You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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17 KiB

* Copyright (C) gempa GmbH *
* All rights reserved. *
* Contact: gempa GmbH ( *
* *
* GNU Affero General Public License Usage *
* This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation *
* and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this *
* file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Affero *
* Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: *
* *
* *
* Other Usage *
* Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and *
* conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and *
* gempa GmbH. *
#include <seiscomp/gui/core/diagramwidget.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/datamodel/originlocatormap.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/datamodel/pickerview.h>
#include <seiscomp/gui/map/mapwidget.h>
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/databasequery.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/pick.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/amplitude.h>
#include <seiscomp/datamodel/origin.h>
#include <seiscomp/seismology/locatorinterface.h>
#include <seiscomp/core/baseobject.h>
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
#include <set>
// Ui forward declarations
class QTreeWidgetItem;
namespace Ui {
class OriginLocatorView;
class FilterSettings;
namespace Seiscomp {
namespace DataModel {
namespace Gui {
class PickerView;
class RecordStreamThread;
class SC_GUI_API ArrivalModel : public QAbstractTableModel {
struct Filter {
virtual ~Filter() {}
virtual bool accepts(int row, int idx, DataModel::Arrival *) const = 0;
ArrivalModel(DataModel::Origin* origin = nullptr, QObject *parent = 0);
void setDisabledForeground(QColor c) { _disabledForeground = c; }
void setOrigin(DataModel::Origin* origin);
void setRowColor(int row, const QColor&);
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value,
int role = Qt::EditRole);
void setRowEnabled(int row, bool enabled);
bool isRowEnabled(int row) const;
void setTakeOffAngle(int row, const QVariant &val);
bool useNoArrivals() const;
bool useArrival(int row) const;
void setUseArrival(int row, DataModel::Arrival *arrival);
bool backazimuthUsed(int row) const;
void setBackazimuthUsed(int row, bool enabled);
bool horizontalSlownessUsed(int row) const;
void setHorizontalSlownessUsed(int row, bool enabled);
bool timeUsed(int row) const;
void setTimeUsed(int row, bool enabled);
DataModel::Origin *_origin;
QVector<int> _used;
QVector<int> _hoverState;
QVector<QVariant> _takeOffs;
QVector<bool> _enableState;
QVector<QVariant> _backgroundColors;
QColor _disabledForeground;
QStringList _header;
std::string _pickTimeFormat;
class SC_GUI_API ArrivalDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate {
ArrivalDelegate(QWidget *parent = 0);
void paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
const QModelIndex & index) const;
bool editorEvent(QEvent *event, QAbstractItemModel *model,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index);
QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index) const;
public slots:
bool helpEvent(QHelpEvent *event, QAbstractItemView *view,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index);
int _flags[3];
QString _labels[3];
int _margin;
int _spacing;
int _statusRectWidth;
mutable int _labelWidth;
class SC_GUI_API DiagramFilterSettingsDialog : public QDialog {
struct Filter {
virtual ~Filter() {};
virtual bool accepts(DiagramWidget *w, int id) = 0;
DiagramFilterSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
Filter *createFilter() const;
private slots:
void filterChanged(int);
::Ui::FilterSettings *_ui;
class SC_GUI_API OriginLocatorPlot : public DiagramWidget {
OriginLocatorPlot(QWidget *parent = 0);
void focalMechanismCommitted(bool withMT = false,
QPoint pos = QPoint(0, 0));
protected slots:
virtual void linkClicked();
virtual void commitButtonClicked(bool);
virtual void commitWithMTTriggered(bool);
class SC_GUI_API OriginLocatorView : public QWidget {
struct SC_GUI_API Config {
double reductionVelocityP;
bool drawMapLines;
bool drawGridLines;
bool computeMissingTakeOffAngles;
double defaultEventRadius;
typedef std::vector<DataModel::PickPtr> PickList;
typedef std::set<std::pair<DataModel::PickPtr, bool> > PickSet;
typedef std::set<std::pair<DataModel::AmplitudePtr, bool> > AmplitudeSet;
typedef std::set<std::string> StringSet;
typedef std::map<std::string, DataModel::PickPtr> PickMap;
OriginLocatorView(const MapsDesc &maps,
const PickerView::Config &pickerConfig,
QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0);
OriginLocatorView(Map::ImageTree* mapTree,
const PickerView::Config &pickerConfig,
QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0);
void waveformsRequested();
void eventListRequested();
void locatorRequested();
void computeMagnitudesRequested();
void baseEventSet();
void baseEventRejected();
//! When a new origin has been set inside the view this signal
//! is emitted. The bool flag signal whether a new origin has been
//! created or not
void newOriginSet(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin *newOrigin,
Seiscomp::DataModel::Event *event, bool localOrigin,
bool relocated);
void updatedOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin* origin);
void committedOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin* origin,
Seiscomp::DataModel::Event* baseEvent,
const Seiscomp::Gui::ObjectChangeList<Seiscomp::DataModel::Pick>& changedPicks,
const std::vector<Seiscomp::DataModel::AmplitudePtr>& newAmplitudes);
void committedFocalMechanism(Seiscomp::DataModel::FocalMechanism *fm,
Seiscomp::DataModel::Event *event,
Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin *origin);
void artificalOriginCreated(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*);
void magnitudesAdded(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*, Seiscomp::DataModel::Event*);
void undoStateChanged(bool undoState);
void redoStateChanged(bool undoState);
void requestRaise();
public slots:
void clear();
void addObject(const QString& parentID, Seiscomp::DataModel::Object*);
void updateObject(const QString& parentID, Seiscomp::DataModel::Object*);
bool setOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*, Seiscomp::DataModel::Event*, bool = false);
void addPick(Seiscomp::DataModel::Pick*);
void setStationEnabled(const std::string& networkCode,
const std::string& stationCode,
bool state);
void setMagnitudeCalculationEnabled(bool);
void computeMagnitudes();
void magnitudeRemoved(const QString &, Seiscomp::DataModel::Object*);
void magnitudeSelected(const QString &, Seiscomp::DataModel::Magnitude*);
void mergeOrigins(QList<Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*>);
void setLocalAmplitudes(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*, AmplitudeSet*, StringSet*);
void drawStations(bool);
void drawStationAnnotations(bool);
bool undo();
bool redo();
void createArtificialOrigin();
void createArtificialOrigin(const QPointF &epicenter,
const QPoint &dialogPos);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scripts
void setScript0(const std::string&);
void setScript1(const std::string&);
// Configuration
void setConfig(const Config&);
const Config &config() const;
* @brief Adds a pick to the internal pick list which will be
* sent along with the origin at commit.
* @param pick The pick to be managed with a smart pointer.
void addLocalPick(Seiscomp::DataModel::Pick *pick);
// Manual picker configuration
void setPickerConfig(const PickerView::Config&);
const PickerView::Config& pickerConfig() const;
// Misc
void setDatabase(Seiscomp::DataModel::DatabaseQuery*);
void setPickerView(PickerView*);
OriginLocatorMap* map() const;
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
private slots:
void editComment();
void setOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*);
void setCreatedOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*);
void hoverArrival(int);
void selectArrival(int);
void selectStation(const std::string &, const std::string &);
void residualsSelected();
void adjustResidualsRect(QRectF&);
void selectRow(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&);
void plotTabChanged(int);
void zoomMap();
void mapKeyPressed(QKeyEvent*);
void objectDestroyed(QObject*);
void importArrivals();
void showWaveforms();
void relocate();
void commit(bool associate = true, bool ignoreDefaultEventType = false);
void customCommit();
void commitFocalMechanism(bool withMT = false, QPoint pos = QPoint(0, 0));
void commitWithOptions();
void tableArrivalsContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos);
void tableArrivalsHeaderContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos);
void dataChanged(const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight);
void changeArrival(int,bool);
void changeArrivalEnableState(int,bool);
void artificialOriginRequested(double lat, double lon, double depth, Seiscomp::Core::Time time);
void updateBlinkState();
void locatorProfileChanged(const QString &text);
void locatorChanged(const QString &text);
void configureLocator();
void changePlotFilter();
void runScript0();
void runScript1();
void evalResultAvailable(const QString &originID,
const QString &className,
const QString &script,
const QString &result);
void evalResultError(const QString &originID,
const QString &className,
const QString &script,
int error);
void evaluateOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin *org,
Seiscomp::DataModel::Event *event,
bool localOrigin, bool relocated);
struct PhasePickWithFlags {
DataModel::PickPtr pick;
std::string phase;
int flags;
void init();
void createArtificialOrigin(const QPointF &epicenter,
double depth,
Seiscomp::Core::Time time,
const QPoint &dialogPos);
void updateOrigin(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*);
void updateContent();
void addArrival(int idx, DataModel::Arrival* arrival, const Core::Time &, const QColor&);
void readPicks(Seiscomp::DataModel::Origin*);
bool merge(void *sourcePhases, void *targetPhases, bool checkDuplicates,
bool associateOnly, bool failOnNoNewPhases);
void relocate(std::vector<PhasePickWithFlags>* additionalPicks,
bool associateOnly = false,
bool replaceExistingPhases = false);
void relocate(DataModel::Origin *org,
std::vector<PhasePickWithFlags>* additionalPicks,
bool associateOnly = false,
bool replaceExistingPhases = false,
bool useArrivalTable = true);
void applyNewOrigin(DataModel::Origin *org, bool relocated);
void pushUndo();
void startBlinking(QColor, QWidget *);
void stopBlinking();
void runScript(const QString &script, const QString &name);
void selectArrivals(const ArrivalModel::Filter *f);
void selectArrivals(const ArrivalModel::Filter &f);
void setPlotFilter(DiagramFilterSettingsDialog::Filter *f);
void applyPlotFilter();
bool sendJournal(const std::string &objectID,
const std::string &action,
const std::string &params);
DataModel::Notifier *
createJournal(const std::string &objectID, const std::string &action,
const std::string &params);
void setBaseEvent(DataModel::Event *e);
void resetCustomLabels();
void deleteSelectedArrivals();
void activateSelectedArrivals(Seiscomp::Seismology::LocatorInterface::Flags flags,
bool activate);
void renameArrivals();
void commitWithOptions(const void *options);
typedef QPair<QLabel*,QLabel*> ScriptLabel;
typedef QHash<QString, ScriptLabel> ScriptLabelMap;
struct OriginMemento {
OriginMemento() {}
OriginMemento(DataModel::Origin* o)
: origin(o) {}
OriginMemento(DataModel::Origin* o, const PickSet &ps,
const AmplitudeSet &as, bool newOne)
: origin(o), newPicks(ps), newAmplitudes(as), newOrigin(newOne) {}
DataModel::OriginPtr origin;
PickSet newPicks;
AmplitudeSet newAmplitudes;
bool newOrigin;
Seiscomp::DataModel::DatabaseQuery *_reader;
Map::ImageTreePtr _maptree;
::Ui::OriginLocatorView *_ui;
QTabBar *_plotTab;
OriginLocatorMap *_map;
OriginLocatorMap *_toolMap;
PickerView *_recordView;
DiagramWidget *_residuals;
ArrivalModel _modelArrivals;
QSortFilterProxyModel *_modelArrivalsProxy;
DataModel::EventPtr _baseEvent;
DataModel::OriginPtr _currentOrigin;
DataModel::OriginPtr _baseOrigin;
DataModel::EvaluationStatus _newOriginStatus;
std::string _preferredFocMech;
bool _localOrigin;
OPT(DataModel::EventType) _defaultEventType;
QStack<OriginMemento> _undoList;
QStack<OriginMemento> _redoList;
QTreeWidgetItem *_unassociatedEventItem;
PickMap _associatedPicks;
PickList _originPicks;
PickSet _changedPicks;
AmplitudeSet _changedAmplitudes;
double _minimumDepth;
Seismology::LocatorInterfacePtr _locator;
std::string _defaultEarthModel;
TravelTimeTable _ttTable;
ScriptLabelMap _scriptLabelMap;
bool _blockReadPicks;
// Manual picker configuration attributes
Config _config;
PickerView::Config _pickerConfig;
std::string _script0;
std::string _script1;
std::string _displayCommentID;
std::string _displayCommentDefault;
bool _displayComment;
int _blinkCounter;
char _blinker;
QColor _blinkColor;
QWidget *_blinkWidget;
QTimer _blinkTimer;
QMenu *_commitMenu;
QAction *_actionCommitOptions;
DiagramFilterSettingsDialog *_plotFilterSettings;
DiagramFilterSettingsDialog::Filter *_plotFilter;