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template <typename T>
void vec2angle(const Math::Vector3<T> &v, T &strike, T &dip) {
if ( fabs(v.x) < 0.0001 && fabs(v.y) < 0.0001 ) {
strike = 0;
dip = 0;
else {
// TODO: Is this correct?
if ( v.z < 0 ) {
strike = (T)(atan2(-v.y,-v.x));
dip = (T)(acos(-v.z));
else {
strike = (T)(atan2(v.y,v.x));
dip = (T)(acos(v.z));
if ( strike < 0 ) strike += (2*M_PI);
strike = rad2deg(strike);
dip = rad2deg(HALF_PI-dip);
template <typename T>
void angle2vec(T strike, T dip, Math::Vector3<T> &v) {
T rdip = deg2rad(dip);
T rstrike = deg2rad(strike);
v.x = cos(rdip)*cos(rstrike);
v.y = cos(rdip)*sin(rstrike);
v.z = sin(rdip);
template <typename T>
bool pa2nd(const Math::Vector3<T> &t, const Math::Vector3<T> &p, Math::Vector3<T> &n, Math::Vector3<T> &d) {
n = t + p;
d = t - p;
if ( n.z > 0 ) {
n *= -1;
d *= -1;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool nd2pa(const Math::Vector3<T> &n, const Math::Vector3<T> &d, Math::Vector3<T> &t, Math::Vector3<T> &p) {
p = n - d;
if ( p.z < 0 )
p *= -1;
t = n + d;
if ( t.z < 0 )
t *= -1;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool nd2tensor(const Math::Vector3<T> &n, const Math::Vector3<T> &d, Math::Tensor2S<T> &t) {
t._11 = 2*d.x*n.x;
t._12 = d.x*n.y+d.y*n.x;
t._13 = d.x*n.z+d.z*n.x;
t._22 = 2*d.y*n.y;
t._23 = d.y*n.z+d.z*n.y;
t._33 = 2*d.z*n.z;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool np2tensor(const NODAL_PLANE &np, Math::Tensor2S<T> &t) {
Math::Vector3<T> n, d;
np2nd(np, n, d);
nd2tensor(n, d, t);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool nd2np(const Math::Vector3<T> &n, const Math::Vector3<T> &d, NODAL_PLANE &np) {
if ( fabs(n.z) == 1 ) {
np.dip = 0;
np.str = 0;
np.rake = atan2(-d.y,d.x);
else {
np.dip = acos(-n.z);
np.str = atan2(-n.x, n.y);
np.rake = atan2(-d.z/sin(np.dip),d.x*cos(np.str)+d.y*sin(np.str));
np.str = (double)fmod(np.str+(2*M_PI),(2*M_PI));
return true;
template <typename T>
bool np2nd(const NODAL_PLANE &np, Math::Vector3<T> &n, Math::Vector3<T> &d) {
T rdip = deg2rad(np.dip), rstr = deg2rad(np.str), rrake = deg2rad(np.rake);
n.x = -sin(rdip)*sin(rstr);
n.y = sin(rdip)*cos(rstr);
n.z = -cos(rdip);
d.x = cos(rrake)*cos(rstr)+cos(rdip)*sin(rrake)*sin(rstr);
d.y = cos(rrake)*sin(rstr)-cos(rdip)*sin(rrake)*cos(rstr);
d.z = -sin(rdip) *sin(rrake);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool nd2dc(const Math::Vector3<T> &n, const Math::Vector3<T> &d, NODAL_PLANE *NP1, NODAL_PLANE *NP2) {
// Compute DC from normal and slip vector
nd2np(n, d, *NP1);
Math::Vector3<T> n1(d);
Math::Vector3<T> d1(n);
// Rotate n-d system be 180 degree
if ( n1.z > 0 ) {
n1 *= -1;
d1 *= -1;
// Compute DC from normal (rotated slip) and slip (rotated normal) vector
nd2np(n1, d1, *NP2);
// Convert both nodal planes from radiant to degree
return true;
template <typename T>
void rtp2tensor(T mrr, T mtt, T mpp, T mrt, T mrp, T mtp, Math::Tensor2S<T> &tensor) {
tensor._33 = mrr;
tensor._11 = mtt;
tensor._22 = mpp;
tensor._13 = mrt;
tensor._23 = -mrp;
tensor._12 = -mtp;
template <typename T>
double spectral2clvd(const Math::Spectral2S<T> &spec) {
double mean = (spec.a1 + spec.a2 + spec.a3) / 3;
double v[3] = {fabs(spec.a1-mean), fabs(spec.a2-mean), fabs(spec.a3-mean)};
std::sort(v, v+3);
double eps = v[0] / v[2];
return 200.0*eps;
template <typename T>
void spectral2axis(const Math::Spectral2S<T> &spec,
AXIS &t, AXIS &n, AXIS &p, int expo) {
t.val = spec.a1; t.expo = expo;
n.val = spec.a2; n.expo = expo;
p.val = spec.a3; p.expo = expo;
vec2angle(spec.n1, t.str, t.dip);
vec2angle(spec.n2, n.str, n.dip);
vec2angle(spec.n3, p.str, p.dip);
template <typename T>
void axis2spectral(const AXIS &t, const AXIS &n, const AXIS &p, int expo,
Math::Spectral2S<T> &spec) {
angle2vec(t.str, t.dip, spec.n1);
angle2vec(n.str, n.dip, spec.n2);
angle2vec(p.str, p.dip, spec.n3);
spec.a1 = t.val * pow((T)10, (T)t.expo-expo);
spec.a2 = n.val * pow((T)10, (T)n.expo-expo);
spec.a3 = p.val * pow((T)10, (T)p.expo-expo);
template <typename T>
void axis2tensor(const AXIS &t, const AXIS &n, const AXIS &p, int expo,
Math::Tensor2S<T> &tensor) {
Math::Spectral2S<T> spec;
axis2spectral(t, n, p, expo, spec);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
void spectral2matrix(const Math::Spectral2S<T1> &spec, Math::Matrix3<T2> &m) {
Math::Vector3<T1> x3, x1, x2;
// Convert principle axis to tensor orientation
pa2nd(spec.n1, spec.n3, x3, x1);
// Calculate null axis
x2.cross(x3, x1);
// Slip axis
m.setColumn(0, Math::Vector3<T2>(x1.x,x1.y,x1.z));
// Dip axis
m.setColumn(1, Math::Vector3<T2>(x2.x,x2.y,x2.z));
// Fault normal
m.setColumn(2, Math::Vector3<T2>(x3.x,x3.y,x3.z));
template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool tensor2matrix(const Math::Tensor2S<T1> &t, Math::Matrix3<T2> &m) {
Math::Spectral2S<T1> spec;
if ( !spec.spect(t) ) return false;
spectral2matrix(spec, m);
return true;