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#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
#include <seiscomp/core/interfacefactory.h>
#include <seiscomp/core/baseobject.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/core/maps.h>
#include <QImage>
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace Gui {
namespace Map {
class ImageTree;
struct SC_GUI_API TileIndex {
typedef uint64_t Storage;
enum Traits {
Invalid = uint64_t(-1),
MaxLevel = 29,
LevelBits = 5,
RowBits = MaxLevel,
ColumnBits = MaxLevel
Storage id;
TileIndex(uint8_t level, uint32_t row, uint32_t column);
uint8_t level() const;
uint32_t row() const;
uint32_t column() const;
TileIndex parent() const;
bool operator==(const TileIndex &other) const;
bool operator!=(const TileIndex &other) const;
bool operator<(const TileIndex &other) const;
operator bool() const;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TileIndex &index);
class SC_GUI_API TileStore : public Core::BaseObject {
enum LoadResult {
const QSize &tileSize() const { return _tilesize; }
//! Sets the parent image tree that gets notificiations about
//! state changed, e.g. finishedLoading.
void setImageTree(ImageTree *tree);
virtual int maxLevel() const = 0;
//! Opens a tile repository and sets the desc flags accordingly
//! if necessary.
virtual bool open(MapsDesc &desc) = 0;
* @brief Load a tile for a given index.
* Loading can happen synchronously or asynchronously. The later case
* should return the status LoadResult::Deferred and an invalid
* image. If a deferred image could not be loaded by the store it
* should then call invalidate with the failed index.
* @param img The image to be populated.
* @param tile The tile index
* @return Success flag.
virtual LoadResult load(QImage &img, const TileIndex &tile) = 0;
//! Return a unique ID for a node
virtual QString getID(const TileIndex &tile) const = 0;
//! Validate the existance of a tile
virtual bool validate(int level, int column, int row) const = 0;
virtual bool hasPendingRequests() const = 0;
//! Refresh the image store, e.g. invalidate its cache
virtual void refresh() = 0;
//! Async notification that a tile has been loaded.
void finishedLoading(QImage &img, const TileIndex &tile);
//! Async notification that a tile has been loaded.
void loadingComplete(QImage &img, TileIndex tile);
//! Async notification that loading a tile has been aborted
void loadingCancelled(TileIndex tile);
//! Invalidates the tile of a particular node
void invalidate(const TileIndex &tile);
ImageTree *_tree;
QSize _tilesize;
Seiscomp::Core::Generic::InterfaceFactory<Seiscomp::Gui::Map::TileStore, Class> __##Class##InterfaceFactory__(Service)
class SC_GUI_API ImageTree : public QObject, public Core::BaseObject {
ImageTree(const MapsDesc &desc);
bool valid() const { return _store.get(); }
//! This function was introduced in API 1.1
bool hasPendingRequests() const { return _store && _store->hasPendingRequests(); }
//! Returns the currently attached cache instance.
//! If no cache is yet attached a new cache is
//! created and stored in the object.
TextureCache *getCache();
//! Empties the texture cache and tells the store to do a refresh
//! as well.
//! This function was introduced in API 1.1.
void refresh();
void finishedLoading(QImage &img, const TileIndex &tile);
void loadingComplete(QImage &img, TileIndex tile);
void loadingCancelled(TileIndex tile);
void invalidate(const TileIndex &tile);
void tilesUpdated();
//! Emitted when all tiles are loaded and no asynchronous requests
//! are still pending.
//! This signal was introduced in API 1.1.
void tilesComplete();
TextureCachePtr _cache;
TileStorePtr _store;
bool _isMercatorProjected;
size_t _cacheSize;
friend class TileStore;
inline TileIndex::TileIndex() : id(Invalid) {}
inline TileIndex::TileIndex(uint8_t level, uint32_t row, uint32_t column) {
id = ((Storage(level) & ((1 << LevelBits) - 1)) << (RowBits + ColumnBits)) |
((Storage(row) & ((1 << RowBits) - 1)) << ColumnBits) |
(Storage(column) & ((1 << ColumnBits) - 1));
inline uint8_t TileIndex::level() const {
return (id >> (RowBits + ColumnBits)) & ((1 << LevelBits) - 1);
inline uint32_t TileIndex::row() const {
return (id >> ColumnBits) & ((1 << RowBits) - 1);
inline uint32_t TileIndex::column() const {
return id & ((1 << ColumnBits) - 1);
inline TileIndex TileIndex::parent() const {
auto l = level();
return l ? TileIndex(l-1, row() >> 1, column() >> 1) : TileIndex();
inline bool TileIndex::operator==(const TileIndex &other) const {
return id ==;
inline bool TileIndex::operator!=(const TileIndex &other) const {
return id !=;
inline bool TileIndex::operator<(const TileIndex &other) const {
return id <;
inline TileIndex::operator bool() const {
return id != Invalid;
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TileIndex &index) {
os << static_cast<int>(index.level()) << "/" << index.row() << "/" << index.column();
return os;