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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plugin name="MLc">
Custom magnitude for local events measured on horizontal components
Custom magnitude for local events measured on horizontal components
<group name="magnitudes">
<group name="MLc">
Regionalized calibration parameters for MLc. The region itself is defined
by another magnitude-type MLc profile.
<group name="region">
Add one profile for every region. The profile name
equals the name of a polygon configured in the BNA file
of the Magnitude-type profile. The Magnitude-type profile
and the polygon must exist.
The special name &quot;world&quot; corresponds to the
region of the entire planet as a fallback.
<struct type="MLc region profile">
<group name="A0">
Parameters for A0, non-parametric magnitude calibration.
<parameter name="logA0" type="string">
Overrides the calibration function log10(A0)
for computing MLc per region. See logA0
description in the bindings.
<group name="parametric">
Parameters for parametric magnitude calibration:
MLc = log10(A) + c3 * log10(r/c5) + c2 * (r + c4) + c1 + c0(station)
<parameter name="c0" type="double">
Overrides the calibration parameter c0
for computing MLc per region. See c0
description in the bindings.
<parameter name="c1" type="double">
Overrides the calibration parameter c1
for computing MLc per region. See c1
description in the bindings.
<parameter name="c2" type="double">
Overrides the calibration parameter c2
for computing MLc per region. See c2
description in the bindings.
<parameter name="c3" type="double">
Overrides the calibration parameter c3
for computing MLc per region. See c3
description in the bindings.
<parameter name="c4" type="double">
Overrides the calibration parameter c4
for computing MLc per region. See c4
description in the bindings.
<parameter name="c5" type="double">
Overrides the calibration parameter c5
for computing MLc per region. See c5
description in the bindings.
<binding name="MLc" module="global">
Custom magnitude for local events measured on horizontal components
<group name="amplitudes">
<group name="MLc">
Parameters for measuring MLc amplitudes. Add more parameters
by adding an amplitude type profile 'MLc',
<parameter name="preFilter" type="string" default="BW(3,0.5,12)">
The filter applied to raw records before applying
Wood-Anderson simulation.
<parameter name="applyWoodAnderson" type="boolean" default="true">
Applying Wood-Anderson simulation. To achieve displacement
records without WA simulation, an integration filter can
be applied with the pre-filter.
<parameter name="amplitudeScale" type="string" default="1.0">
Scaling value multiplied to the measured amplitudes to
match the amplitude units expected by the magnitude
calibration function.
Expected amplitudes are
in units of mym but actual amplitudes provided from
Wood-Anderson-corrected seismograms are in units of mm:
amplitudeScale = 1000.
If data are not corrected for WA, measured amplitudes
take the unit of gain-corrected data considering the
amplitudeScale converts between units of measured and
excpected amplitude.
<parameter name="measureType" type="string" default="AbsMax">
Type for measuring amplitudes. Available:
AbsMax: absolute maximum
MinMax: half difference between absolute maximum and minimum
PeakTrough: half difference between maximum and minimum
on a half cycle
<parameter name="combiner" type="string" default="max">
Define how to combine the amplitudes measured on both
horizontals components:
min: take the minimum
max: take the maxium
avgerage: form the average
geometric_mean: form the geometric mean
<group name="magnitudes">
<group name="MLc">
Parameters for computing MLc magnitudes from MLc amplitudes.
<parameter name="distMode" type="string" default="hypocentral">
Considered distance measure between source and receiver.
Possible values are
hypocentral: hypocentral distance
epicentral: epicentral
<parameter name="minDist" type="double" default="-1.0" unit="deg">
The minimum distance for computing magnitudes from amplitudes.
Negative values deactivate the check.
<parameter name="maxDist" type="double" default="8" unit="deg">
The maximum distance for computing magnitudes from amplitudes.
Negative values deactivate the check.
<parameter name="maxDepth" type="double" default="80" unit="km">
The maximum depth up to which magnitudes are computed.
<parameter name="calibrationType" type="string" default="&quot;parametric&quot;" unit="">
Type of magnitude calibration formula to be considered.
The calibration parameters are considered accordingly.
Currently supported are
&quot;parametric&quot;: consider parameters of parametric
configuration in parametric section
&quot;A0&quot;: consider parameters of non-parametric
configuration in A0 section.
<group name="A0">
Parameters for A0, non-parametric magnitude calibration.
Considered if magnitude.MLc.calibrationType = "A0".
<parameter name="logA0" type="string" default="0:-1.3,60:-2.8,100:-3.0,400:-4.5,1000:-5.85">
The non-parametric calibration function log10(A0).
Format: any list of distance-value pairs separated by
comma. Values within pairs are separated by colon.
Example: &quot;0:-1.3,60:-2.8,100:-3.0,400:-4.5,1000:-5.85&quot;
specifies 4 distance intervals from
0...60, 60...100, 100...400 and 400...1000 km distance.
Within these intervals log10(A0) is interpolated linearly
between -1.3...-2.8, -2.8...-3.0, -3.0...-4.5 and -4.5...-5.8,
Note: The first and last distance samples limit the
maximum distance range for computing MLv.
<group name="parametric">
Parameters for parametric magnitude calibration:
MLc = log10(A) + c3 * log10(r/c5) + c2 * (r + c4) + c1 + c0(station)
Considered if magnitude.MLc.calibrationType = "parametric".
<parameter name="c0" type="double" default="0.0">
Station correction. This is the calibration value 'c0'
applied in the magnitude calibration formula
MLc = c0(station) + c1 + c2 * (r + c4) + c3 * log(r/c5) + log10(A)
<parameter name="c1" type="double" default="0.69">
The calibration value 'c1' applied in the magnitude
calibration formula
MLc = c0(station) + c1 + c2 * (r + c4) + c3 * log(r/c5) + log10(A)
<parameter name="c2" type="double" default="0.00095">
The calibration value 'c2' applied in the
magnitude calibration formula
MLc = c0(station) + c1 + c2 * (r + c4) + c3 * log(r/c5) + log10(A)
<parameter name="c3" type="double" default="1.11">
The calibration value 'c3' applied in the
magnitude calibration formula
MLc = c0(station) + c1 + c2 * (r + c4) + c3 * log(r/c5) + log10(A)
<parameter name="c4" type="double" default="0.0">
The calibration value 'c4' applied in the
magnitude calibration formula
MLc = c0(station) + c1 + c2 * (r + c4) + c3 * log(r/c5) + log10(A)
<parameter name="c5" type="double" default="1.0">
The calibration value 'c4' applied in the
magnitude calibration formula
MLc = c0(station) + c1 + c2 * (r + c4) + c3 * log(r/c5) + log10(A)