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# Messaging subscriptions
# Load initially events of 1 day from
# database
loadEventDB = 1.0
# Define favourite pick phases
# These phases go into the "Picking" menu as
# top-level items
picker.phases.favourites = P, Pn, Pg, pP, S, Sg, sP
# Defines the phases (additionally to the pick phases)
# for which theoretical arrival times are computed and
# which are plotted into the trace
picker.showPhases = P, Pn, Pg, pP, sP, S, Sg
# When loading the traces of an event (origin) are
# all picks (not only the associated ones) going to be
# loaded within that timewindow from the database
picker.loadAllPicks = false
# Load all components (Z,N,E) when opening the picker
# per default
picker.loadAllComponents = false
# Magnitudes to compute manually by default
magnitudes = MLv, mb, mB, Mwp
# A list of magnitude types to be displayed in the summary widget (F8).
visibleMagnitudes = M, ML, MLv, mb, mB, Mwp, Mjma, Ms_20, Ms(BB)
# Default visible column set of arrival table. The
# order of the table columns is fixed and will not
# reflect the order given here.
# Possible values are:
# * Used
# * Status
# * Phase
# * Weight
# * Method
# * Polarity
# * Net
# * Sta
# * Loc/Cha
# * Timeres
# * Dis
# * Az
# * Time
# * +/-
# * Slo
# * Slores
# * Baz
# * Bazres
# * Created
# * Latency
olv.arrivalTable.visibleColumns = Used, Status, Phase, Net, Sta, Loc/Cha, Timeres, Dis, Az, Time, +/-
# enable/disable advanced options (magnitude parameters) for artificial
# origin creations
olv.artificialOriginAdvanced = false
# If a locator does not populate the take off angle in its arrivals
# the first motion plot will not show picked polarities. This option
# defines whether to compute take off angles that are not present
# in the arrivals or not.
olv.computeMissingTakeOffAngles = true
olv.systemTray = true