binding(b), alias(a) {}
BindingPtr binding;
std::string alias;
typedef std::vector<BindingPtr> Bindings;
typedef std::vector<BindingInstance> BindingInstances;
Binding *parent;
std::string name;
BindingInstances bindings;
Bindings bindingTypes;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API ModuleBinding : public Binding {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
ModuleBinding(const std::string &n) : Binding(n) {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
ModuleBinding *clone() const;
void add(BindingCategory *);
BindingCategory *category(const std::string &name) const;
bool writeConfig(const std::string &filename,
ConfigDelegate *delegate = nullptr) const;
void dump(std::ostream &os) const;
//! Returns a container at path @path@.
Container *findContainer(const std::string &path) const;
//! Returns a parameters in the tree where the fully expanded name
//! matches fullName.
Parameter *findParameter(const std::string &fullName) const;
void accept(ModelVisitor *) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::vector<BindingCategoryPtr> Categories;
std::string configFile;
Categories categories;
struct SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API StationID {
StationID() {}
StationID(const std::string &net, const std::string &sta)
: networkCode(net), stationCode(sta) {}
bool operator==(const StationID &other) const {
return networkCode == other.networkCode &&
stationCode == other.stationCode;
bool operator<(const StationID &other) const {
if ( networkCode == other.networkCode )
return stationCode < other.stationCode;
return networkCode < other.networkCode;
std::string networkCode;
std::string stationCode;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Module : public Core::BaseObject {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Module(SchemaModule *def)
: definition(def) {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Returns if the module has any parameter to configure.
bool hasConfiguration() const;
void add(Section *);
Section *section(size_t i) const { return sections[i].get(); }
size_t sectionCount() const { return sections.size(); }
//! Returns a parameters in the tree where the fully expanded name
//! matches fullName.
Parameter *findParameter(const std::string &fullName) const;
//! Returns a container at path @path@.
Container *findContainer(const std::string &path) const;
bool supportsBindings() const { return bindingTemplate.get() != nullptr; }
int loadProfiles(const std::string &dir, ConfigDelegate *delegate = nullptr);
//! Adds a profile. Returns false if a profile with the same
//! name exists already or the binding belongs to another
//! module.
bool addProfile(ModuleBinding *);
//! Removes a profile. Returns false if the profile does not exist.
//! All station bindings that refer to that profile are removed.
bool removeProfile(const std::string &profile);
//! Removes a profile. Returns false if the profile does not exist.
//! All station bindings that refer to that profile are removed.
bool removeProfile(ModuleBinding *);
//! Binds a station to a profile. If the profile does not
//! exist or if the binding belongs to another module,
//! false is returned.
ModuleBinding *bind(const StationID &, const std::string &profile);
//! Binds the station to station binding. If the binding belongs
//! to another module, false is returned.
bool bind(const StationID &, ModuleBinding *binding);
//! Removes a binding for a station
bool removeStation(const StationID &);
//! Creates an empty binding based on the templateBinding.
//! Returns nullptr if no template binding is available.
ModuleBinding *createBinding() const;
//! Creates an empty profile with name.
ModuleBinding *createProfile(const std::string &name);
ModuleBinding *getProfile(const std::string &profile) const;
//! Returns a station binding if available
ModuleBinding *getBinding(const StationID &) const;
ModuleBinding *readBinding(const StationID &,
const std::string &profile = "",
bool allowConfigFileErrors = false,
ConfigDelegate *delegate = nullptr);
//! Accepts a model visitor and starts to traversing its nodes
void accept(ModelVisitor *) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void syncProfileRemoval(Binding *);
bool loadBinding(ModuleBinding &, const std::string &filename,
bool allowConfigFileErrors = false,
ConfigDelegate *delegate = nullptr) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::map<StationID, ModuleBindingPtr> BindingMap;
typedef std::set<std::string> BindingCategories;
typedef std::vector<ModuleBindingPtr> Profiles;
Model *model;
std::string keyDirectory;
std::string configFile;
SchemaModule *definition;
ModuleBindingPtr bindingTemplate;
std::vector<SectionPtr> sections;
std::vector<ParameterPtr> unknowns;
BindingMap bindings;
Profiles profiles;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Station : public Core::BaseObject {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Station() {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
bool readConfig(const char *filename);
bool writeConfig(const char *filename,
ConfigDelegate *delegate = nullptr) const;
void setConfig(const std::string &module, const std::string &profile);
//! Returns whether a tag with name has a certain value
bool compareTag(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ModuleConfig {
ModuleConfig() {}
ModuleConfig(const std::string &name, const std::string &prof = "")
: moduleName(name), profile(prof) {}
std::string moduleName;
std::string profile;
typedef std::vector<ModuleConfig> ModuleConfigs;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Tags;
ModuleConfigs config;
Tags tags;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API Model : public Core::BaseObject {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// X'truction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generators
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Creates the tree from schema definitions
bool create(SchemaDefinitions *def);
bool recreate();
bool readConfig(int updateMaxStage = Environment::CS_LAST,
ConfigDelegate *delegate = nullptr);
bool writeConfig(bool multilineLists,
int stage = Environment::CS_CONFIG_APP,
ConfigDelegate *delegate = nullptr);
bool writeConfig(Module *, const std::string &filename, int stage,
bool multilineLists,
ConfigDelegate *delegate = nullptr);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Module *module(const std::string &name) const;
/* By default the SeisComP environment paths are used. But for testing
* or alternative locations this methods can be reimplemented to
* use different directories.
virtual std::string systemConfigFilename(bool read, const std::string &name) const;
virtual std::string configFileLocation(bool read, const std::string &name, int stage) const;
virtual std::string stationConfigDir(bool read, const std::string &name = "") const;
//! Updates parameter values of a container
void update(const Module *mod, Container *container) const;
//! Updates parameter values of a binding
void updateBinding(const ModuleBinding *mod, Binding *binding) const;
//! Adds a global empty station configuration.
bool addStation(const StationID &);
//! Removes a global station configuration. The station is also
//! removed from all available modules.
bool removeStation(const StationID &);
//! Removes all global station configurations that are part of
//! the given network.
bool removeNetwork(const std::string &);
//! Removes a station binding from a module.
bool removeStationModule(const StationID &, Module *);
//! Accepts a model visitor and starts to traversing its nodes
void accept(ModelVisitor *) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private interface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Module *create(SchemaDefinitions *schema, SchemaModule *def);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
struct SymbolFileMap : std::map<std::string, SymbolMapItemPtr> {
time_t lastModified;
typedef std::map<std::string, SymbolFileMap> SymbolMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, Module*> ModMap;
typedef std::set<std::string> Categories;
typedef std::map<StationID, StationPtr> Stations;
SchemaDefinitions *schema;
std::vector<ModulePtr> modules;
Categories categories;
Stations stations;
mutable SymbolMap symbols;
ModMap modMap;
std::string keyDirOverride;
class SC_SYSTEM_CORE_API ModelVisitor {
ModelVisitor() {}
virtual ~ModelVisitor() {}
virtual bool visit(Module*) = 0;
virtual bool visit(Section*) = 0;
virtual bool visit(Group*) = 0;
virtual bool visit(Structure*) = 0;
virtual void visit(Parameter*, bool unknown = false) = 0;
friend class Container;
friend class Module;
friend class Model;
friend class Binding;