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281 lines
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2 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env seiscomp-python
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
import os
import time
import datetime
import calendar
import stat
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
from seiscomp import mseedlite as mseed
def read_mseed_with_delays(delaydict, reciterable):
Create an iterator which takes into account configurable realistic delays.
This function creates an iterator which returns one miniseed record at a time.
Artificial delays can be introduced by using delaydict.
This function can be used to make simulations in real time more realistic
when e.g. some stations have a much higher delay than others due to
narrow bandwidth communication channels etc.
A delaydict has the following data structure:
keys: XX.ABC (XX: network code, ABC: station code). The key "default" is
a special value for the default delay.
values: Delay to be introduced in seconds
This function will rearrange the iterable object which has been used as
input for rt_simul() so that it can again be used by rt_simul but taking
artificial delays into account.
import heapq #pylint: disable=C0415
heap = []
min_delay = 0
default_delay = 0
if 'default' in delaydict:
default_delay = delaydict['default']
for rec in reciterable:
rec_time = calendar.timegm(rec.end_time.timetuple())
delay_time = rec_time
stationname = "%s.%s" % (, rec.sta)
if stationname in delaydict:
delay_time = rec_time + delaydict[stationname]
delay_time = rec_time + default_delay
heapq.heappush(heap, (delay_time, rec))
toprectime = heap[0][0]
if toprectime - min_delay < rec_time:
topelement = heapq.heappop(heap)
yield topelement
while heap:
topelement = heapq.heappop(heap)
yield topelement
def rt_simul(f, speed=1., jump=0., delaydict=None):
Iterator to simulate "real-time" MSeed input
At startup, the first MSeed record is read. The following records are
read in pseudo-real-time relative to the time of the first record,
resulting in data flowing at realistic speed. This is useful e.g. for
demonstrating real-time processing using real data of past events.
The data in the input file may be multiplexed, but *must* be sorted by
time, e.g. using 'mssort'.
rtime = time.time()
etime = None
skipping = True
record_iterable = mseed.Input(f)
if delaydict:
record_iterable = read_mseed_with_delays(delaydict, record_iterable)
for rec in record_iterable:
if delaydict:
rec_time = rec[0]
rec = rec[1]
rec_time = calendar.timegm(rec.end_time.timetuple())
if etime is None:
etime = rec_time
if skipping:
if (rec_time - etime) / 60.0 < jump:
etime = rec_time
skipping = False
tmax = etime + speed * (time.time() - rtime)
ms = 1000000.0 * (rec.nsamp / rec.fsamp)
last_sample_time = rec.begin_time + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=ms)
last_sample_time = calendar.timegm(last_sample_time.timetuple())
if last_sample_time > tmax:
time.sleep((last_sample_time - tmax + 0.001) / speed)
yield rec
def usage():
msrtsimul [options] file
MiniSEED real time playback and simulation
msrtsimul reads sorted (and possibly multiplexed) MiniSEED files and writes
individual records in pseudo-real-time. This is useful e.g. for testing and
simulating data acquisition. Output is
$SEISCOMP_ROOT/var/run/seedlink/mseedfifo unless --seedlink or -c is used.
-c, --stdout write on standard output
-d, --delays add artificial delays
-s, --speed speed factor (float)
-j, --jump minutes to skip (float)
--test test mode
-m --mode choose between 'realtime' and 'historic'
--seedlink choose the seedlink module name. Useful if a seedlink
alias or non-standard names are used. Replaces 'seedlink'
in the standard mseedfifo path.
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-h, --help display this help message
Play back miniSEED waveforms in real time with verbose output
msrtsimul -v miniSEED-file
def main():
py2 = sys.version_info < (3,)
ifile = sys.stdin if py2 else sys.stdin.buffer
verbosity = 0
speed = 1.
jump = 0.
test = False
seedlink = 'seedlink'
mode = 'realtime'
setSystemTime = False
opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "cd:s:j:vhm:",
["stdout", "delays=", "speed=", "jump=", "test",
"verbose", "help", "mode=", "seedlink="])
except GetoptError:
return 1
out_channel = None
delays = None
for flag, arg in opts:
if flag in ("-c", "--stdout"):
out_channel = sys.stdout if py2 else sys.stdout.buffer
elif flag in ("-d", "--delays"):
delays = arg
elif flag in ("-s", "--speed"):
speed = float(arg)
elif flag in ("-j", "--jump"):
jump = float(arg)
elif flag in ("-m", "--mode"):
mode = arg
elif flag == "--seedlink":
seedlink = arg
elif flag in ("-v", "--verbose"):
verbosity += 1
elif flag == "--test":
test = True
if flag in ("-h", "--help"):
return 0
return 1
if len(args) == 1:
if args[0] != "-":
ifile = open(args[0], "rb")
except IOError as e:
print("could not open input file '{}' for reading: {}" \
.format(args[0], e), file=sys.stderr)
elif len(args) != 0:
return 1
if out_channel is None:
sc_root = os.environ["SEISCOMP_ROOT"]
except KeyError:
print("SEISCOMP_ROOT environment variable is not set", file=sys.stderr)
mseed_fifo = os.path.join(sc_root, "var", "run", seedlink, "mseedfifo")
if verbosity:
print("output data to %s" % mseed_fifo, file=sys.stderr)
if not os.path.exists(mseed_fifo):
ERROR: {} does not exist.
In order to push the records to SeedLink, it needs to run and must be configured for real-time playback.
""".format(mseed_fifo), file=sys.stderr)
if not stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(mseed_fifo).st_mode):
ERROR: {} is not a named pipe
Check if SeedLink is running and configured for real-time playback.
""".format(mseed_fifo), file=sys.stderr)
out_channel = open(mseed_fifo, "wb")
except Exception as e:
print(str(e), file=sys.stderr)
delaydict = None
if delays:
delaydict = dict()
f = open(delays, 'r')
for line in f:
content = line.split(':')
if len(content) != 2:
raise Exception("Could not parse a line in file %s: %s\n" % (delays, line))
delaydict[content[0].strip()] = float(content[1].strip())
except Exception as e:
print("Error reading delay file {}: {}".format(delays, e),
inp = rt_simul(ifile, speed=speed, jump=jump, delaydict=delaydict)
stime = time.time()
time_diff = None
print("Starting msrtsimul at {}".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), file=sys.stderr)
for rec in inp:
if rec.size != 512:
print("Skipping record of {}.{}.{}.{} starting on {}: length != 512 Bytes: ".format(, rec.sta, rec.loc, rec.cha, str(rec.begin_time)), file=sys.stderr)
if time_diff is None:
ms = 1000000.0 * (rec.nsamp / rec.fsamp)
time_diff = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - rec.begin_time - \
if mode == 'realtime':
rec.begin_time += time_diff
if verbosity:
print("%s_%s %7.2f %s %7.2f" % \
(, rec.sta, (time.time() - stime), str(rec.begin_time),
time.time() - calendar.timegm(rec.begin_time.timetuple())),
if not test:
rec.write(out_channel, 9)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
print("Exception: {}".format(str(e)), file=sys.stderr)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":