You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Defines the primary group of a module. This is the name of the group where a
# module sends its messages to if the target group is not explicitely given in
# the send call.
connection.primaryGroup = GUI
# Defines a list of message groups to subscribe to. The default is usually
# given by the application and does not need to be changed.
connection.subscriptions = PICK, EVENT, LOCATION, GUI, CONFIG
# If greater than 0 then all traces for which the data latency is higher than
# this value are hidden.
maxDelay = 0
# If enabled then all traces are sorted by distance when a new origin arrives.
resortAutomatically = true
# If enabled, picks are shown.
showPicks = true
# Defines the filter to be used when filtering is activated. This is only being
# used if filters is not set otherwise it is overridden. This option is mainly
# for backward compatibility.
filter = "RMHP(2)>>ITAPER(5)>>BW(3, 0.5, 8.0)"
# Activates the first filter of the configured filter list after startup. This
# is equivalent to pressing 'f'.
autoApplyFilter = false
# Defines the buffer size in seconds of the ring bu of each trace.
bufferSize = 1800
# If set to true all traces will be visible on application startup independent
# of data availability.
allTracesInitiallyVisible = false
# Time span in seconds to switch back to the last view after an origin caused
# resorting. The default is 15min.
autoResetDelay = 900
# Defines a list of channels codes to be displayed. List items may contain
# wildcards at any position and are separated by comma. The list is intersected
# with all channels configured in inventory.
# Examples:
# default : display all streams configured by global bindings
# default, PF.BON.00.HH? : display default and all HH streams of PF.BON.00 = default
# Latitude of the initial location for sorting traces.
streams.sort.latitude = 0.0
# Longitude of the initial location for sorting traces.
streams.sort.longitude = 0.0
# The sort mode applied initially
streams.sort.mode = distance
# Minimum longitude.
streams.region.lonmin = -180.0
# Maximum longitude.
streams.region.lonmax = 180.0
# Minimum latitude.
streams.region.latmin = -90.0
# Maximum latitude.
streams.region.latmax = 90.0